Tuesday, December 23, 2003

JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: my speakers on my comp broke so i had to use my discman to listen to music
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: and i had the plugs in my ears for lik 5b hours and i feel ike theyre still in my ears...
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: ......but theyre not...
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: [insert suspicious music]
SeaBreeze423 [1:14 AM]: ooo weird!
JennieE1250 [1:14 AM]: or suspician music, whatever
SeaBreeze423 [1:15 AM]: (lightening crash!)
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: lol suspicious music coming from my spoon
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: [earsplitting fart]
SeaBreeze423 [1:15 AM]: oo i love spoons.
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: yes ....yes [eyes widen] [maniacally]
JennieE1250 [1:15 AM]: aaaaaaaaaaa
SeaBreeze423 [1:15 AM]: actually, bein serious, i do love spoons.
SeaBreeze423 [1:16 AM]: theyre so.....seductive.
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: if u look at them that way
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: theyre also very ahndy
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: handy
SeaBreeze423 [1:16 AM]: how can u not love a spoon?
JennieE1250 [1:16 AM]: dont ask me, i married one
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: lol im thinking about if that made sense
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: im courting one...but i think its falling for the knife.
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: or the fork
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: devious character
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: damn kinves!
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: i hate them!
JennieE1250 [1:17 AM]: or how about the soup spoon. its so little and dainty and has pretty decorations at the end.
SeaBreeze423 [1:17 AM]: cruse them to the underworld i say!
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: the 5th ring of utensil hell!
SeaBreeze423 [1:18 AM]: u mean tea spoon?
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: sure
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: no, soup spoon
JennieE1250 [1:18 AM]: have u never had one?
SeaBreeze423 [1:18 AM]: i have tea spoons and they sound very much the same
SeaBreeze423 [1:18 AM]: i also use them for yogurt tho.
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: well the soup spoons are signifcantly larger and more decative that tea spoons
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: wat is decative a good word there?
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: is it even a word?
SeaBreeze423 [1:19 AM]: ambiguous.
JennieE1250 [1:19 AM]: there we go...
SeaBreeze423 [1:20 AM]: and away we go!
JennieE1250 [1:20 AM]: u kno, i always thought lobster forks were very...slimy creatures...
JennieE1250 [1:20 AM]: haha or not
SeaBreeze423 [1:20 AM]: they have forks??!!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: yes!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: u didnt kno?!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: no way!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: no! i didnt!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: yes way!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: oh wow its crazy!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: boy, have i been missing out!!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: golly!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: gee wiz!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: aww snap!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: hell!
JennieE1250 [1:21 AM]: jee whiz golly goshums!
SeaBreeze423 [1:21 AM]: hells indeed!
SeaBreeze423 [1:22 AM]: goodie gumdrops!
JennieE1250 [1:22 AM]: by golly!
JennieE1250 [1:22 AM]: heck!
JennieE1250 [1:22 AM]: oh bless the brady family for teaching me these substitutes for curses
SeaBreeze423 [1:23 AM]: lol!!
JennieE1250 [1:23 AM]: what a lovely way fo ringing in ur bday nej
JennieE1250 [1:23 AM]: uncovering the spoon dating scene
JennieE1250 [1:23 AM]: i love it.
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: i wanna talk about forks next year....
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: oooo bring it!
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: im sooo ready!
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: oh its already been brought!
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: lol oops
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: whoaaaa
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: lol...damn u
JennieE1250 [1:24 AM]: holler
SeaBreeze423 [1:24 AM]: lol yay
JennieE1250 [1:25 AM]: u do ppl say holler?
JennieE1250 [1:25 AM]: they sound like they have tourettes
SeaBreeze423 [1:25 AM]: mmmm good point
JennieE1250 [1:26 AM]: its like 'i got new pants todayHOLLER!!!'
JennieE1250 [1:26 AM]: 'i got a new ahircutHOLER'
SeaBreeze423 [1:27 AM]: haha!
JennieE1250 [1:27 AM]: yaay
SeaBreeze423 [1:28 AM]: hehe good times
JennieE1250 [1:29 AM]: very
JennieE1250 [1:29 AM]: wow this is so going on my blogger
SeaBreeze423 [1:30 AM]: haha! yay! im on blogger!
JennieE1250 [1:30 AM]: yes!!
JennieE1250 [1:30 AM]: major accomplishment there
JennieE1250 [1:30 AM]: ill give u a shout out yo
SeaBreeze423 [1:31 AM]: aiight, HOLLAH!
JennieE1250 [1:31 AM]: representing my waterside homie yo
JennieE1250 [1:31 AM]: holler.
SeaBreeze423 [1:32 AM]: g, u no im ya hommie
JennieE1250 [1:32 AM]: no doubt yo
JennieE1250 [1:32 AM]: or is it yo no doubt
JennieE1250 [1:32 AM]: -thinks-
JennieE1250 [1:33 AM]: screw that
JennieE1250 [1:33 AM]: *screw dat
SeaBreeze423 [1:33 AM]: lol
JennieE1250 [1:34 AM]: wow this is really difficult
SeaBreeze423 [1:34 AM]: i no rite!
JennieE1250 [1:34 AM]: "indeed i am down with that. holler at your boy, yo."
SeaBreeze423 [1:35 AM]: haha!
JennieE1250 [1:35 AM]: or homeboy whatever
SeaBreeze423 [1:36 AM]: lol...watever? so not ghetto jennnnn
JennieE1250 [1:36 AM]: like whatever!
JennieE1250 [1:36 AM]: like omg shutuppp!
JennieE1250 [1:36 AM]: i like totally have some comPLATEly warped form of tourettes!
SeaBreeze423 [1:36 AM]: lol i like this convo
JennieE1250 [1:37 AM]: amen!
SeaBreeze423 [1:38 AM]: hear hear
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: as much as i do, im out
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: haha
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: aiight bye bye!
JennieE1250 [1:38 AM]: hmm thats not ghetto-ish enough
SeaBreeze423 [1:39 AM]: bye bebe

happy bday necla!


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