Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Queer As Folk finale was on Sunday. Jenny and I slaved for a few hours on a cake with the cast members on it. We didn't put the lesbians because they are irrelevant. LOL

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BTW I ate half of the cake. I ate the heads, Jenny ate the devil's foodcake base. Marf and Tima ate the cheesecake because theyre lame.

Then on Monday night we went to the KF for Hal Spark's band Zero 1's gig. We were the youngest people there. And we paid $20 for general admisiion but sat right behind the VIPs who paid $100 per ticket. Go figure, we probably jacked some people's seats.

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The Jack's Mannequin poster I was going to steal before the show. But Jenny and Martha talked me out if it. When we left I discovered someone got to it before me. FUCKERS.

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(look close and there are three different movements)

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Finale. My arm is retarded. I jogged his memory and he remembered bumping into me on the street a few months ago. Yeah that made my life.

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The Grand finale.

Let's die happy now.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger BULLSEYE said...

The way I see it, this could be anywhere from truly enlightening to completely pointless and stupid.


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