Monday, December 29, 2003

Jackson: I'm Not Jacko the Ripper!
Michael Jackson insists he shouldn't be vilified for his sleepovers with children - because he isn't a murderer or a sex fiend. In his first TV interview since his arrest and subsequent charges of child molestation, the pop superstar tells American journalist Ed Bradley he'll never stop sleeping with kids because he isn't doing anything wrong. Jackson sat for a chat with Bradley on Christmas Day for Sunday's 60 Minutes, and used the short interview to deny all nine charges stacked up against him. He tells Bradley, "If it was Jack The Ripper; if it was about murder or sex, it (sleeping with kids) would be wrong. But it's not like that, so it's alright." Bradley admits Jacko appeared to be in pain throughout the interview and told the journalist the charges against him stem solely from "money and greed". Jackson is due to be arraigned next month.

Miracles in Iran Quake Rubble

Nation of Islam Courting Jackson
theyre kidding right? thats crap too. "having michael jackosn would be like scientology having tom cruise, full on advertising." since when did islam need advertising/press?

The Marie Antoinette Common Touch Award:
Catherine Zeta-Jones, testifying in the lawsuit she and hubby Michael Douglas filed against Hello, said “One million pounds is a lot of money maybe to people in this room, but not us."


for more: The Scoopie Awards

im going to jersey tomorro!

changed livejournal layout to this lovely blue and gray thing. anyhoo.
i had a weird dream last night that fatima, haifa, necla, and i were at a blink concert on a bridge suspended mid air in some bog. we left early because we had an acceptance concert next, and climbed down the ladder to some little village in some desert town. while sneaking thru a small house, we bumped into ibrahim and his kid (?) and he began talking to us about his whores. we left, weirded out, and for some reason had to run for our lives down this black tunnel and finally we got to the acceptance concert, and jason escorted us in cuz we were on the guestlist. i wish!
and the night before i dreamed that anderson cooper my CNN love convinced me to interview jamison parker and i freaked out and ran away cuz i couldnt come up with any questions and jp hunted me down and made me interview them.
i spend way too much time listening to music on my computer.


ok i got that put in. anyway. haha im so anti-social in livejournal. people are like 'oh! add me!' and i just cant be bothered to. i would, but i always forget to. yea. anyway. i went to urban outfitters cuz i was in that area, and i found the funniest shirt ever. it was a guys shirt, but i wanted it anyway. it was like a canadian flag and said 'what aboot it?'. it was great. and i was contemplating getting a 'seattle superstars' shirt for like ryan and jason and people. it was $28 i had like $20, so i didnt get it. my hands smell soo good. actually, i smell so good cuz i was at bath and bodyworks and did much sampling.

there are lovely pictures of the sounds in the new rolling stone and i think im going to get it and gaze at it. ooog.

on another note, im bored shitless alot. and its really annoying. one second i have something to do, the next second, im sitting there hoping someone will save me from this boredom.

i hate my dad. he sucks. he has mood swings every other minute and usually theyre negative mood swings so it goes from asshole to the super asshole. fuck him. my mom got a bit mad at me cuz she asked "what time is dad coming home?" and i said "do i care?" and i kinda hope he starts sneezing like mad cuz of all the bath and body works stuff i put on, cuz hes being stupid.

katie, caroline, my brother, mom, and katie and carolines dad went bowling today, and i woke up 20 minutes before they came over. bowling was alot of fun and i got lik seven or so spares and two strikes. yay! the guy next to us kept checking out caroline and katie, and it was really obvious. at one point he started talking to Caroline about his bowling but she couldnt hear him and just nodded as katie and i cracked up. and wen he left, he did some exaggerated jump off the steps and his head immediately turned to see their expressions. lol so funny. then we went to venerios and loaded up on fruit tarts with BAVARIAN CREAM (yum)...and such....went home and hung out before they left for delaware. now im going to barnes and nobles. so bored now. thank goodness

1)Using band names, spell out your name:
New Found Glory
Never Heard Of It
Early November (Does the 'The' count?)

2) Have you ever had a song written about you?:
not that i know of, no

3) What song makes you cry?:
Eve6 - Here's to the Night
SoCo- Konstantine...Globes&Maps and As You Sleep too, but not really cry just get mopey
JamisonParker- Dead to the World's concept is depressing, but the song is really good.

4) What song makes you happy?
Fall Out Boy- Chicago is so Two Years Ago
Teen Idols- Turning the Tide
The AllAmericanRejects- Swing, Swing

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
SoCo... and that all i can think of now cuz thats wat playing

a p p e a r a n c e
HEIGHT: 5'4"ish
HAIR COLOR: black.
SKIN COLOR: im like a light tannish yellow....
EYE COLOR: black
PIERCINGS: not yet
TATTOOS: not yet.

r i g h t n o w
WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: strawberry starburst
WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE?: cold as shit
HOW ARE YOU?: frustrated

d o y o u
GET MOTION SICKNESS?: only if i read and am sitting up in a car, or whoever is sitting next to me has shit breath and keeps talking to me.
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: lazy, apathetic, stubborn
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: most of the time

f a v o r i t e s
TV SHOW: alias. smallville makes me laugh. u kno wats actually a very funny show? the fairly odd parents.
CONDITIONER: herbal essences
BOOK: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: hot chocolate, sprite, frapps
ALCOHOLIC DRINK: dont have one. not now anyway.
BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER: Fall Out Boy. Acceptance. JasonVena. etc. i love how i just put as many as i want.

h a v e y o u
EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING: no...nobody wants to see that...
USED YOUR PARENTS’ CREDIT CARD BEFORE: yes, and i badly want my own
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: nope. im way too much of a good girl.
BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: yeah, but i dont enjoy remembering them

l o v e
SEXUALITY: straight
CHILDREN: No...not that i kno of
CURRENT CRUSH: ugh dont remind me.
BEEN HURT?: um...yes
YOUR GREATEST REGRET: many things....
GONE OUT WITH A SOMEONE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR THREE DAYS: no. but i might. u never kno. maybe in this world some guys are fuckheads.

r a n d o m
DO YOU HAVE A JOB: no. im part of that huge unemployed population of the US
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: Who cares...if u insist, id be black so that i could color over everyone else
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: um. i guess letting loose and just flopping around and nother thinking...just not being under stress and notbeing frustrated by everything/people...oh and frogger lol.
WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST?: fall out boy. jasonvena. ooh yees.
WHAT’S THE NEXT CD YOU’RE GONNA GET?: i might get that xmas cd with the acceptance xmas song. too bad i cant remember the name of the cd now.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO?: go to shows, sleep, playing my music as i go online...

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
TIME YOU CRIED?: um. hmm. i dont kno
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: like a month ago
THING YOU PURCHASED: xmas stuff in chinatown

y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
ABORTION: Pro-choice.
TEENAGE SMOKING: dumb. ruining your life.
SPICE GIRLS: good when you feel REALLY lame or nostalgic
DREAMS: love them only when theyre good

1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?
uh...rock concert? boring...i dunno...

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I never keep resolutions as much as i try to.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die? not recently, but yes

5. What countries did you visit? kanuk land.

6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?
self control, motivation, energy. no more pointless crushes. no more obsessing with stuff i can never get.

7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
this may seem really stupid but talking to jasonvena. "talk". oh my god that was the best. and all the shows i went to. lol oh and reading orlando bloom fanfiction and dedication poems at noras.

others were good too but yeah i don't feel like remembering, especially earlier in the year haha

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? um. passing my classes? especially english my god. and getting a good grade on my math final. actually i dunno bout french and chem...
9. What was your biggest failure? my french and chem finals.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? i had a cold/cough for lik 2 1/2 months.
11. What was the best thing you bought? um. my new jacket. yes.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? huh?
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? umm i dunno, don't feel like thinking hard. um what 'appalled' me was how hard people try to be sluts and stuff like that, and it depressed me cuz they look so stupid...
14. Where did most of your money go? Towards stuff that I wanted to buy.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? concerts! and meeting jasonvena. that really just made my year.
16. What song will always remind you of 2003? any fob song.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
I. happier or sadder? happier
ii. thinner or fatter? thinner
iii. richer or poorer? richer?
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? excercise and studying....concerts
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? eating haha...obsessing/wasting my time...
20. How will you be spending Christmas/Eve? thats over. i spent it with ma famille.
22. Did you fall in love in 2003? no dont think so
23. How many one-night stands? Let's see.. that'd be none.
24. What was your favorite TV program? this was already asked! alias. smallville is my favorite show aboot hicks.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? yes
26. What was the best book you read? the perks of being a wallflower?
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? falloutboy, acceptance....etc...i cant think of anything i didnt listen to today!
28. What did you want and get? cds that ive wanted forever...
29. What did you want and not get? i want an iPod and PHOTO PASSES TO CONCERTS. oog that would make me so happy. damn.
30. What was your favorite film of this year?: Hmm...Pirates of the Caribbean, Last Samurai, Master&Commander....
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? um I didn't really get anything that good for my bday. hmm. im 15. one of the youngest ppl in our grade...

32.What was one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? boys, talking to all the bandmembers...falloutboy learning our names rather than just knowing which shows we were at (plus that) lol....
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003? Fashion? Jeans, a tshirt, and a hoodie. How's that?
34. What kept you sane? falloutboy and soco. and drawing. and BLOGGER/journal.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? jasonvena. and...lets say jamison cuz im looking at the cd cover and need to put another person
36. What political issue stirred you the most? the War on Iraq over "Weapons of Mass Destruction that dont really exist"
37. Who did you miss? I MISS DANIELLE SO MUCH.
38. Who was the best new person you met? Julie! She rocks!
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003: not....get mad at people at their idiocy? i dunno. ill still do that...
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"I wish that I was as invisible as you make me feel."- falloutboy

and most of 'the patron saint of liars and fakes'. most people i know qualify for that title.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

my dad is the biggest asshole who ever lived.

Quake Efforts Focus on Survivors

Fears Grow That Iran Quake Toll Could Reach 30,000

i went on an xmas shopping like thing in chinatown since im on a budget. yes. um not much friends katie and caroline are coming from Cali and its katies bday so happy bday katie! the SoCo cd is really good. wow.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

i went shopping for 9 hours and im exhausted from lugging like ten bags around. i got jeans from old navy and i went to paragon to get a ski jacket. i actually two: a red spyder one and a periwinkle (i love that word...say it to urself...) columbia one thats so pretty. but it looks more for snowboarding. more of a reason to try out snowboarding. cool now i can look like a snowboarder. "its such sex"-pete, but not about my coat. i think were going to canada to ski. possibly. or maybe somewhere in the states. but at school were going to frost valley or some place to ski and im quite giddy about it, but nervous to since i thoroughly suck at skiing and am a safety hazard to anyone within 100 feet of me. oog. shopping is one of the most frustrating things EVER because it takes forever to find stuff to fit me. fucking short legs and stuff. die die die.
oh but i got even happier that after i got jeans that fit me cuz my dad got new speakers so now i have punchline blaring without first twiddling with the knobs and attacking the cable :) ah yes/

from falloutboy pete in the journal:

beneath all the hate I have a murderous desire for love

Sometimes when you look back on your first kiss, first big mistake, first time seeing a naked girl, first time you fell asleep next to someone and couldn't wait to wake up and talk to them, first love, first time feeling so fucking lost/found (out)- and no matter how much you want them back but you can't have them (sorry). It doesn't makke them feel any less electric or sting any less each time it happens. And in a year I doubt, in fact I am sure noone will care how shitty some girl treated me, no matter how witty or spiteful or catchy the words that are written about it. Still this moment feels like it goes on forever. Like it has always gone on but I just never payed attention to it (till it smashed me in the face in the form of you). I can write about but words are of poor substitute for the taste of bile on my toungue from the void of words to snap back at the dial tone when you hang up and the inevitable bowing before the porcelain and dying on the tile floor. But enough of the trips down memory lane (the problem is when you can't get off it). Send me some directions I am at the corner of has been and never was. (Note to self: try not to jump around so much on stage or in writing). It's funny how when it feels like I can't breath when I think of you (and him and him and him) so I try to focus on each individual part of the process and simplify it, will myself to work. Synapses fire to nueral transmitters to recievers muscles pull tendons (why am I doing this to myself). And some how my body keeps on going as though it were in on the joke. simplify it to snynapses firing to nueral transmitters to recievers to muscles pulling tendons to my hand dialing your number. I wish I had the courage to tell you I deserved better. But nothing comes easy but these words. Nothing feels worse than this stomachache except when I think of how you tell me about how cola and peppermint calm my stomach lining.... And all your wonderful remedies for the problems you cause. I used to obsess over feeling better. Now I only obsess over you.

its sad and sweet at the same time and really makes you think.

Friday, December 26, 2003

the xmas song works. again. its like some MIRACLE. haha or not. luck is more like it. or maybe its just moaning about it to someone. hmm.

on another note, I FUCKING HAVE TO GO XMAS SHOPPING. NOW. i have to buy, i dunno, 11 presents and not go over a $100 or so budgets. bullocks. buttocks? i would make a list but...

im so pissed. STUPID INTERNET DIE DIE! and winmx. goddamnit. first of all, winmx has like nothing. i wouldnt know how much kazaa has im positive it has alot more. i cant find any OTHER jamison parker songs, and they have acceptance's 'so this is christmas' thing (u kno...xmas...etc...) ONCE. oh, and it only works every now or then. then theres my internet connection. so this is xmas is finally downloading and at lik 70%. and my internet signs me off. cuz my dads at his fucking office and decides, hey, lets knock jen off even tho i kno shes online and downloading a very important song. whore.

and just now, CNN had this breaking news segment reporting that there was an avalanche near Sundance, Utah that "swept away" snowboarders. how many natural disasters have happened today? like 10.

China rescuers reach 'death zone'
-191 dead

Death toll in Benin plane crash rises to 96
Most casualties were Lebanese headed home for the holidays

Hamoud swam to safety, then helped fishermen save others.
“All my friends are dead. All nine of them,” he said.

Thousands killed in Iran earthquake
Rescue efforts under way in historic city of Bam

Thousands feared dead in Iran quake

Six Bodies Recovered in California Mudslide

Plane Crash at Nevada Airport Kills Six
Four Adults, Two Children Are Dead

has anybody noticed that there have been almost no terrorist attacks and instead there have been natural disasters that killed thousands and fatal accidents?

Thursday, December 25, 2003

the worlds oldest penis
it will make sense after you read this.

Angrylittleme [9:57 PM]: i just has this maddeningly funny groupie fantasy idea if jason stage dived and all the groupies carried him away as he crowd surfed. oh god i would laugh so hard.
Fufa33 [9:58 PM]: lolol
Fufa33 [9:58 PM]: jennie
Fufa33 [9:58 PM]: tha's enough!!
Fufa33 [9:58 PM]: lol
Angrylittleme [9:58 PM]: lol im cracking up
Fufa33 [9:58 PM]: lol
Angrylittleme [9:58 PM]: oooh this is great
Angrylittleme [9:58 PM]: i think i should take my grpaes away
Angrylittleme [9:59 PM]: ive eaten like 100 grapes in the course of lik 20 minutes

im so full i think im going to pass out. one of the most addicting things EVER are pillsbury crescent rolls. once u eat one u keep on going and god i had lik 6, which is too much i kno, but goddamnit its christmas.
im still giggling a bit at one of haifas pictures of jason because it looks like a scene right out of 28 days later or something. lol. and he and ryan both look like theyre dying or something. or in pain.

Deep Sea Squids

Dark Side of the Universe

Medicis Unearthed

i finally got the something corporate CDs after living off the mp3 versions. CDs are usually better.

leaving thru the window-soco
tell all your friends- tbs
worship and tribute- glassjaw

...and more to come. aww yea.

merry christmas everyone! present talk later. my dads yelling for me to get dressed before family come over. pshaw.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

i wish i had a remote control that could control things in my life. so i could make people go away, shut up, and go faster or slower. its mad. yea thats wat want for christmas.

speaking of christmas, i went to go see love actually which is supposed to be like the utimate feel good xmas movie. theyre wrong, its not the ultimate. in fact, it made me kind of sad how people will act on impulse and go have an affair or something and throw away the trust in someones marriage. laura linney character should have fucking turned off her cell phone if she intended on fucking latin lover or whoever, even if it was her brother in a mental institute. my favorite character had to be hugh grant not only because i love him but because he was the only non stupid character in the whoole movie. and wtf was this whole keira knightly marrying one guy, but having the guys best friend love her, and her kissing him? what?! whats the poor guy to do now? he does a really romantic but cheesy thing like spelling out his love for her on posterboards, but shes married and cant very well go and be with him. aaah confusion! alan rickman was stupid. dumbarse to the fullest. and i love how in the end we dont know what happens to the rest of the characters and it ends rather abruptly. oh god! and colin firth! i love him to death but he should have had some better role. yes, lets fall for this woman who speak one word of english --'or'--, yes, and lets marry her! cuz shes perfect even tho i dunno wtf shes saying. aaah. and when he spoke portugese i thought i would cry from humiliation. in fact, everytime he was on camera i felt so enbarrassed. the porno movie scenes did not quite fit in till the very end wen theyre like, 'oh, btw, these two ppl kno the friend of the honrny guy who went to america. got it? good." oy.

go here, and be amazed:

from Steve-O from Sum41:
"OK, Michael Jackson is the king of philanthropy. He gives so much to children and asks for nothing back. Innocent until proven guilty, my friend. Who cares that he has a secret bedroom with a little laser that detects if people are coming towards it. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm not just gonna go out and bash the guy, just when everything was going up for him. He's starting to look good and all the plastic surgery is really coming together."


i slept for over 12 hours again and i feel strangely good. hmm. my mom is forcing me to go see a movie when i honestly dont feel like moving. at least lets see a good movie. ooh! haha peter pan is out today. so is cold mountain oooh. make funs here i come. wat else. my beautiful concert pictures completely made my week.

my dad blackmailed me into setting up our new printer by saying hed bring home the new speakers. so after i set up the printer and almost electrocuted myself, he came home and he forgot to bring home the speakers. anger. frustration. damn u.

this article on african AIDS orphans thoroughly depressed me right about now, and i really wish there was something more we could so. screw the government, they arent helping.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

warped tour line up. as of now. still more to come, including fall out boy. whoo.

Main Stage:

New Found Glory
Coheed and Cambria
Taking Back Sunday
Flogging Molly
Bouncing Souls
Bad Religion
Story of the Year
Thursday (June 25-July 18, Aug 6-14)
Sugarcult (July 20-Aug 19)
NOFX (July 1-3, 5-26, Aug 4-19)
Tiger Army (July 20-Aug 19)
The Sounds (June 25-July 18)
Int'l Noise Conspiracy (July 28-Aug 19)
Lars Frederickson and the Bastards (July 20-Aug 19)

2nd Stage:

Rise Against
The Casualties
Lillix (June 25-July 18) [what?]
Allister (July 20-Aug 19)
My Chemical Romance (June 25-July 18, 24)
Rufio (July 20-Aug 19)
From Autumn to Ashes (July 20-Aug 2)
Matchbook Romance (July 20-Aug 19)
The Revolution Smile (July 5-26)

question: what are lillix doing on the line-up and onthe main stage? like theyre better than maxeen? please. switch!

Volcom Stage:

Letter Kills
The Kinison (Aug 7-19)
Don't Look Down (July 7-18)
Bleed The Dream

ooh the excitement brews...

i got my concert pix back from the acceptance/maxeen/yellowcard/MBR show and theyre FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. oh god. its like orgasmic. lol. the jason pix came out great and i got winnie the pooh guy in my pix too! funny boy. the picture with shannon came out lovely too even tho i look satanic. as usual. and tom. and we wouldve had one with jason -swoon- but stupid, haifa and i thought wed prolly see him after the show. arghasdasoijdoi. and theres this great pic of andy from MBR and hes looking straight at the camera. aha yes.

top 10

//10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately: in no order.
1. acceptance
2. JamisonPArker
3. punchline
4. taking back sunday
5. glassjaw
6. spitalfield
7. good charlotte
8. fall out boy
9. teen idols
10. the A.K.A's

//09 things you look forward to:
1. getting my pictures back
2. new years!
4. fall out boy concert 2/28
5. hildalgo! lol
6. acceptance's full length
7. jamisonparker's full length
8. seeing people i like
9. frogger. that was impulsive.

//8 things you like to wear:
1. levi jeans
2. band tshirts
3. elastic pony tail holders as bracelets
4. converses
5. gray hoodie
6. xoxo jeans
7. eye liner
8. clear nail polish

//07 things that annoy you:
1. you
2. traffic
3. cocky bastards
4. people bitching about being trendy
5. self-absorbed people who ALWAYS put themselves first and when they occasionally ask u first its just to be nice and they dont mean it
6. being late for a concert
7. only being able to photograph the first 3 songs a band performs

//06 things you say mosts days:
1. dude
2. fuck
3. damn/goddamnitshitfuck
5. shit
6. shitters

//05 things you do everyday:
1. go on to my blogger
2. listen to music
3. check up on bands
4. mope
5. hang out with friends

//04 people you want to spend more time with:
1. my friends that i actually like
2. cousins
3. froggerasdbasbdiausbiuasbf
4. the bands i know and meet

//03 movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Interview with the Vampire
3. LOTR2

//02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
1. Hold On- Acceptance
2. Dear Everybody- JamisonParker
-oh, and im adding a third: Chicago...- FallOutBoy

//01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. I haven't met him yet... o wait, comment...

JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: my speakers on my comp broke so i had to use my discman to listen to music
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: and i had the plugs in my ears for lik 5b hours and i feel ike theyre still in my ears...
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: ......but theyre not...
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: [insert suspicious music]
SeaBreeze423 [1:14 AM]: ooo weird!
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: or suspician music, whatever
SeaBreeze423 [1:15 AM]: (lightening crash!)
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: lol suspicious music coming from my spoon
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: [earsplitting fart]
SeaBreeze423 [1:15 AM]: oo i love spoons.
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: yes ....yes [eyes widen] [maniacally]
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: aaaaaaaaaaa
SeaBreeze423 [1:15 AM]: actually, bein serious, i do love spoons.
SeaBreeze423 [1:16 AM]: theyre so.....seductive.
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: if u look at them that way
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: theyre also very ahndy
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: handy
SeaBreeze423 [1:16 AM]: how can u not love a spoon?
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: dont ask me, i married one
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: lol im thinking about if that made sense
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: im courting one...but i think its falling for the knife.
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: or the fork
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: devious character
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: damn kinves!
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: i hate them!
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: or how about the soup spoon. its so little and dainty and has pretty decorations at the end.
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: cruse them to the underworld i say!
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: the 5th ring of utensil hell!
SeaBreeze423 [1:18 AM]: u mean tea spoon?
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: sure
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: no, soup spoon
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: have u never had one?
SeaBreeze423 [1:18 AM]: i have tea spoons and they sound very much the same
SeaBreeze423 [1:18 AM]: i also use them for yogurt tho.
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: well the soup spoons are signifcantly larger and more decative that tea spoons
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: wat is decative a good word there?
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: is it even a word?
SeaBreeze423 [1:19 AM]: ambiguous.
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: there we go...
SeaBreeze423 [1:20 AM]: and away we go!
JennieE1250 [1:20 AM]: u kno, i always thought lobster forks were very...slimy creatures...
JennieE1250 [1:20 AM]: haha or not
SeaBreeze423 [1:20 AM]: they have forks??!!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: yes!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: u didnt kno?!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: no way!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: no! i didnt!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: yes way!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: oh wow its crazy!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: boy, have i been missing out!!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: golly!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: gee wiz!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: aww snap!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: hell!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: jee whiz golly goshums!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: hells indeed!
SeaBreeze423 [1:22 AM]: goodie gumdrops!
JennieE1250 [1:22 AM]: by golly!
JennieE1250 [1:22 AM]: heck!
JennieE1250 [1:22 AM]: oh bless the brady family for teaching me these substitutes for curses
SeaBreeze423 [1:23 AM]: lol!!
JennieE1250 [1:23 AM]: what a lovely way fo ringing in ur bday nej
JennieE1250 [1:23 AM]: uncovering the spoon dating scene
JennieE1250 [1:23 AM]: i love it.
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: i wanna talk about forks next year....
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: oooo bring it!
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: im sooo ready!
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: oh its already been brought!
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: lol oops
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: whoaaaa
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: lol...damn u
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: holler
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: lol yay
JennieE1250 [1:25 AM]: u do ppl say holler?
JennieE1250 [1:25 AM]: they sound like they have tourettes
SeaBreeze423 [1:25 AM]: mmmm good point
JennieE1250 [1:26 AM]: its like 'i got new pants todayHOLLER!!!'
JennieE1250 [1:26 AM]: 'i got a new ahircutHOLER'
SeaBreeze423 [1:27 AM]: haha!
JennieE1250 [1:27 AM]: yaay
SeaBreeze423 [1:28 AM]: hehe good times
JennieE1250 [1:29 AM]: very
JennieE1250 [1:29 AM]: wow this is so going on my blogger
SeaBreeze423 [1:30 AM]: haha! yay! im on blogger!
JennieE1250 [1:30 AM]: yes!!
JennieE1250 [1:30 AM]: major accomplishment there
JennieE1250 [1:30 AM]: ill give u a shout out yo
SeaBreeze423 [1:31 AM]: aiight, HOLLAH!
JennieE1250 [1:31 AM]: representing my waterside homie yo
JennieE1250 [1:31 AM]: holler.
SeaBreeze423 [1:32 AM]: g, u no im ya hommie
JennieE1250 [1:32 AM]: no doubt yo
JennieE1250 [1:32 AM]: or is it yo no doubt
JennieE1250 [1:32 AM]: -thinks-
JennieE1250 [1:33 AM]: screw that
JennieE1250 [1:33 AM]: *screw dat
SeaBreeze423 [1:33 AM]: lol
JennieE1250 [1:34 AM]: wow this is really difficult
SeaBreeze423 [1:34 AM]: i no rite!
JennieE1250 [1:34 AM]: "indeed i am down with that. holler at your boy, yo."
SeaBreeze423 [1:35 AM]: haha!
JennieE1250 [1:35 AM]: or homeboy whatever
SeaBreeze423 [1:36 AM]: lol...watever? so not ghetto jennnnn
JennieE1250 [1:36 AM]: like whatever!
JennieE1250 [1:36 AM]: like omg shutuppp!
JennieE1250 [1:36 AM]: i like totally have some comPLATEly warped form of tourettes!
SeaBreeze423 [1:36 AM]: lol i like this convo
JennieE1250 [1:37 AM]: amen!
SeaBreeze423 [1:38 AM]: hear hear
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: as much as i do, im out
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: haha
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: aiight bye bye!
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: hmm thats not ghetto-ish enough
SeaBreeze423 [1:39 AM]: bye bebe

happy bday necla!

the speakers on my computer are broken. again. and my dads too much of a cheapskate to get new ones. so that leaves me with putting my CD's into my disc man and listening to my music thru my ear plugs. i had my ear pieces in for lik, what, four hours? five? so now i feel like theyre stil in my ears but theyre really not. fuuuck. and i cant listen to the billion (no, lik 60) songs ive downloaded and -gasp- acceptance's lost for words ep.
things im really looking forward to:
-fatimas acceptance concert pix
-haifas acceptance concert pix (will she ever send them...thats the thing...)
-my acceptance/fob concert pix
-fall out boy 2.28.04 @ irving (me, fatima, my cousin, fatimas cousin, zooz, haifa, possibly cami)

...and thats all i can think of...

Monday, December 22, 2003

site that made me so happy that i squealed and screamed into my pillow:
i dont wanna seem like a widdle groupie but HOLY HELL. me and my determination...well go places, my fred.

But, the monument will be no memorial. Phelps says the monument would be 5 to 6 feet tall and made of marble or granite. It would bear a bronze plaque bearing the image of Shepard and have an inscription reading "MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, in Defiance of God's Warning: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.' Leviticus 18:22."

this is fucking ridiculous. how dare they be such bastards and say such crap. defiance of hells warning? they dont care that he died, they just care that he was gay! fuck the hicks! fuck these over religious shallow bastards! die! i say that when they die we dont give them gravestones lets give them a random pebble. something like that. with some quote against bastards.

got my tix! yay! for some odd reason i thought that the person at the irving box office would be some obese woman like they usually are. i was wrong. very wrong. it was this very nice and cute guy with his guitar. very nice surprise. some band i dont know was warming up for the joe strummer tribute tonight. good to know. the guy got confused which show i wanted cuz i said 'flal out boy' instead of mest, the headliners. o well.

my cousin is at disneyworld right now and id would die to go there. oh i wanna go hang out with mickey...damn...

im very tired right now, even tho its 4:30, and i gottta go to irving plaza to go pic up falloutboy tix for 2/28. *yawn* ahh but itll be worth it. i was supposed to go with fatima but she had a sleepover with necla and maria so she coulndt come. she told me last night she could come tho. whhat?

What time is it now: 11:37 PM
Your Name: Jen
Your Nickname: Jen
Your Online Name: angrylittleme
Your sex: female
Your color of the phone: do u by any chance mean the color of ur phone? well, regis, its white.
Your Sign: saggitarius
Your height: 5'4
Your weight: upwards of 120. less than 130. in the middleish.
Hair color: black/darkass brown
Eye color: same as hair. maybe. lets say dark ass brown.
Hair length: medium length tho i need to cut it. it looked so cool after i cut it...
Do you wear glasses: yes since im blind as a bat and everyone knows.
Are your teeth straight: um. yes? well i had braces but then two teeth are shifting... i think my retainer's fucked...
Do you have freckles: im chinese. come on now.
Do you have a fake tooth: sure i do. no i really dont.
Do you have a fake eye: does it look fake? thought so. damn.
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: you caught me!
Your religion: agnostic
Highest level of school: sophomore/10th grade/T2
Do you work: not really...a bit..yes
How do you dress: boring. really boring and unnoticeable which is nice...sometimes. oh u just wait till i show up at school with a skimpy skirt and go-go never!
Do you smoke: never
Do you drink: when i can get something to drink.
Do you do drugs: no. unless u count accidently taking 3 tylenols and motrin within the same hour when i had a massive fever
Do you have friends: no. yes. maybe. *thinks*
Do you have online friends:yeah and all i can say is that i hope theyre not actually 50 year old men with no lives and solicit sex.
Do you like your friends: msot of the time, yes.
Do you like your online friends: only julie
Got any kids? actually yes.
Got any pets? no unless u count the mice in the garage. are there mice? no actually ive seen one rat at waterside but two mice on the loose at school. is that bad?
Got a car? my dad sold it. bastard.
Live in your own? i'm 15. of course i do.
Live with your 'rents? parents, yes. rents. pshaw.


Type of music: im liking the whole rock genre. all types. i like punk rock and cant deal with rap/hiphop. it makes me want to destroy something and i feel i waste my time that way.
Actor: harrison ford who im infatuated with. was. now: michael vartan. oooh.
Actress: dont know. jennifer garner?
Movie: um. LOTR2 the two towers? or actually...nvm. not sure. i hate wen u kno it after u see it but cant remember it wen u do dumb things like this.
Soda: sprite
Food: chinese food and junk food.
Sexual Position: u pick.
Car: i love my saab, no matter WHAT randy and his little car people say about it. i love it.
Hobby: concerts...eating...sleeping...cuddling....hugging...listening to good music...
Sport: ice skating, skiing when i dont suck, tennis, BASEBALL OH MY GOD.
Musician: jasonjesperpetepatricketc. Artist: above answer for music. for visual arts...jason vena lol. um, no. lets just say...andy warhol cuz thats all i can think of.
Author: Alice Sebold and JD Salinger. Also Toni Morrison
Anime: oh yes. especially pokemon. or not. not.
Song: i like too many. ESPECIALLY THE RUSSELL CROWE ONES. lol those are awesome. ahahaa.
Color: black, pink. btw, jason has a shirt with those colors.
TV Show: alias. smallville makes me laugh, tho.
Brand of beer: none. i hate beer. tho my 11 year old cousin has developed a taste for chinese beer.
Brand of liquor: none
Brand of smokes: none. oh i like thee candy cigareetes at dylans...
Brand of drug: there are brands?
Brand of clothes: hmm. i dont like one particular brand. levis jeans! yeh! and XOXO jeans! yeh! whoo!
Record Lable: you spelled "label" wrong, dumbass. um. for now, its fueled by ramen. representing punchline, teen idols, falloutboy, the AKAs. yess. also the militia group.
Brand of glue: the one with the possessed cow on front.
Online test: quizilla or emode
Online chat thing: AIM
Shape: star
Texture: rice. its so cool wen u stick ur hand in a bag of rice. its like orgasmic.
Game: LIFE
Place: Next to Jason. That was the BEST.
Year: 20004. no, 2004.
Holiday: XMAS
Quote: too many. for now, how about: “One day you'll love me as I loved you, one day you'll think of me as I thought of you, one day you'll cry for me as I cried for you, one day you'll want me...but I won't want you” and "The hardest thing... is sitting next to somebody who you love, and still feeling like you're miles away. To miss somebody you're sitting next to... it hurts worse than anything else." actually the last one is crap, but the image is good.
Animal: fleas.
Sound: laughter.
Book: i read too much to have a favorite.
Drink: frapps from starbucks.
Sex: whoever wrote this is one sexually deprived individual.
Virgin: yes
Butthole a virgin?: i dearly hope so.
mouth a virgin: again, i dearly hope so lol.
Kinky turns you on: um...yes i guess so
More than 15 partners: that would be per year since i was born. (nice point gabby)
Have sex with music on: sure.
Had group sex: no
Had a threesome: isnt that the same as above?
Had cyber sex: no
What turns you on: jason lol. or jesper on his keyboard. ooog.
What turns you off: cockyness. and shallowness. and ignorance. idiots.
is Oral sex good: what say you?
Do you like sex: stop with the sex questions already!


Have you lied: more than ull ever know.
Do you lie: "hey lets rephrase the previous question to stump them!" yes, more than ull ever know.
Do you lie often: yes. i do.
Do you lie to save your own ass: as needed
Do you lie to save someone else ass: only if i feel it is neccessary for me to lie and get in trouble and not someone else
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: i..uh...depends on the situation??? i dont know. actually, yes. go and get another lover.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: isnt that a given? hmm maybe not.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: no.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": UM YEAH? wouldn't you?
Have you lied to gain money: yes
Would you lie to gain money: maybe
Do you enjoy lying to strangers:FUCK YES
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: absolutely. wait. you just asked that? damn that whole rephrasing nonesense
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: most of the time.
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: face...of...evil...? huh?
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: many times.
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: hmm maybe. yes, i was a saintly little creature. if u look to my angelic early days...
Would you lie to get laid: hmm. depends.
Have you lied to get laid: no?
Would you lie to get a job: yeah
Have you lied to get a job: no.
Would you lie to get a date: maybe
Have you lied to get a date: no
Are lies really that harmless: usually. gulibleness is the bad thing.
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: yes...
Do you lie online: yes
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: without a doubt.

Love life:

Are you single: yeah. but ill just be happy with being single. ya cant force love now can ya? yes u can...
Are you with someone: i like to think i am but no.
Are you married: ABSOLUTELY.
Are you divorced: soon
Are you "Separated": in a bit
Are you "on break": sure i am
Ever been in love: yeah but i use the term lightly, not so seriously or whatever.
How many times: more than ull ever know.
Looking back do you regret it: ew i remember when i was in 'love' with _____. o, god, EW. nono ew block it out now!
Do you date people you meet online: creepy
Do you date people you meet at bars: i'm 15. im not allowed to stay there.
Do you date people: id give it a try.
Do you "net date": what the fuck is that?
Are you happy with your current status, why: not really. growing increasingly restless and bored and i think im going to do something about it. but something ull never see me do is morph into an airhead and be a slut. if i do, feel welcome to hit me.
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: um. well. we used to be kinda close but not any more. he drifted. but its like a mini crush.
Are you still holding on to the past: like no other. new years resolutions: LET THE FUCK GO. stop hanging onto things cuz theyre just holding me back from life. what life?
Do you agree that Jet Li is a good husband for Shajuana: who's shajuana?, cuz hed make a better for me! hah! actually no, cuz i dont get attracted to chinese guys. weird, i know. cept this one chinese guy at my dads cousins banquet. hold monkeys he was GORGEOUS. wait, i think he was mixed. well, see? wait, no, he was. he was beautiful. oooh.

The following apply to you? Y/N

Witty: at times
Quiet: sometimes. sometimes im so loud i cant contain myself and babble away.
Loud: ok, same answer as ^
Pretty: what do u think? i dont think so.
Radical: yep. obsession anyone?
Sucky: uh. sure.
Smart: Y/N
Stupid: always.
Dumbass: same as above.
Ugly: unpretty, yes
Slow: huh? what? hasha i sound like tim wong. LOL HASHA! HAHA TRY SAYING IT LIKE SEAN CONNERY HAHAHAHA. "hasha i shound like chim wong" haha
Fast: not in any context. except fast walker.
Talented: not in the least.
Useless: absolutely. i'm a waste of space.
Punk:lik 5%. not much. used to think i was lik 10 not anymore....
Young: not at all. im a decade and a half!
Old: the opposite of young is....
Past your prime: yep. after 3 the energy level goes straight down.
You're just reaching your prime: as stated above...
Dashing: like jason. were so meant to be together. lol no no. NO.
Daring: more than my mother would like. im daring on rollercoasters. ill go on ANY rollercoaster. and i stopped being that shy around new ppl and thats how i met maddie and david hou, my southern chinese hick. btw, ur red sox suck.
Dainty: like no other!
Powerful: um. RAWRdfsdbfds hear me roar. i om woman hear me roar.
Athletic: thats a funny question. am i?
Artistic: yeh. artsy fartsy
Superhuman: superhuman samurai, cyber squad! anyone ever watch that shows? the guys i know are pussys. i watched more guy shows than they did when they were 5. thank u, little brother.
Sexy: ohyes, u kno it.

The following are Good/Bad

Sex: good i would think, yes
Love: being in ;love', real or imaginary, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and it give me something to do.
Happiness: one of my favorite things
Rap: DIE
Pain: aww,,,, who doesnt like it?
Pop music: backstreet strictly. none of this nsync nonsense
Anime: only sailor moon.
TV: a god-send. bored? turn on the TV and watch white trash on jerry.
Country: ehh... just never play it on a road trip for 4 hours, and never bluegrass.
Metal: does 'wicked game' by Him (not god) count?
Nu-Metal: does 'wicked game' by Him (not god) count?
Death Metal: what's with all the metal? i like love metal. yes. love metal. 'wicked game' by Him. thank u, maria, for playing it.
Industrial: too hard for me.
Punk Rock: yeah yeah yeah (haha get it? get it?) good one gabby.
Easy Listening: wat? um yes?
Korn: like one song
Murderous Rampages: wat killing bugs evolved into.
Sega: i somehow thing about sonic when i see this.
Nintendo: banjo kazooie? what? i like.
Play Station: im such a nerd. i cant quite tell the difference in terms of usage.
Game Boy: love it. ahh. i enjoy nights playing Pokemon Red Edition on it...still havent beat it after 4 or5 years...still on the first 5 cities...
Chinese Food: holler.
Italian Food: life line.
Japanese Food: eel sushi with that sauce. oh my.
Mexican Food: tostito ya! no no..i dunno. i love it.
Online Quizzes: frustrating.
Online Surveys: tiring as a shizzah.


Whats your deep dark secret: a psycho stalker? yes. sure i am. not. not? yes not. noo tahts not true. yes. not. my secret is im schitzo and suffer from tourette's. CHEESEMOKEY TOASTE!!!!!!!
Whats your biggest fear: i guess dying in a painful way, and losing everyone i love and becoming a hermit.
Whats your greatest sexual experience: peeling a banana. ooog. lol.
Whats your best date ever: never been on a formal date
Whats your worst date ever: uh.
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: too many. my life is on humiliating thing after another.
Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: no. actually yes cuz id somersault over steve and kick the cheating lover in the balls. girl power!
Anime isn't that bad is it?: i have determined from careful analyzation that whoever made this is a sexually deprived individual techhie nerd who is infatuated with pikachu and must represent him yo.
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? uh..yes? but VHS has is awesome previews...


Are you religious? never have been
Do you believe in a higher being: no
Is every religion wrong except your own? i dont see things that way.
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? i don't think that way
Is your God the only god? what god?
Are you going to heaven? no. i would like to if it was real (dunno if it is)..
Are you going to hell? yes.


Do you like it? very much so.
Do you have any? yeah
Do you make a lot of it? somehow, i do. bless u ly-cees on chinese new year/bdays. ooh.
Do you get your money through illegal ways?: does prostitution and solicitation on subways count? good.
Do you pay taxes? yes. somehow. bush is cheating my family out of too much money to buy more land for his farm cuz the kents in kansas are expanding too damn much and are getting onto his turf. sad, but true.
Do you think you shouldn't have to? yes! goddamnit! just let the kents take over and well have clarkes face plastered everywhere instead of bushes!!!

Who did you get this survey from? gobbys blogger like thing. no, im not a stalker, it was on her profile thing.
What time is it? 12:39. holy fuck that was the longest thign ever.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

another post>
andpigscanfly: see, theres no asian list because we know all :)
my_deadly_foe: never too late to start one...
1. Dogs are house pets, not part of the main course
2. same with cats

haha. yes so anyway today was a boring sunday. the end. the jamisonparker CD honestly rocks and i think i want to join the street team or something. julie and i should go to warped tour together and see fob. yea that sounds good.

"jingle bells": a song of the south?

Elvis is dead.

Having your children curse you out in public is not normal.

Jesus was not white.

Skinny does not equal sexy.

A 5 year-old child is too big for a stroller.

N' SYNC will never hold a candle to the Jackson 5.

Thomas Jefferson had black children.

An occasional ass whipping helps a child stay in line.

Kissing your pet is not cute.

Hip-hop is here to stay.

Chicken is food, not a roommate.

"Jump out and run" is not in any insurance policies

Your country's flag is not a car decoration.

Hickies are unattractive.

"Mami" and "Papi" can't possibly be the nickname of every person in your family.

Buttoning just the top button of your shirt is a bad fashion statement.

Ten people to a car or home is considered too many.

"Jesus" is not a name for your son.

"Maria" is a name, but not for every other daughter.

Letting your children run wildly through the store can get your ass whipped (or theirs).

Tupac is dead.

Crown Royal bags are meant to be thrown away.

Having a ring on every finger is too much.

O.J. did it.

Teeth should not be decorated.

Breaks are usually only 15 minutes.

Jesse Jackson will never be President.

"Red" is not a Kool-Aid flavor, it's a color.

Your rims and sound system should not be worth more than your car.

Your pastor doesn't know everything.

^HAHA Blame Guav, not me. its funny as hell, tho, u have to admit.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

old punchline news entry that i laughed out loud at:
CHECK OUT OUR MERCH STORE. Merch Storific. Merchy merchandises the an merch storius! Pj merched a stored the mercher store merchified the merch! Here's the news! There is no news. We've just been writing songs. Thats it. Sounds like we've turned into a bunch of hippies, eh? Well you're right. Punchline's new album will contain one 45 minute jam session taped live from us playing a grassy fieled. Newsreader, newsreader, wake up, you were dreaming, you were having a bad dream. Hello, and welcome to the whatever time it is news! I'm your host Ken Gensen and tonite we're going to cover, nothing! There's really nothing to tell, oh yes there is. WE HAVE A MERCH STORE - CHECK IT OUT! We're playing with August Premier on the 26th of this month for their CD release party which means so much to us. I can't wait. If you live in Chicago then keep your eye out for us because we're going to be spending a lot of time out there. Check out the new Fueled By Ramen site if you get a chance. Um... my parents got a new mantle and fireplace, they are pretty happy about it. Pj's car would start the other day. Paul is painting his room. Chris is a karaoke freak. And me, well I'm just me. Keep your eye out for the World, the Mack, the Lil Dude, and the Worst (thats me)... we'll be seeing you soon. (ear click)

OH MY F-ing GOD! The Sounds are going to play Warped Tour too! this is madness. things i want next year...
-acceptance full length CD (fuck yes)
-falloutboy on 2/28 at irving
-full length jamisonparker CD
and whatever else comes up.

1. if there were 3 wells (love, beauty and creativity) and you could only drink from one, which would it be? love.
2. with problems, whom do you run to? myself.
3. which finger is your favorite? my index? ooh, no, i know. my middle finger because it is useful for flipping people offf.
4. what's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? whatever it was i obviously made myself forget about it.
5. would you kill someone? if i could get away with it.
7. if you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? i have no idea.
8. do you like your handwriting? sometimes. it depends on the writing utensil.
9. who are you jealous of? a lot of people.
10. what kind of person do you want to marry? um. this person who i wont name.
12. what do you put on your sandwiches? mustard. i put mustard in all my sandwiches it pretty ridiculous. a type of cold cut and a type of cheese and msutard and im good to go. "im good to go, and im going no where fast, but it looks like im still on my own..." sorry just reminded me of it..
13. do you think people on the Gap commercials are cool? no because they lipsing (do they) and are way too happy wearing rainbow stripes. i know theyre happy, but u dont need to look like u just won $10 million dollars by breathing.
14. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? most likely no.
15. are you a daredevil? no I'm more of a batman. lol no no. um, sometimes.
16. how big was the biggest mango you ever ate? like a mini soccer ball.
17. have you ever told a secret you swore you'd never repeat? maybe. i dont know.
18. what do you think is the most attractive animated character? damian from sailor moon. omg. and peter parker from MTV's spiderman. he was a fox lol.
19. do looks matter? sometimes yes.
20. favorite color? black and pink.
22. are you trendy? i dont think i am. i think im the least original person ever. im so boring.
23. what do you do to prevent anger? i do something drastic to take my mind off it. like take a shit. lololol jk. haha....i go and blast something happy or angryful, or i watch tv.
24. who is your idol? probably my mother.
25. who is your second family? my friends.
26. do you trust others easily? no
27. what was your favorite toy as a child? my toy phone. id imitate business women on tv.

number of times i have been in love: dunno
number of hearts i have broken: probably none.
number of boys i have kissed in my life: bah.
number of girls i have kissed: none that i know of.
number of continents i have visited: 1. haha.
number of drugs taken illegally: bah.
number of people i would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: 0
number of people from high school that i stayed in contact with: i am still in highschool. jerk.
number of cd's that i own: i have no idea.
number of piercings: 0
number of tattoos: 0
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: well its appeared in the school newspaper once. dunno bout the public paper...
number of scars on my body: a lot. i would be counting for hours
number of scars on my heart: a lot. :/
number of people that have made me scared of what they could do to me physically: noone i can think of right now.
number of things in my past that i regret: too many
your favorite myth: idk.
your favorite god: none
your favorite serial killer: what a sick question. jack the ripper is really interesting tho.
your favorite body organ: my heart?
your favorite body part: hands
your favorite author: i dont know how to read. sorry.
your favorite obsession: my groupie like antics. lol or not or not. not.
your favorite number: 16
your favorite excuse: dunno
your favorite emotion: being on a concert high, so immense happiness and giddyness. i love being giddy and hyper.
your favorite drug: jason lol.
your favorite drink: vanilla frapps rock.
your favorite place: my bed...or someone elses...
your favorite unattainable object: him! frogger! or other!
your favorite regret: pushing people away with my evilness.
your favorite thing to hate: you.
your favorite paranoia: "paranoid paranoid everybodys coming to get meeeeeeeeee." um...freky killer things...ew...and elijah wood after he was webbed. hold fuck yes. OH MY GOD NO...ive got it: things that crawl on walls. i cant deal with it.
your favorite way to die: what the fuck?
your favorite insecurity: my favorite insecurity? how about my insecurities. i have too many.
your new favorite favorite: cuddling? haha.
your favorite frustration: dancing. fuck dance class.
* Describe your neighborhood: my city is very great.
* How do you look?: not preferable.
* If you could say something to the person you like, what would it be?: ur fucking beautiful. no no
* Where do you wish you were right now? wherever jason or jesper are. sorry that was impulsive. no, right now i feel like hanging out with my cousin.
* What would you say to your best friend?: fuck off:)
* Any words of wisdom: i dont have any.
* What do you wish you were doing right now?: cuddling with someone. :(
* What do you think of drugs and alcohol?: they suck butt.
* If you could say one thing to your enemy, what would it be? i hope you die. or i hope u go thru hell the rest of ur life. i dunno. help me out, misha or annie. ur good at insults.
* What do you usually do on Friday nights?: hang out at home, mope, sleep, eat.
* Are you for world peace?: yes, it’ll never happen though
* What do you think about school?: i dont like it. my friends are being bums, my teachers suck, everone else sucks, and i want somethingi cant have.
* How do you feel right now?: fucking cold.
* Any closing words?: my life is a waste of your time.

im still on a concert high and i love it. im still really happy and stuff. listening to 'love goes a long way' by maxeen. oooh. um yea so yesterday jenny, nora, and anwar came over and hung out for a while. we went to and read dedication poems and stuff which was SO FUNNY i was crying. then after an hour we met up with haifa and necla at loews to see LOTR3. martha came around 6ish. LOTR3 had its painfully funny moments (the hobbits on the bed, sporatic fake laughter, such gaeity), ENDLESS BATTLE SCENES, SCARYASS elijah wood in the webbing (oh my god that was scarring. scaries and grossest thing ever. he was lik pale and dead-ish and oh god EW), etc. i love aragorn. orlando blooms role was to just look pretty. thats it i swear. and 5 lines total. fat hobbit is so irritaitng. and i hate his little speeches about the shire. 'ohh u remember the taste of strawberries...?' i liked the second one better. this one just seemed too ADD-ish and rushed. too much stuff and unneccesary stuff in it. and too many battle things. it didnt give u THAT much sense of closure either. oy. martha, jenny, necla, nora, and i went to blockbuster after and spent 1 1/2 hours yelling about which movies we were gonna watch because everyone was being too fickle and unreasonable. we ended up renting just the italian job. so we went home and ate and chatted, then watched the italian job. which i fell asleep during the last 20 minutes. i was so groggy i just wanted to sleep! um we went bowling around 2ish...lots of fun. haifa didnt tell me she couldnt come till i called her so yeah. yay cousins there too. i suck at bowling. i got lik 70 every time. or 65. and last time i went during the summer, i got 110, 120, and 105. weird. fatima is really good at bowling ridiculous. since we thought haifa was coming, we put in a slot for her, but since she didnt come martha filled in for her, and so she was playing on both teams. the weird thing is that as haifa, she did so well! lik 80 or 90. on our side, she got lik 50. or 40. haha. necla and jenny had like this mini competition and kept on making pu new ways to bowl. our lane was fanuked up cuz noras balls kept getting stuck. i got many CDs that made me really happy. and this cd fatima made me has lots of maxeen. yay.

falloutboy is playing the warped tour! from

"we have confirmed that we will be playing Warped tour this summer, we'll let you know what stage and dates as soon as we know. we are also working on a dvd/acoustic ep package for spring release, tentativly titled: 'my alibis for your stereo and tv screen'.
the new songs sound rad. i hope you'll like them.

oh yeah for all you playerhater haters- the MEST tour will hit every part of the country, twice in chicago and overseas- dates will be released at they are confirmed."

wow im definanetly going. also:

2/28..... "Irving Plaza" / New York City, Ny
with:// Mest ~ Matchbook Romance ~ Dynamite Boy


i found out that one of the girls i thought i recognized at the show on thursday with the photo pass was this girl alix. not alix mauclere. another alix i know. kewl. her webbie:

Friday, December 19, 2003

so wen we got there we stood on line for a while and saw jason outside and kaylan walk past us. inside, while waiting to check in our clothes, haifa and i couldnt resist jason standing in the corner so we went to chat with him. his throat was really sore so he was doing hand gestures and stuff. my friend whose really close to them told me jason is 'hella cocky' and u can tell wen he talks, so he doesnt. what? nvm, ask her. anyway, we got autographs...yay. stupid stupid me: "pix now or later, haifa?" haifa shrugged. jason shrugged. oy. so stupidly i decided later, tho i shouldve known better. THIS IS IRVING PLAZA THE VENUE OF HELL. so of course we didnt get to see him cuz his throat, and cuz his parents were in town again. oy. he is so attractive up close... we didnt see kaylan, ryan, or christian or nick either. fucking venue. vincent and his friend somehow got tix but we didnt see them again till yellowcard. umm so maxeen went first i think haifa almost died from hapiness. cough tom cough. anyway they were pretty good, even if i knew one song only. their drummer has some serious endurance. he hit the drums SO HARD for SO LONG i think by then i wouldve broken down and quit the band. anyway. wen acceptance came on i mooshed my way to the barrier ( i was squished between two hyperactive girls, but smack dab in front of jason -swoon-), and made friend with the girl to the left who was attemting to grind with her friends, and the girl to my left who was a wannabe groupie who also went to see acceptance at the continental and fakes orgasm noises. weird. wen acceptance came on the whoole crowd went mad. completely mad. or maybe it was just us. at the very beginning of the set, jason STAGE DIVED. YES. it was awesome. they did rerun, this is only a test, bleeding heart, seeing is believeing, and permanent, and two new songs i dunno the names of. frankly, i dont think they do either. damn: no black lines to battlefields or hold on like fatima and i were yellling. OMGakbdausbd but he stage dived on our side and fatima and i did some [attempted]successful ass grabbing if not arm grabbing. totally impulsive. no thought put in. shut up. and i went picture crazy of course and got pix of all the guys tho i wish kaylan was more energetic and ryans would stay in one place for more than a split second. jason did a really nice shoutout for his parents and all i could think was 'wow hes such a mamas boy...' christian's father and sister were there too. ooh it was so cool wen fatima was pointing and jason pointed back. -swoon- for both of us. oh my f-ing GOD it was such happy-making. the best xmas present hands down. i can now die happy. i almost left after acceptance wrapped up to go to their merch table but stayed put cuz matchbook was coming on. okay, i dunno why, but irivng showed this mini movie thing on the screen in front of the stage. it was this guy.,..who was a science experiment and hes some mutant and he leaks milk ro sumn and hallucinated stuffed animals with claws are out to kill him and it was REALLY WEIRD. and i was perfectly normal. note: the guy next to me looked like the offspring of hakan and jonathan rhys-meyers. weird. matchbook was really good. they sang 'the greatest fall (of all time). yes! one song i know! there was this guy in a winnie the pooh costume that kept crowd surfing and we chatted briefly with later. it was fun. we left after matchbook and went to the merch area where we talked to maxeen's guitarist and got pix. we chatted with jason's cousin who mans the merch booth, is super nice, and u can tell theyre related. good genes obviously run in their family. the difference is that jason i lik 6'3 or something and his cousin was lik 5'10. jason was no where to be seen...stolen by his parents...waah. we were hanging around, waiting for yellowcard to come on and to see if any other band guys would come out so we could get pix and chat...haifa was really looking for tom and we begged fatima to let us stay just 10 more minutes....then tom came! i impulsively went over and gave him a hug and went 'tom...!' like we were friends. i didnt even think. i got a hug tho and pix. i told him he looked like billy idol which is SO the truth. he laughed. haha. hes got the sneer. haifa, i think, couldve died of hapiness when she got her pic with tom. she looks so happy its mad in the pic. i got the coolest maxeen shirt in all creation. oog. we stuck around for the first yellowcard song then left cuz if we stayed, wed be home at lik 12:30 or 1. i wanted to hear way away and...those other 2 pix, tho. from way back unlike the first 3 bands. arghasdolasid. oh u just wait till the next time they come. im so ridiculously happy not even my journalism exam due to worrell in 7 hours starting now, at 1:37 AM. lol.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

ACCEPTANCE CONCERT TONIGHT!! AHH!! fatimas picking me up in lik 10 minutes and im really really pumped up oooooh. this should be so much fun. ahhh. and no, nora, we are not groupies. do i look like one? didnt think so.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

i think the french and CHEMISTRY tests were hands down the hardest test ive ever taken. it was FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO DO. and when i began kinda yelling at jose he was lik

'well, wat am i supposed to do?'


i went to talk to mr. diaz about music seminar and discovered im only getting a 5. anwar is head of the class with a 6 or something. yeh and the reason why im not getting a six is cuz on my first test i got lik a 2 or something on (lol). who caares? its music seminar. i had trouble looking at him when he was talking to me because between those obese caterpillars above his eyes aka his massive eyebrows he had some really nasty shit that looked like dandruff...but really lumpy *shuddeR* it scarred me for life. and he kept on TALKING AND TALKING. aah i kept inching closer to the door till finally, 20 minutes later, i escaped.

livejournal is fun...too bad the actualy journal sucks. but the whole communitry thing is fun.

chinese test tomorro. and journalism...and...ACCEPTANCE CONCERT AAAHHH. omgsadhohsdfdbnla. excitement...ahh...maxeen/acceptance/yellowcard/ matchbook romance ...eee...
actually i feel stupid right now cuz i dont quite know any matchbook romance songs cept for 'the greatest fall (of all time)'. and yellowcard...i think its just way away and a few others...maxeen...i was supposed to borrow haifa CD but i guess ill just make do...

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

chemistry can go die. especially this fucking table of lik 50 cations and anions which BY THE WAY< JOSE, we never learned like we shouldve AND theres no way we can memorize it without understanding any of it. smart one. i know i have to stop comparing our stupidity to afshinnekoo's classes' brilliance (well in comparison) but its really going to affect our grades. hes nice man and all, but dear god we dont learn. he confused me when he tutored me. goddamnit.

PROS: livejournal, acceptance in 2days, LOTR3 tomorro tho im not seeiing it assumingly till friday...

CONS: studying, boredom on day to have fun, more studying, severe fatigue

random stuff bout Ozzy which i found amusing:

"He's awake and he's causing havoc. He's busy telling jokes all the time, he's already asked two nurses to marry him," said Sharon Osbourne.

She said her husband woke up a week after the accident to discover that his single "Changes," a duet with daughter Kelly, was at the top of the British charts.

"He has never had a number one and for me it just goes to show how people love him ... He couldn't speak but tears were coming out," Sharon Osbourne said.

BIRTHDAY TODAY!! YAY! no longer am i one of the 14 yr olds...and the hapiness mounts...ooh so happy...and yet so bored and stressed. *sigh* hell.
fucking hell i had a MATH and FRENCH test today. lovely day for a bday. and i was home bored for a while, even tho i couldve hung with ppl...but id have to travel a few blocks and that was unacceptance. also cuz wen leaving the school chatting with annie on the cell the gate slammed on my heel so now i have a bloody heel :D

somehow, haifa got her dad to let her go to another concert. wow. acceptance. jason eeee. its weird, tho, cuz the past 2 or 3 concerts her dad has been like 'NO MORE CONCERTS FOR YOU! BAH!' and yet somehow in the end she gets to go. hmm talk about weird.

yay i got myself a livejournal..,right after they revoked that whole 'oh, btw, u need a code/someone whose already subscribed to join'. and then i realize to make it all pretty and such, u need to pay. ARGH.

Monday, December 15, 2003


i badly im going to fail both my math exam and my french exams...regardless of how much i study. i just cant do tests. im such a procrastinator its ridiculous.
i feel guilty cuz i havent talked to my friend julie for a week and i keep telling her ill call her and i dont. ah fucking stres and guilt!

Timberlake in Racist Slur Accusation:
Justin Timberlake is being sued for $9.6 million by his former tour manager - who has accused the singer of racial abuse. Ibrahim Duarte claims Justin - along with other members of his former band 'N Sync - told him and other black employees, "You ni**ers ain't worth s**t". The irate employee fumes, "After four years of building them into one of the hottest bands in the world, they treated me less than human. The popularity and money went to their heads and their true feelings about having a black front man became apparent. I endured their constant racial slurs, jokes and belittling comments to make it work. But they just threw me to the curb like yesterday's trash." Band member Lance Bass allegedly insisted Duarte travel in a separate tour bus because he was ashamed of having a black tour manager, and JC Chasez would shout, "You black guys always f**k up". When Darrin Henson, the group's black choreographer, collected an award, the band called him "the dark member of 'N Sync". Duarte also claims black sound engineer Dale Ramsey had to endure jokes about his complexion, and security guard Kenneth Hunter was teased "in a racially offensive manner" - before both were dismissed. The aggrieved tour manager claims he was sacked after the group's No Strings Attached tour in 2000 because 'N Sync were ashamed of having a black "front man" - and was replaced by a white man with "significantly less experience". Duarte adds, "In my 25 years in this industry, I've never been treated like this by any other artist."

-here, i support my theory that theyre all hicks/racist fucks who can go die.

Paris Hilton: I'm a Changed Woman:
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton has revamped her life since her sex tape scandal, changing her clothes, outlook and friends. The party-loving blonde, 22, was forced to retreat from the spotlight for a few weeks after a tape featuring her having sex with ex-boyfriend Rick Solomon surfaced on the internet. And while opting to spend her time strictly among close friends and family, Hilton admits it gave her time to rethink her life. She says, "I've grown up a whole lot overnight. So maybe there is some good in even the bad. The way I treat people and whether or not I trust people - it has really changed me for the better. The people I associate with now are good people. I've been rethinking everything, but my head is on straight. I know what I want to accomplish in my life. Even the way I've dressed these days has changed." Hilton made a return to the spotlight last weekend when she appeared on hit comedy show Saturday Night Live and starred in a raunchy sketch with comedian Jimmy Fallon. She adds, "I wanted to show people I could deal with the situation and have them laugh with me and not at me. I've always watched Saturday Night Live ever since I was a little girl. So I thought it was a good place to h ave fun with it."

-this article made me laugh cuz i bet someone else gave the quote. paris hilton turned goodygoody? unheard of in tinsletown.

history exams that last 2 hours and 45 minutes can go die, along with their 90 minutes of essay writing. DIEDIEDIE. god my hands were killing me. bongkyo wrote llike 23 pages or something. he kept on writing and cracking his fingers that by the end i couldve stabbed him with my blunt pencil (my pen died on me).
oh, and this is even more fun, tomorro i have to take my fucking french test. whoohoo!
and i gotta study like a shid for math and CHEMISTRY. DEAR GOD CHEMISTRY! our whole class is going down; lets hope its graded on a curve.

i half reluctantly went to mcdonalds with nora and anwar and --bah-- candace and roxi. if either of u are reading this im sorry. wen did they start hanging out with us, and if so, why us and not other people? theyre nice and all but why all the time? its annoying. go find other people to grace with ur presence.

and the reason why i refuse to do secret santa is that i intend to get xmas presents for people i actually like. fuck the whole generous whatever factor, if i like u, ur gettin something. if ur just someone i occasionally talk to, ur prolly not. unless i have to for some odd reason.

enough with the irritatingness...
tomorros my bday! yay yay yay! danielle called me aaaall the way from sweden. fun. i miss her so much and i wish that we could go back to the days that we were a real group and we didnt have to fret about finiding someone to hang out with or vent to.

fuck people changing. i hate growing up. bring me back to T1 any day. i miss my group.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

in the midst of studying i get this IM from cami...

tonguepainted [8:01 PM]: what are names that a mom on crack would give her child?
JennieE1250 [8:02 PM]: gustav?
JennieE1250 [8:02 PM]: why?
tonguepainted [8:02 PM]: for girls
tonguepainted [8:02 PM]: just wondering
JennieE1250 [8:02 PM]: oh
tonguepainted [8:02 PM]: im bored

im about to shoot myself in the shoulder because im so frustrated. cramming+exams=hell on earth. im also pissed off at the chinese people back in the last 1800's during the Qing Dynasty because they were pretty dumb. but thats just my take on it.

"Hey! lets call our selves the righteous harmoneous fists! yea! thats an awesome name! therefore, we can beat those british bastards with our fists! yeh! fists vs. guns! yea!"

oh, and this other group called the Red Lanterns:

"We are magical and these stupid red lanterns we carry around will ward away evil spirits and make us invincible. we can repel bullets!"

idiots. no wonder you all got defeated. bums.

SHIT. HISTORY EXAM TOMORROW. imperialsm africa china meiji japan mungo trade suez canal emperor shogun WWI willyrufusII bismarck germany treaties samurai--AAHHH!!!!!!!!*twitch* fucking hell, and 20 IDs and essay topics? ahhh.

think happy thoughts go to my happy place!!

By the numbers...
1 day till the history exam!
2 days till math exams!
2 days till my bday!
4 days till the acceptance concert!
11 days till xmas!

i went to go see the broadway show 'Wicked' and thought it was pretty good. the people all have really great voices but the thing is, im half deaf now from them holding notes for hours. seriously, the songs could SO be shortened to lik 3 minutes this way. goddamnit. i was in love with fiyaro because

a) he reminded me off zach from saved by the bell (=grrr) and keanu reeves at the same time.

b) he SO could be played by jason vena

c) his character ROCKED. i want a boyfriend like him.

yeh so enough raving (his name was kristoffer cusick for all u ppl interested) bout him. they did a good job tying alot of wizard of oz elements into it (cuz the play is basically why the evil witch of the west was so evil blah blah blah).

IM FUCKING SCARED OF THE FLYING MONKEYS. IF U THOUGHT THEY WERE FREAKY IN THE MOVIE YOU JUST WAIT TILL U SEE WICKED. MY GOD. THEY FLY OVER U (well only if ur in front)! and they scale the walls...::shudder:: scarred for life i am.

tomorro im gonna study to whole day. fuck piano. fuck everything. history, chem, and math. whoop whoop!

note: on ELLEgirl's top 50 hottest rockers, they rank Beck (#23) over ppl like jason mraz. i dont find jason mraz all that attractive but that comparison is just ridiculous.

By the numbers...
3 days till my bday!
3 days till the math exams!
5 days till acceptance concert!
12 days till xmas!

Friday, December 12, 2003

I see: just the computer screen- and if i look around i see a junkyard i call 'my room'
I need: do something entertaining
I find: that i am the most depressing person i know
I want: to go out
I have: a nauseated feeling in my gut
I wish: my life didnt suck
I love: frogger
I hate: YOU.
I miss: my friends... yeah even you
I fear: scary stuff. haha.
I feel: gross
I hear: the radio playing- not the song i want it to play
I smell: the the clothes from the closet
I crave: tea with a shitload of sugar and tastes so good...
I search: for meaning in my life?
I wonder: what everyone else is doing right now

Smiled: after finding that lovely pic of jesper
Laughed: during dinner i was reading this thing in people magazine about this guy suing vin diesal's dog for $8 million (or suing vin, whatever) cuz the dog bit his dick and he suffered' loss of sexual pleasure', etc. and the last sentence was 'the actor's publisher called the incident 'unfortunate'. i found the publicist's indifference amusing.
Cried: home alone bored and lonely thinking about my wasted adolescence
Bought something: chips
Danced: i dont dance. except i did this fun twirly thing while listening to music.
Were sarcastic: i dont know...u answer
Watched your favorite movie: um. well the last samurai was a bien movie...
Had a nightmare: last night when a certain personm got married to someone i didnt like then they turned on me and tried to kill me

Last book you read: the lovely bones again
Last movie you saw: 'samantha' on WE ( i heart dermot mulhurny} first thing i gotta do s fugure out how to spell his last name)
Last song you heard: 'numb' linkin park
Last thing you had to drink: milk
Last time you showered: last nite
Last thing you ate: chicken

Smoke: no, and never will
Do drugs: no
Have sex: not yet
Sleep with stuffed animals: no or id die sneezing
Live in the moment: when im up to it
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back: yeah...
Play an instrument: piano but i suck at it...unskilled fingers
Believe there is life on other planets: yes, why would we be the only ones?
Remember your first love: remember my first crush is the better question- and yes
Still love him/her: would i still have a crush on henry with the mullet? i dont think so.
Read the newspaper: every day
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: sometimes
Consider love a mistake: when ever i hate life
Like the taste of alcohol: no
Have a favorite candy: not really. actually im in love with the swiss chocolate haifa got me. its so goood.
Believe in astrology: its bullshit
Believe in magic: again, bullshit
Believe in God: no
Pray: no
Go to church: no
Have any secrets: too many to count
Have any pets: none
Do well in school: nope- im never gonna get into a good college
Wear hats: hate hats
Piercings: i want them
Have any tattoos: not yet
Hate yourself: at the moment, sometimes whole heartedly
Have an obsession: too many on and off ones. the thing with me is that when pobsession hits, it hits hard then fades when it climaxes. its weird.
Have a secret crush: oh u have no idea
Do they know yet: it wouldnt be a secret crush if they knew about it, dummy.
Collect anything: not really
Have a best friend: many
Wish on stars: all the time but nothing ever happens
Like your handwriting: with certain pens, yes
Have any bad habits: tendency to be scornful without reason, depressing vibe, and cold shoulder, etc.
Care about looks: no so much that it dominates my life, but yes
Believe in Satan: no
Believe in ghosts: yeh

"Completely expecting another crappy band, I was so pleasantly surprised when the Swedish new-wave sensations, the Sounds, came on. Despite my initial confusion over the gender of the lead singer (I know, but it could have been a guy in drag), I was completely swept away with dance fever. The entire crowd moved as the band just oozed sex. By the time Jesper Anderberg took off his shirt, the entire crowd became infatuated in some way or form. I had a great time dancing to all their hits off Living in America, including “Seven Days a Week,” “Dance With Me” and “S.O.U.N.D.S.” Having enough indie-cred to be featured in Venus but enough pop sensibility to tour with Rooney, they surely will at least give Hot Hot Heat a run for their money. Highly recommended live (the album’s good, too).
Grade: A"-

interesting. i hope the sounds visit nyc soon...

HOLY FUCK: serious happy-making

i feel like shit. during the french exams i felt so sick. lik a few minutes after i saw what was on our exams i became completely nauseated and dizzy and i think i almost passed out ro something cuz i had no idea what was going on. ugh not fun! so brezinsky told me to go to the nurse who told me to sleep for 2 hours. hmm ok. by the time she got me up the exam was over. shit. i found ghoussoub and asked wen was the next time i could take it and in typical ghoussoub-fashion, she kinda scoffed, went 'idontknow' and scurried off. hmm.
i feel like going to see a feel-good movie like love actually or something cuz i really need something like that. i slept for a while wen i got home and watched this movie called 'samantha' on WE with DERMOT MULRUNEY (spelling..?) who i love to death. it was made in '92 so that fashion is a little kooky but nevertheless i love him. so much. him and his cello. the samantha person looked kinda manly to, like a cross between a man and an doll...hmm...time to think that over.
im bored. my life is boring. entertain me. PLEASE. im going to die of this insane boredom and the stress i have from exams. fucking exams! fuckfuckfuck...u kno what...its time for me to go shop for xmas stuff...and stuff for myself. i need entertainment, but not shit bootleg crap.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

still studying for french and im not having fun. i cant stand this whole passe compose/inparfait/futur sample/futur conditionelle/futur anterier/plus-que-parfait shit. i cant deal with it! english isnt this hard! ahh. and ghoussoub freaks my entire class out and we should really take real notes. this is fun, having like 6 entries in the time span of 5 hours or so. im going to fail this test. so badly. and we have to do a mini essay based on an article which will kill me. MERDE!!

woe is me. the yankees have traded pettitte. and im freaking heartbroken. idiots. all of them! except boonie who i love. and is staying with the yankees at least one more year. ..

today was excruciatingly painful. english essay in the morning...7 pages not skipping lines...i nearly died. my hand was so cramped it was ridiculous. so i hung around with people till the next it was hard. i was dying. at least i remembered how to draw DNA. good stuff right there. whoo phosphorus! except i couldnt remember liver enzyme shit...damnit! i was exhausted and somehow managed to haul myself downstairs...where i saw frogger. ha. and to think i thought i wouldnt see u till the 19th. who wouldve thought? it made me excessively happy.
im still in a somewhat constant state of boredom. i havent genuinely laughed in a while, ive been giving half-hearted laughs and stuff. suffereing from constant boredom and i dont know what to do! i havent laughed really hard since annie's house...and u know its a bad sign if u remember when THAT happened. time to do something about my social circle and have fun. god i feel so dull...arrrgghh...maybe this summer when i go to that campish thing ill meet new people. yehh that sounds good.
ok, happy-making CDs:
1) The All-American Rejects, The All-American Rejects
2) The Sounds, Living in America
and more to come! god the sounds cd makes me happy. i look like such a dork singing along. but its worth it if it makes me ahppy, something i havent been in a while. always fun, no? uh what else...
oh this is really random, but this guy named eric gajdjeh (well its pronounced!...or guy-dich...) who ive known since i was lik 7 goes to gobby's school...pretty interesting. hes like infatuated with her so i told her to pretend to want to seduce him and bring him to unis...that should be plenty fun. considoring the fact that he was lik 6'1 when we were thirteen...god knows how tall her is now. damn u small blonde boy.
ill complain as long as i fucking have to: i want a livejournal code. if u get me one...well ill love u forever...and il give u a coookie. yeh that sounds good. until then...i could just make my own makeshift livejournal. until then, the comments will just have to be sent via email. i kno theres stuff like xanga, blurty, etc. but i want a live journal. yeeh.

music: 'dance with me' The Sounds (funny listening to swedish ppl singing 'HOLLA!'...aat least i think thats what shes saying...)

mood: lonely

my blogger is so riduclously boring, but deal with it. fuck i have to study like mad for frrench....augh!!

so. tired. waahh. i spent lik 4 hours straight studying bio. and making BEAUTIFUL flashcards of which i kno none of the info...god im so pissed at science in general. damn u DNA and lipase and , jose for making my life so difficult. im thinking i shouldve stayed with physics and mr o'keefe who i love to death cuz he rocks. i got a 92% or something on my physics final with him... chemistry will ruin my life. and kirshenbaum is a pretty good bio teacher but hes too jumpy and eccentric for me. give the man some ritalin and save us all! and english. dear god. ms picone is insane. absolutely insane. shes actually a good teacher tho and shes really funny and a clean-freak. lol. i wonder how id be this year with cisek... my head is wracking with pain. ahhh.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

"forget december, it wont be better [than any other month of this shitty year]..."

IM SO THOROUGHLY SCREWED FOR EXAMS I CANT TAKE IT. i went to school to study for chem with jose for 1 1/2 hours. not fun. but hes such a funny little man who makes corny jokes. haha. i couldnt find kirshenbaum and i really really needed him to review with me. araarhjhsda. so i hung out with annie in the library for a while cuz i didnt kno where anyone else i liked was. they were all either at home, eating with just being bums. yeh that makes sense. goddamnit. went home. ate junk. nearly cried over the mass amount of studying ahead of me. shitters.
and the math exams is fucking on my bday. damn all u ppl with bdays on weekends...u just wait __ years... oh! and on the last day of exams (18th) ive im going to see jasonvenaaaa. ahhh.
as for now...
think happy thoughts! go to my happy place! ahhh!

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

im so screwd its absolutely ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. chemistry im going to fail because jose has not taught us shit. and the stuff we need u cant learn in a day or by urself. he cant teach! i dont know ANYTHING on ions, positive charge, anions, cations, etc. SHIT. oh, and history, our whole class is going down because we don't know anything either. duttifuck doesnt teach; he gives us general topics, a brief overview, and makes us do our own research. that is a perfect example of possible to most ineffective teaching system ever thought of. bio im screwed...tho not us much cuz kirshenbaum finally began writing some notes. shitshitshit. and since were all dumbasses in chinese were pretty much completely screwed over for that too.

yeh so today fatima and i somehow managed to pull of usama's little going away party like thing and his going away card which we finished during break. i was really happy it wasnt a bust, all alme and stuff. in fact alot of ppl came and hung out and signed his card. in the middle of the hall way. hmm. im gonna miss that boy so much. u cant have another usama!
wat CLASS CAN GO DIE. please just go awaaaayyy! we were supposed to waste time by watching this vid but kirini and nicolette took control of the remote and kept on fast forawrding and rewinding like they liked which was so irritaing. i went to the nurse and sleep cuz i figured it would be more fun than dancing. chemistry was chaos even when i walked in 10 minutes late. jose was trying to get ppl to shut up and thank god raquel did. idiots rule our classroom. and i think im one of them. anyhow. were thoroughly screwed over cuz jose doesnt teach, when he does it doesnt make sense or its just too slow. DAMNIT!! i

i studied for 2 hours then half passed out on my table from tiredness. fatigue. whatever. attempting to dig out my old chem book...

ok. xanga can go fuck itself. seriously. its okay but tis too complicated and looks WEIRD. i dont know why. butu need alot of time to work on it and im still harassing ("harassing") ppl for a livejournal code. LIVEJOURNAL PLEEEASE.< updating it after exams/whenever i have time. enjoy. in two days, it will be on week till i see -swoon- acceptance. -swoon- [frogger]-swoon-

Monday, December 08, 2003

misha, annie, and i struggled for 20 minutes to get our lazy asses out of bed at 6:45. after going to bed at 2:30 AM cuz annies music was annoying (dashboard yay!) so we rushed to school and i stopped by home before homeroom. oddly enought, i was early. WHOA. that never EVER happens. froogger. yes so anyway. double bio was hell on was english...fucking 6- on the SUMMER part of the bluest eye...i worked too fucking hard on that, picone! too hard! 3AM! history...i think the reason duttifuck makes us do our own research and stuff is because he knows nothing and is being paid to babyshit us only. thats it. lunch...damnti candace u slow-minded and -bodied inidividual. because of her i could not look at anwars music seminar stuff because candace's massive head was in the way. argharshg. i failed the music seminar test. i know it. i got lik 2 out of 6 of the music IDs cuz they actually sang the title. hahaa. math sucked. and FUCKING JOURNALISM! I CANT TAKE IT! I HATE WORRELL! nora and i got into this shouting match because she was being bothersome. supposedly shes just 'too stressed out'. she was sitting there nagging me to death just cuz i was flipping thru falloutboy pix. shes lik 'y arent u working blah blah blah' and i was lik '...uh...i am...just not rite now...' and she got on my case and i was just lik 'stop bothering me go do something!' 'well what should i do?! huh?' 'i dont know go do something and stop bothering me! im supposed to do the table of contents, not you!' my god. ok, she is in no way the editor of the magazine. or whatever. we all have just as much say as she does. meaning that we dont have to have this particular cafe scene cuz she thinks its nice. oy vey so irritated i couldve thrown somehthing at her. argh. so bored the rest of the day. yay. ok im gonna try out xanga.