Saturday, December 20, 2003

OH MY F-ing GOD! The Sounds are going to play Warped Tour too! this is madness. things i want next year...
-acceptance full length CD (fuck yes)
-falloutboy on 2/28 at irving
-full length jamisonparker CD
and whatever else comes up.

1. if there were 3 wells (love, beauty and creativity) and you could only drink from one, which would it be? love.
2. with problems, whom do you run to? myself.
3. which finger is your favorite? my index? ooh, no, i know. my middle finger because it is useful for flipping people offf.
4. what's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? whatever it was i obviously made myself forget about it.
5. would you kill someone? if i could get away with it.
7. if you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? i have no idea.
8. do you like your handwriting? sometimes. it depends on the writing utensil.
9. who are you jealous of? a lot of people.
10. what kind of person do you want to marry? um. this person who i wont name.
12. what do you put on your sandwiches? mustard. i put mustard in all my sandwiches it pretty ridiculous. a type of cold cut and a type of cheese and msutard and im good to go. "im good to go, and im going no where fast, but it looks like im still on my own..." sorry just reminded me of it..
13. do you think people on the Gap commercials are cool? no because they lipsing (do they) and are way too happy wearing rainbow stripes. i know theyre happy, but u dont need to look like u just won $10 million dollars by breathing.
14. if you were another person, would you be friends with you? most likely no.
15. are you a daredevil? no I'm more of a batman. lol no no. um, sometimes.
16. how big was the biggest mango you ever ate? like a mini soccer ball.
17. have you ever told a secret you swore you'd never repeat? maybe. i dont know.
18. what do you think is the most attractive animated character? damian from sailor moon. omg. and peter parker from MTV's spiderman. he was a fox lol.
19. do looks matter? sometimes yes.
20. favorite color? black and pink.
22. are you trendy? i dont think i am. i think im the least original person ever. im so boring.
23. what do you do to prevent anger? i do something drastic to take my mind off it. like take a shit. lololol jk. haha....i go and blast something happy or angryful, or i watch tv.
24. who is your idol? probably my mother.
25. who is your second family? my friends.
26. do you trust others easily? no
27. what was your favorite toy as a child? my toy phone. id imitate business women on tv.

number of times i have been in love: dunno
number of hearts i have broken: probably none.
number of boys i have kissed in my life: bah.
number of girls i have kissed: none that i know of.
number of continents i have visited: 1. haha.
number of drugs taken illegally: bah.
number of people i would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: 0
number of people from high school that i stayed in contact with: i am still in highschool. jerk.
number of cd's that i own: i have no idea.
number of piercings: 0
number of tattoos: 0
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: well its appeared in the school newspaper once. dunno bout the public paper...
number of scars on my body: a lot. i would be counting for hours
number of scars on my heart: a lot. :/
number of people that have made me scared of what they could do to me physically: noone i can think of right now.
number of things in my past that i regret: too many
your favorite myth: idk.
your favorite god: none
your favorite serial killer: what a sick question. jack the ripper is really interesting tho.
your favorite body organ: my heart?
your favorite body part: hands
your favorite author: i dont know how to read. sorry.
your favorite obsession: my groupie like antics. lol or not or not. not.
your favorite number: 16
your favorite excuse: dunno
your favorite emotion: being on a concert high, so immense happiness and giddyness. i love being giddy and hyper.
your favorite drug: jason lol.
your favorite drink: vanilla frapps rock.
your favorite place: my bed...or someone elses...
your favorite unattainable object: him! frogger! or other!
your favorite regret: pushing people away with my evilness.
your favorite thing to hate: you.
your favorite paranoia: "paranoid paranoid everybodys coming to get meeeeeeeeee." um...freky killer things...ew...and elijah wood after he was webbed. hold fuck yes. OH MY GOD NO...ive got it: things that crawl on walls. i cant deal with it.
your favorite way to die: what the fuck?
your favorite insecurity: my favorite insecurity? how about my insecurities. i have too many.
your new favorite favorite: cuddling? haha.
your favorite frustration: dancing. fuck dance class.
* Describe your neighborhood: my city is very great.
* How do you look?: not preferable.
* If you could say something to the person you like, what would it be?: ur fucking beautiful. no no
* Where do you wish you were right now? wherever jason or jesper are. sorry that was impulsive. no, right now i feel like hanging out with my cousin.
* What would you say to your best friend?: fuck off:)
* Any words of wisdom: i dont have any.
* What do you wish you were doing right now?: cuddling with someone. :(
* What do you think of drugs and alcohol?: they suck butt.
* If you could say one thing to your enemy, what would it be? i hope you die. or i hope u go thru hell the rest of ur life. i dunno. help me out, misha or annie. ur good at insults.
* What do you usually do on Friday nights?: hang out at home, mope, sleep, eat.
* Are you for world peace?: yes, it’ll never happen though
* What do you think about school?: i dont like it. my friends are being bums, my teachers suck, everone else sucks, and i want somethingi cant have.
* How do you feel right now?: fucking cold.
* Any closing words?: my life is a waste of your time.


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