Monday, December 22, 2003

What time is it now: 11:37 PM
Your Name: Jen
Your Nickname: Jen
Your Online Name: angrylittleme
Your sex: female
Your color of the phone: do u by any chance mean the color of ur phone? well, regis, its white.
Your Sign: saggitarius
Your height: 5'4
Your weight: upwards of 120. less than 130. in the middleish.
Hair color: black/darkass brown
Eye color: same as hair. maybe. lets say dark ass brown.
Hair length: medium length tho i need to cut it. it looked so cool after i cut it...
Do you wear glasses: yes since im blind as a bat and everyone knows.
Are your teeth straight: um. yes? well i had braces but then two teeth are shifting... i think my retainer's fucked...
Do you have freckles: im chinese. come on now.
Do you have a fake tooth: sure i do. no i really dont.
Do you have a fake eye: does it look fake? thought so. damn.
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: you caught me!
Your religion: agnostic
Highest level of school: sophomore/10th grade/T2
Do you work: not really...a bit..yes
How do you dress: boring. really boring and unnoticeable which is nice...sometimes. oh u just wait till i show up at school with a skimpy skirt and go-go never!
Do you smoke: never
Do you drink: when i can get something to drink.
Do you do drugs: no. unless u count accidently taking 3 tylenols and motrin within the same hour when i had a massive fever
Do you have friends: no. yes. maybe. *thinks*
Do you have online friends:yeah and all i can say is that i hope theyre not actually 50 year old men with no lives and solicit sex.
Do you like your friends: msot of the time, yes.
Do you like your online friends: only julie
Got any kids? actually yes.
Got any pets? no unless u count the mice in the garage. are there mice? no actually ive seen one rat at waterside but two mice on the loose at school. is that bad?
Got a car? my dad sold it. bastard.
Live in your own? i'm 15. of course i do.
Live with your 'rents? parents, yes. rents. pshaw.


Type of music: im liking the whole rock genre. all types. i like punk rock and cant deal with rap/hiphop. it makes me want to destroy something and i feel i waste my time that way.
Actor: harrison ford who im infatuated with. was. now: michael vartan. oooh.
Actress: dont know. jennifer garner?
Movie: um. LOTR2 the two towers? or actually...nvm. not sure. i hate wen u kno it after u see it but cant remember it wen u do dumb things like this.
Soda: sprite
Food: chinese food and junk food.
Sexual Position: u pick.
Car: i love my saab, no matter WHAT randy and his little car people say about it. i love it.
Hobby: concerts...eating...sleeping...cuddling....hugging...listening to good music...
Sport: ice skating, skiing when i dont suck, tennis, BASEBALL OH MY GOD.
Musician: jasonjesperpetepatricketc. Artist: above answer for music. for visual arts...jason vena lol. um, no. lets just say...andy warhol cuz thats all i can think of.
Author: Alice Sebold and JD Salinger. Also Toni Morrison
Anime: oh yes. especially pokemon. or not. not.
Song: i like too many. ESPECIALLY THE RUSSELL CROWE ONES. lol those are awesome. ahahaa.
Color: black, pink. btw, jason has a shirt with those colors.
TV Show: alias. smallville makes me laugh, tho.
Brand of beer: none. i hate beer. tho my 11 year old cousin has developed a taste for chinese beer.
Brand of liquor: none
Brand of smokes: none. oh i like thee candy cigareetes at dylans...
Brand of drug: there are brands?
Brand of clothes: hmm. i dont like one particular brand. levis jeans! yeh! and XOXO jeans! yeh! whoo!
Record Lable: you spelled "label" wrong, dumbass. um. for now, its fueled by ramen. representing punchline, teen idols, falloutboy, the AKAs. yess. also the militia group.
Brand of glue: the one with the possessed cow on front.
Online test: quizilla or emode
Online chat thing: AIM
Shape: star
Texture: rice. its so cool wen u stick ur hand in a bag of rice. its like orgasmic.
Game: LIFE
Place: Next to Jason. That was the BEST.
Year: 20004. no, 2004.
Holiday: XMAS
Quote: too many. for now, how about: “One day you'll love me as I loved you, one day you'll think of me as I thought of you, one day you'll cry for me as I cried for you, one day you'll want me...but I won't want you” and "The hardest thing... is sitting next to somebody who you love, and still feeling like you're miles away. To miss somebody you're sitting next to... it hurts worse than anything else." actually the last one is crap, but the image is good.
Animal: fleas.
Sound: laughter.
Book: i read too much to have a favorite.
Drink: frapps from starbucks.
Sex: whoever wrote this is one sexually deprived individual.
Virgin: yes
Butthole a virgin?: i dearly hope so.
mouth a virgin: again, i dearly hope so lol.
Kinky turns you on: um...yes i guess so
More than 15 partners: that would be per year since i was born. (nice point gabby)
Have sex with music on: sure.
Had group sex: no
Had a threesome: isnt that the same as above?
Had cyber sex: no
What turns you on: jason lol. or jesper on his keyboard. ooog.
What turns you off: cockyness. and shallowness. and ignorance. idiots.
is Oral sex good: what say you?
Do you like sex: stop with the sex questions already!


Have you lied: more than ull ever know.
Do you lie: "hey lets rephrase the previous question to stump them!" yes, more than ull ever know.
Do you lie often: yes. i do.
Do you lie to save your own ass: as needed
Do you lie to save someone else ass: only if i feel it is neccessary for me to lie and get in trouble and not someone else
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: i..uh...depends on the situation??? i dont know. actually, yes. go and get another lover.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: isnt that a given? hmm maybe not.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: no.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": UM YEAH? wouldn't you?
Have you lied to gain money: yes
Would you lie to gain money: maybe
Do you enjoy lying to strangers:FUCK YES
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: absolutely. wait. you just asked that? damn that whole rephrasing nonesense
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: most of the time.
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: face...of...evil...? huh?
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: many times.
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: hmm maybe. yes, i was a saintly little creature. if u look to my angelic early days...
Would you lie to get laid: hmm. depends.
Have you lied to get laid: no?
Would you lie to get a job: yeah
Have you lied to get a job: no.
Would you lie to get a date: maybe
Have you lied to get a date: no
Are lies really that harmless: usually. gulibleness is the bad thing.
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: yes...
Do you lie online: yes
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: without a doubt.

Love life:

Are you single: yeah. but ill just be happy with being single. ya cant force love now can ya? yes u can...
Are you with someone: i like to think i am but no.
Are you married: ABSOLUTELY.
Are you divorced: soon
Are you "Separated": in a bit
Are you "on break": sure i am
Ever been in love: yeah but i use the term lightly, not so seriously or whatever.
How many times: more than ull ever know.
Looking back do you regret it: ew i remember when i was in 'love' with _____. o, god, EW. nono ew block it out now!
Do you date people you meet online: creepy
Do you date people you meet at bars: i'm 15. im not allowed to stay there.
Do you date people: id give it a try.
Do you "net date": what the fuck is that?
Are you happy with your current status, why: not really. growing increasingly restless and bored and i think im going to do something about it. but something ull never see me do is morph into an airhead and be a slut. if i do, feel welcome to hit me.
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: um. well. we used to be kinda close but not any more. he drifted. but its like a mini crush.
Are you still holding on to the past: like no other. new years resolutions: LET THE FUCK GO. stop hanging onto things cuz theyre just holding me back from life. what life?
Do you agree that Jet Li is a good husband for Shajuana: who's shajuana?, cuz hed make a better for me! hah! actually no, cuz i dont get attracted to chinese guys. weird, i know. cept this one chinese guy at my dads cousins banquet. hold monkeys he was GORGEOUS. wait, i think he was mixed. well, see? wait, no, he was. he was beautiful. oooh.

The following apply to you? Y/N

Witty: at times
Quiet: sometimes. sometimes im so loud i cant contain myself and babble away.
Loud: ok, same answer as ^
Pretty: what do u think? i dont think so.
Radical: yep. obsession anyone?
Sucky: uh. sure.
Smart: Y/N
Stupid: always.
Dumbass: same as above.
Ugly: unpretty, yes
Slow: huh? what? hasha i sound like tim wong. LOL HASHA! HAHA TRY SAYING IT LIKE SEAN CONNERY HAHAHAHA. "hasha i shound like chim wong" haha
Fast: not in any context. except fast walker.
Talented: not in the least.
Useless: absolutely. i'm a waste of space.
Punk:lik 5%. not much. used to think i was lik 10 not anymore....
Young: not at all. im a decade and a half!
Old: the opposite of young is....
Past your prime: yep. after 3 the energy level goes straight down.
You're just reaching your prime: as stated above...
Dashing: like jason. were so meant to be together. lol no no. NO.
Daring: more than my mother would like. im daring on rollercoasters. ill go on ANY rollercoaster. and i stopped being that shy around new ppl and thats how i met maddie and david hou, my southern chinese hick. btw, ur red sox suck.
Dainty: like no other!
Powerful: um. RAWRdfsdbfds hear me roar. i om woman hear me roar.
Athletic: thats a funny question. am i?
Artistic: yeh. artsy fartsy
Superhuman: superhuman samurai, cyber squad! anyone ever watch that shows? the guys i know are pussys. i watched more guy shows than they did when they were 5. thank u, little brother.
Sexy: ohyes, u kno it.

The following are Good/Bad

Sex: good i would think, yes
Love: being in ;love', real or imaginary, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and it give me something to do.
Happiness: one of my favorite things
Rap: DIE
Pain: aww,,,, who doesnt like it?
Pop music: backstreet strictly. none of this nsync nonsense
Anime: only sailor moon.
TV: a god-send. bored? turn on the TV and watch white trash on jerry.
Country: ehh... just never play it on a road trip for 4 hours, and never bluegrass.
Metal: does 'wicked game' by Him (not god) count?
Nu-Metal: does 'wicked game' by Him (not god) count?
Death Metal: what's with all the metal? i like love metal. yes. love metal. 'wicked game' by Him. thank u, maria, for playing it.
Industrial: too hard for me.
Punk Rock: yeah yeah yeah (haha get it? get it?) good one gabby.
Easy Listening: wat? um yes?
Korn: like one song
Murderous Rampages: wat killing bugs evolved into.
Sega: i somehow thing about sonic when i see this.
Nintendo: banjo kazooie? what? i like.
Play Station: im such a nerd. i cant quite tell the difference in terms of usage.
Game Boy: love it. ahh. i enjoy nights playing Pokemon Red Edition on it...still havent beat it after 4 or5 years...still on the first 5 cities...
Chinese Food: holler.
Italian Food: life line.
Japanese Food: eel sushi with that sauce. oh my.
Mexican Food: tostito ya! no no..i dunno. i love it.
Online Quizzes: frustrating.
Online Surveys: tiring as a shizzah.


Whats your deep dark secret: a psycho stalker? yes. sure i am. not. not? yes not. noo tahts not true. yes. not. my secret is im schitzo and suffer from tourette's. CHEESEMOKEY TOASTE!!!!!!!
Whats your biggest fear: i guess dying in a painful way, and losing everyone i love and becoming a hermit.
Whats your greatest sexual experience: peeling a banana. ooog. lol.
Whats your best date ever: never been on a formal date
Whats your worst date ever: uh.
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: too many. my life is on humiliating thing after another.
Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: no. actually yes cuz id somersault over steve and kick the cheating lover in the balls. girl power!
Anime isn't that bad is it?: i have determined from careful analyzation that whoever made this is a sexually deprived individual techhie nerd who is infatuated with pikachu and must represent him yo.
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? uh..yes? but VHS has is awesome previews...


Are you religious? never have been
Do you believe in a higher being: no
Is every religion wrong except your own? i dont see things that way.
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? i don't think that way
Is your God the only god? what god?
Are you going to heaven? no. i would like to if it was real (dunno if it is)..
Are you going to hell? yes.


Do you like it? very much so.
Do you have any? yeah
Do you make a lot of it? somehow, i do. bless u ly-cees on chinese new year/bdays. ooh.
Do you get your money through illegal ways?: does prostitution and solicitation on subways count? good.
Do you pay taxes? yes. somehow. bush is cheating my family out of too much money to buy more land for his farm cuz the kents in kansas are expanding too damn much and are getting onto his turf. sad, but true.
Do you think you shouldn't have to? yes! goddamnit! just let the kents take over and well have clarkes face plastered everywhere instead of bushes!!!

Who did you get this survey from? gobbys blogger like thing. no, im not a stalker, it was on her profile thing.
What time is it? 12:39. holy fuck that was the longest thign ever.


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