Monday, December 29, 2003

changed livejournal layout to this lovely blue and gray thing. anyhoo.
i had a weird dream last night that fatima, haifa, necla, and i were at a blink concert on a bridge suspended mid air in some bog. we left early because we had an acceptance concert next, and climbed down the ladder to some little village in some desert town. while sneaking thru a small house, we bumped into ibrahim and his kid (?) and he began talking to us about his whores. we left, weirded out, and for some reason had to run for our lives down this black tunnel and finally we got to the acceptance concert, and jason escorted us in cuz we were on the guestlist. i wish!
and the night before i dreamed that anderson cooper my CNN love convinced me to interview jamison parker and i freaked out and ran away cuz i couldnt come up with any questions and jp hunted me down and made me interview them.
i spend way too much time listening to music on my computer.


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