kill the drama.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
im happy my spring break doesnt suck. at least not today. i had a really really really good day. so i got up late, and the traffic was awful, so i got to serendipity's late to meet danielle, nora, misha, and jenny. so i got there and went upstairs where i saw my DANIELLE-love!! yay. so the lunch thing was fun...i wuv lime-pineapple slushie things...and we got into this discussion/arguement about how we'd react if we saw our favorite musicians. cuz i cried wen i met kevin from bsb cuz i was so happy, and tima did too wen she met lps. and nora was like 'oh, if u met westlife, i wouldnt cry.' and the discussion was pretty pointless. yes so fun fun, and then we went to dylans candy bar and...hung around making fun of things. a bit later, angelica (danielles sister) came, and we went to the nearby movie theatre. i didnt watch taking lives with them cuz i had to go to TIMAS house. yay. so we hung around for a bit before going to the taping of carson dalys show with BEN JELEN -swoon-. hehe yes. dorkifying moment. we left with timas mom and zooz, and then got dropped off at rockerfeller center. we walked around the rockerfeller mall-thing before going to the mezzanine of the nbc studios. two street teamer ppl recognized me from macys so that was pretty cool. the two girls in front of us, charlotte and jill, these two 20 (or something) yr old ben lovers started talking to us about ben and stuff. jill kept talking about her friends in bands like good charlotte and stuff. i was really intereseting, but didnt really like how she kept tlaking about how she and benji are so close, blah balh how benji had a huge crush on her, blah blah shes always on the VIP list, etc. and charlotte kept having to help boost jills ego by agreeing and 'tell the story' about wat happened. it was an interesting half and hour discussion. very cool. and somehow jill thought i knew where ben wud be after the show and clung to us. so after going thru like 10 checkpoints, we got into the studios BALCONYS. fucktarts. the guard woman sed that if we had gotten there early, like at 4, we wouldve gotten ground floor and gotten to stand in fornt of the perfomrance stage. while we were sitting down, on the little moniters showing clips from previous episodes they began playing the performance by THE SOUNDS that i missed! and i promptly freaked and attacked timas arm lol. i freaked and kept going 'ahh jesper! felix! aahh.' lol. damn i cant believe i missed it. so the shwo began, and the tommy davidson and other guy were semi-funny. then they moved us to the other side of the balcony closer the the perfomance stage. these moronic 30-soemthing year old women kept bitching to me about me taking their seat and i moved after the fat ass bf almost sat on top of me. morons. so i was on the front row next to the rail, lovely view of ben and his lovely band. mhm so he did 'give it all away' and i swooned in my seat. ew i think im morphing into one of those ben jelen dorks that call themselves jelenbeans cept ill never EVER call myself that. eww. after he was done and left the stage, i got up and tried to get tima. jill and charlotte found tima and then i met up with them. they came out with us and jill asked the guard where ben wud be leaving (cuz she was determined to get him to sign her hat and get a pic). he sed the main door. we went out that one even tho we didnt fully believe him. so while we were standing around, jil squeaks and i turn around to see ben and some publicist person;s faces recede behind this..DOOR that was hidden with the wall or something. the carson daly rep was like 'yeh u can talk to him wen he comes out...' etc. so finally he came out, and suddenly he was swamped by these..'old' ppl trying to get autographs and jill like lunigng for him. we werent as agressive but we still kept close. so finally tima got to him and was like 'hi!' and he was like 'heyy' he seemed really overwhelmed and drained and i felt really bad for him. me: 'we saw u at macys and the knitting factory last night...and u guys left really suddenly for some reason.' ben: 'yeh..i kno, im always rushed...' and we got a quick picture with him and left. he told everyone 'once the car gets here i really gotta leave...' [the rep sed he needed to catch a plane to LA] so tima and i left soon after and went came home. ben jelen= happy making. according to the craig kilbourne site, ben will be on the show april 2. i love spring break. cept one thing that sucks is that it ends the week before skate and surf. bugger...
ooh but one more thing. from lee's journal...hehehe:
Dragon Blender The shows have been awesome and Chicago rocked! I love New York & thanks to all the kids for comin out and supporting us!
We are heading to Florida and the sunshine state awaits us. Today we had to slay a big blue dragon for blender magazine. I have been too busy to shop so I am sad...Haha x (POSTED 30/3/2004)
if anyone gets a chance, go read timas 2000+ word entries in her lj. hehe. <3
edit: it was so easy getting into the carson daly show. since u had to be 16+, tima and i altered our ID's so my bday was now 2/16/88 and hers..was 3/8/88 lol. but they didnt even check the birthdate! ppl there are bums.
danielle landed today. DANIELLES HERE! IN NEW YORK CITAY!! AAHH!!
misha9188 [12:26 AM]: oh MY did he bang that piano hard. he ROCKED IT like no ones business
misha9188 [12:26 AM]: come now jennie
misha9188 [12:26 AM]: come now
Angrylittleme [12:26 AM]: wat
Angrylittleme [12:26 AM]: i was giddy
misha9188 [12:26 AM]: lol
misha u bum. trying to kill me mood are we? u shouldnt get as many mentions as u get.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
i dont like ben jelen's "entourage" but i do like HIM very much. very much. mhm. yes so aisha and i, being the ben jelen dorks that we are, made a $10+ taxi trip to the knitting factory downtown. and we didnt kno the exact address, and jon didnt help much. "its between two huge brown buildings...near city hall..." what. no its not. it was on '79 leonard st.' like we thought...and also the place was COVERED in ben jelen posters. -swoon- the guy at the door was like 'and will you be drinking tonight?' i just gave him a weird look and sed 'does it LOOK like we are?' bum. im sure other ppl would be like 'of course!' but i dont do that. so we actually couldve just gotten in without paying for the ticket, but for some reason we ended up doing it. hmm dont remember how THAT happened. one of the rock the vote reps tried to get me to vote but i told him i wasnt old enough. 'here you sign up here...' dude im not old enough. 'huh? what? just register!' im 15! its illegal! 'what?' and then his partner cut in and asked how old i was and THEN the rep realized his mistake. haha. we hung out on the floor for like an hour, bored. and ready to stab this 'mystery person' in the balcony who kept taking pictures or something with his/her BLINDING FLASH. it was so painful. so blah blah then half an hour late, the rock the vote spokesman came on, and then damien from trl came out and i just had to take a picture...mhm then ben came out and i freaked. i didnt like the audience cuz most were sluts dressed in miniskirts or trying to dance to the music...which u really cant. u can kinda move ur head or hips, whatever, but u cant pretend ur in a club. im just rambling nevermind. anyway, he was lovely. aaahh. i liked his bassist too. he did rocks, come on, slow (aisha we heard that one at macys!), shell hear you...and a few songs i didnt know. hes a freaking musical prodigy. aisha had this very funny quote about him being one just because he grew up alone with no friends...hmm...remind me later. he played the violin, guitar and piano. oh MY did he bang that piano hard. he ROCKED IT like no ones business. and i could go on cuz im happy like that. hah. he was his little witty self wen he did talk..."hah i cant read...but i CAN vote. and you should too!..." haha the rock the vote guy started subtly bashing bush and that was very amusing. so ben came out for an encore and was like 'we have two surprise guests for you...zac and taylor hanson!' and the crowd went wild. i heard it as 'zac and liz hanson' and so it didnt register. whoopdeedoo. it was cool...but seriously, everyone around me was freaking out and callign their friends. and i honestly thought i had became deaf after this...woman next to me SCREAMED in my ear. ther was this 40 or 50 something lady next to us who was so absorbed in the songs it was frightening. most of the audience was female teens, gay men, cute metrosexuals, and ur occasional 30-something person. mhm so they did this really good song (dunno wat it was...) very rock worthy lol. yes so the show ended, and aisha and i kinda just hung around the merch table which was hidden in a little corner. i said hi to taylor hanson on the way to coat check. and he sed hey back. HAHA zac hanson got so large, and he was onstage looking like he thought he cud bed any girl in the audience. oh my goodness it was so funny. i love how the first thing i see is ben jelen shirtless. on the poster. which i wouldve gotten except my mother would attack me and rip it up and be convinced im a groupie. hmm. it was a lovely poster...very RAWR worthy. *giggles* mhm yes so we ripeed posters off the walls and sat around hoping he would come out soon. we decided to leave after like half and hour, and stood in the door contemplating leaving. then i turned aorund for no good reason and gasp. tis ben! and body guards? what? yes they gave him bodyguards cuz too many ppl have tried to rape him. maybe. yes so i freeaked and was like "YOU!" and he looked at me and like 1/5 smiled before being urged along by the bodyguard that guarded his ass. yes so we were both like aaahh and went outside. where ben was swarmed by REALLY AGREESSIVE female fans. at least we were mellow and non-harassing and not yelling 'you're sexy!' or 'give it to me!' during give it away. or 'ur hot!' yes so he was like 'im sorry i cant stay...thank u...' etc etc. -sigh- and off he walked into the bootleg sunset of a lamppost. day two a bodyguard or publicist has killed my mood. i was ranting all the way to the subberway. aisha and i walked back the rain. drizzle. pshaw/.
its 2:15 AM, and im drooling over this one picture of lee with tima. hah i was even closer to lee but w/e. im melting. the pinkness of his lovely. oh my goodness why didnt we take a picture with my computer. i love how i get 3/4 of all the pix, and that 1/4 thats missing is the one with lee pimping me and haifa. -sigh-
edit: you know you're too tired when you wonder why you couldnt take a picture of lee with a computer.
Monday, March 29, 2004
lost prophets!!! ahhh. so. tima, anwar, haifa, and i went to soho to shop around noon. tima and i easily got bored of looking at shoes at 'the lounge'. i got distracted once but hot pink and green roos which i love. went to chinatown and ate at tea & tea. taro green tea + tapioca=yumm. their friend a testiment to why chinese ppl dont make fried chicken. mm then went to fuse/IMX at fucking 3:30! ahh. so we hung around, walking around our side of the block, hoping lps wouldnt go thru some random entrance (drawing from fob experience...) yes then jon came and hung out with us for a bit. he. he. he had a little crush on haifa and tried to get her # from me but i made him go ask her himself. hah. steve, the guy whose always at the same shows we are, said hi and was like 'we're going to turn everyone into walking lps ads!' uh then after an hour and a half they brought us in and made us sit in the widdle cubicle they think as the pre-show waiting room. died. steve passed around lps stickers and we pasted them everywhere. and we randomly started talking to some guys from brooklyn. yes. i like being around new ppl. so they let us in, and separated us. tima and i got put on these little...boxes next tot he stage, right in front of the cameras. hmm. nora and anwar were put next to the window with haifa and aisha. aahh. before the show began i looked out the window and saw someone who i thought looked like luis. i craned my neck to see better and then he waved at me so i knew it mustve been him being too late to get in. bum. so we ahd to randomly applaud, blah blah blah. and then Lps came! aahh. they were on the sides but tima and i could see them from where we were. tima waved and IAN waved back and gestured for her not to cry when she started wiping away tears. at the point i got so they were presented with the tower records beest new artist award or something, and ian, being his clever little welsh self rambled on about how great it was..something about jamies room having one...dunno. it was a freaking rush to the head to think that lps was less than 6 feet away from me. hmm within jumping they sat on the stage and i freaked and my hands couldnt stop shaking and my knees couldnt stopt either. ahh. they did a little Q&A, and steve came up and asked about ians busted rib at irving. 'ohh i just stagedivied-stupidly-and landed on someones elbow or something.' steve smirked and was like 'that was mine' lol. so funny. and ians like 'YOU! ahh were gonna take this outside later!' tima was up to ask a question but the coordiantor person cut her off. so the show wrapped up, and we ran into the little room to get our stuff then run out of imx. luis was outside and i sed hi and i got a hug. but he was with his friend (who wouldve gotten in but she was late) so he didnt relaly hang out with us. but jon did and chatted with anwar and haifa profusely. its kinda uncomfortable when he plays with my hair and tries to massage me. random note. so we were hanging out at the corner, walking back and forth for like an hour waiting for lps, cuz we knew ppl were lying wen they sed they left. then..ahh! i saw little mike! i freaked and we all went over. [i realize im writing a mini essay] so i sed hi and they did as well...and then i gravitated over to stuie and he sed hi love and gave me a hug -swoon- i was kinda still half huggin him wen i started pointing to tima and ramlbing about how shes loved them for three years and it would be great if she got pix...and he was all cool about it yet it was impossible to get everyone together. then i randomly talked to ian who was on the phone (i dont kno wtf i sed....) and stuie some more. this is becoming blurry. tima-edited version will come later. then for some reason, i started talking to lee, and got a hug from him. for some odd reason, we were still like half hugging for a bit, and i have no idea why. it seemed very long. and he smelled lovely. aaah.."haifa, look who i got!" i shouted. i mustve sounded drunk or something cuz i was slurring and unable to speak. or maybe i was just too damn cold from being out for so long in just 3 layers. babblign idiot. anyway, ahifa ran over and joined lee and i, and it looked like he was pimping both of us LOL. i told him it looked like it and hes like 'yeh...' lovely boy. and aisha came and snapped a picture of us looking very out of it. iloveboysinpinkshirts. tima: "lee you look sexy in that pink shirt" lee: thank you! little mike was being a bum. but i did get a pic with stuie. <3 he was in the process of rounding up the others wen their bastard roadie/manager guy ushered them into the van and was like 'we gotta go! were gonna be late!" and they all went for the van cept for stuie who was like 'wait a sec im going to try and get them out...' but they were alreadysettled. so he got in as well and mouthed 'im sorry' thru the window. -SWOON- i love you more. before, stuie came back and gave tima 3 pics: "im sorry we dont have our name on it but we used them..." ahhh. we almost jumped her for them. haha nora was so giddy it was hilarious. and anwar was just kinda floating around getting random hugs. aisha was our little photgrapher bee. and i..was a go-between at first then...i dunno. alot of it is a blur now.
than i got home and my mom thoroughly depressed me with guilt-trip talk etc. and i ended up moping in the bathroom for half and hour. not fun.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
its a freaking ben jelen love fest! :P (a sign im bored out of my mind and cant sleep)...i have an arm and hair fetish if that makes any sense.
1. 2. 3. 4.
misha- he does not sound like hilary duff+penis.
piano, dads office. forced to go to school and help edit unisverse articles with nora and tima. adam victor's anti-gay marriage article was SO. BAD. we were all laughing our asses off at it cuz it made no sense and he kept contridicting himself. apparently he thought that if he used big and 'complex' words he would have himself a great op-ed. no, im sorry, IT DIDNT WORK. i thought it wud be easier if i just re-wrote it for him.
im still worried about not getting into the carson daly show. and im worried aisha didnt get tickets for the knitting factory. im in no condition to go thru the double blow of being denied access to two ben jelen things ina row. ehh. LOSTPROPHETS TOMORROW.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
ooh having very good karma today. :D i applied to get tix for the taping of ben jelen on carson daly and i got them! the only thing im worried about is you have to be 16 and have photo ID. hmm. well i WILL be 16 in a few months...shit what if we dont get it. that would blow. majorly. and i hope my mom will let me go. ehh. that wud be like the third ben jelen event in five days. how amusing. :D. im about to piss onmyself with excitement.
edit: i. am. such. a. spazz. ehhh
my mom thinks im going to become an obsessive groupie just because i like going to shows and i get so many pix with singers etc. i just gave her a weird look and went back into my room. i think shes just annoyed im going to, what, three shows in the next month? ooh scary aint it.
tuesday, march 30: possibly ben jelen at the knitting factory
sunday, april 25: punchline! <3
thursday, april 29: SOCO/yc. eee!
blogger fucking deleted my entry! my giddy as a shit entry abotut seeing ben jelen at macys! fucking hell!
so this will be short.
aisha and i went to go get ben jelen's cd, it was sold out. went to H&M and got tshirts and watched 'alcatar' or something's music video for 'dont u want be baby'. as we went up the 2nd floor escalator of macys, we began hearing ben voice. aisha: 'OMG!!' i took off running and we got to the fourth floor in time for the second half of 'come on'. yay. went to change into shirts, stood on line pouring sweat. met ben and almost died of hapiness.
ben: hi!
us: heyy..
aisha: shes obsessed with you.
me: no im not..silly...-tunrs red-
ben: how? i smell bad! (laughs)
[random talking...PICTURES -swoon-]
ben: you should come to the show tuesday
us: were ognna try!
left giddy as a shit. talked about ben and pete the whole way home (walked)! sat around the plaza. it was soo nice today. aah.
Makupbag: ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete.
Makupbag: alex.
Makupbag: ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete. ben. pete.
jenniee1250: alex?
jenniee1250: wat?
jenniee1250: lol i was wondering wat u were doiing
im in love with this photo ^
and i wud like this one too but it looks like im chewing or about to spit out my gum. or trying to imitate a squirrel.
tima, you made my week.
Friday, March 26, 2004
i feel old. my cousin is 6 today. 6. i feel like she should still be three, unable to argue back with me, unable to justify her being in the room, and unable to answer the phone properly.
nobody can go with me to see my favorite pretty boy at macys tomorro. this is so sad. and i dont wanna go alone cuz i wud feel even more like a superdork. i think i need to go and take a walk or something rather than cowering around my computer figuring out my schedule. haha. but seriously, im so upset right now. time for some fall out boy...
no school cuz its SPRING BREAK. if we had another week of school i probably wudve shot myself or something..
fob in orlando last night.
my sleeping patterns are really fcked up. i went to bed at 3AM, and got up at 12:30 PM, not drowsy at all. whhaaatt. so i went back to bed thinking it was abnormal, finally getting up at 2. my family is weirdly dysfunctional at times and its getting to me. so hung around, cleaned my room, worked on installing the new fax machine, etc etc. felt guilty for not going to my grandparent's house for dinner (cuz theyre cooking all this comfort food for me) cuz i was working. danielle called and we tried to sort out the plans.
Brand New/Acceptance
On April 13th, we will be in New Jersey for a special show with the good men of Brand New. The show is at Rutgers University and for students and their guests only so come if you can.
my cousin goes there. problem is, its on a tuesday night, we have school, its in jersey. BULLOCKS. its like one of those almost perfect concerts FOR FREE.
trouble is might not be playing the same day as punchline, which royally SUCKS. on LJ, allan replied back to me and was like 'so were being advertised as playing that show?'
and if my day didnt suck enough, no one can go with me to ben jelen. tima is going to me on a family trip, nora has fucking unisverse. i despise unisverse at this point. it completely preoccupies some of my friends, sucks, and worrell is a mofo.
tima and i had so much fun yesterday making up alternate movie titles to 'eternal spotless sunshine on the mind'. or something. ahahaha.
my favorite pretty boy love, ben jelen, will be at macys THIS saturday at 1PM, and the only person who wud be willing to go with me is my love, tima. but tima is going on a family roadtrip and cant make it. what am i going to wud be lame if i showed up alone. pathetic as well. bullocks. go with me?
Thursday, March 25, 2004
angry little girls kick ass. and the e-store...i think i want to buy every tshirt they sell. like the 'all the good ones are gay'. -sigh-
yes so anyway. IM ON SPRING BREAK! aaahhh! excitement. sleeping in. danny coming. i cant take it. and possibly taking a short trip to the suburbs and checking out the local schoolhouse...
fun during double chem. far more fun than past classes. we shredded paper. AHH. no but the fun part was squishing paper-mache esque goop with glitter and cinammon sticks. yayayay. this reminds me of the science fair days with jenny in M4 wen we tried to make a paper mache volcano. the paper mache was supposed to have the texture of clay...but we didnt kno that for weeks and kept sitting by our mound of watery puke-like goop with my air cleaner on and two highpower blowdryers. lolol. so funny and nostalgic...the good old days. yes so we made bootleg paper, and then had french. i felt so, so bad for ghoussoub cuz her aunt died. during the triple free...i lazed around. They had TACO SALAD today for the FIRST TIME THIS YEAR. that was so weird...jojo was saying something about how she persuaded fat mike to do it..kiri was crying during bio, something about constantly being sad and never being happy. hmm. math...i dont like getting tests back at all, esp wen u mightve failed. and filmed ppl summore for dannys video. lol i felt like WES BENTLEY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE in american beauty, observing everyone with my well i am.
afterschool, hung around the third floor with haifa and waited for timas damn guitar lesson to end. after, we drove down to union square and scope out disc-o-rama (the ghettoest cd store EVER) to get continental tix and TROUBLE IS's cd. ppl there are bums. the tickets were $16, $6 for the convienience charge that was unneccessary cuz we were picking up the damn tickets! so we didnt get them but got the cds. went to spice and pigged out on thai food which i have this newfound loooove for. walked around...met aisha/necla/haifa at that little movie theatre on 11thand2nd or something. decided not to see havana nights for the 2938479283 time, so tima and i went to urban outfitters and tried on really ridiculously ugly outfits. i need to grow hips and lose the lovehandles! ahh i freaked wen i saw the blue italian stallion shirt JASON VENA has. aah. it was kinda pathetic of me but i dug out the size i thought he wore. it was funny. yes then we went to saints alps @ st marks and sat in front of some french tourist infested church, drinking boba teas. :D met up with aisha/necla/haifa after the movie and went home.
parent teacher conferences. lol butti didnt bash me. neither did russian fruitcake. my chinese teacher says i have to try harder. bum. ms powell of all ppl raved about me. obviously, she thinks im someone else.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
acceptance is playing a FREE show at rutgers university with BRAND NEW on april 17th. what the hell? my cousin sophia goes there...but shes not into this stuff so its a complete waste. argh. still working on getting my comment thing up on the side of blogger. it looked so pretty on ashleys!
i love how since i havent done SHIT tonight i think its saturday or friday night. ppl online are like 'ooh look at 11, must go to bed! nite!' and im lik waaatt? u freaks there's no school tom...oh dear...there is...isnt there. damn.
i love how i had nothing to do afterschool in terms fo homework so i just frolicked at home..and took a 2 hours nap at the table in the middle of my tv show. i take spontaneous naps alot, dont i.
only one more more day...until spring break! ahh. this is exciting. math test today which im pretty sure i failed or something cuz i didnt finish 2 questions. ugh. then forced to go to french class. we actually had a very very fun history class...we did the wave a couple times behind duttis back, and once with dutti. well not WITH him (tho that would be absolutely hiarlious) but with him watching. hmm. he makes the weirdest expressions in the world and was upset i didnt bring in my camcorder to tape it :( studied throughout my free and lunch...i went outside to study while annie and other ppl ate and pranced around. and wen i looked up after 20 mintutes of focusing on the problems on my paper i was FREAKING BLINDING. everything was green and so damn bright! and so i got up and stumbled back into the building unable to see quite clear. 'ran' the mile on the roof, and my time was 10:02. HAHAHA. actually last year was lik 14 so whatever. cami and i dashed acrossthe track, as did jenny and i. hahaha. chem test..hope i get at least a 60. that would make me happy. bio...blah.
she picks really good concerts to go to.
TIMA HAS JUST INFORMED ME THAT PLAYING WITH HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW, PUNCHLINE, AND ALLISTER IS...TROUBLE IS! -dies- this will be a lovely day at the continental...HAH and we will insist on calling them by their old name cuz seriusly....starttrouble. give me a break.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
i was in the midst of studying my math and chem stuff wen i decided it was livejournal and blogger time. so here i am. apparently, i am far more addicted to LJ than most other ppl. o well. just two more days till spreak break and all will be right in this world...
i actually had a pretty good day. filling out the teacher comment sheet for duttifuck highly amused me. jenny and i were the last two to hand our sheets in cuz we were composing impromtu mini-essays pointing out the flaws in his class. anwar and haifa told me wen i handing in my sheet, dutti looked like he was going to cry. and i just laughed in my little devious fashion. :D i love how in french, wen we have subs (even if it was m. taibot) we always end up doing redactions and lecture. it kills me. so i failed my chem test, but luckily, lenis is a smart little columbian man, and is letting us take another one tomorro and hell take the better of the two. yay i might PASS this time! i agree with haifa/anwar that he is much like dutti cuz he cant teach wen hes too frustrated. I DONT UNDERSTAND SHIT IN HIS CLASS!! blah blah lunch. english was pretty funny aswell cuz ppl read out their gatsby-party esque stories and alex's was hilarious...chinese was fun cuz we read out our little 'why i like living in the city' thing and yeah. wow i suddenly am not in the mood to continue. not much blah blah danielle called and we chatted for a bit (danny im sorry it took so long for me to get online!) fell asleep at the computer for an hour. so if u imed me and i didnt was cuz i was asleep lol. so sad.
im furious about histoyr. dutti is bringing my average waaaay down. i got 6's and above in eck's class, and now i need to work my ass off to get a 5. this is cuz dutti is all about 'structure over content' which is complete shit. anwar gets 7 after 7 after 7 and im getting really really
some moron, or morons, stole fall out boys rough cut of the DVD from their van. WTF? u idiots. and now theyre trying to put it online and stuff. COULD YOU NOT WAIT JUST TWO MONTHS? my god. im in love with the punchline cd.
Monday, March 22, 2004
i hate mondays i hate mondays i hate mondays. i brought my camcorder int o tape stuff for danielle and many ppl are BUMS. bum bum bum. bio
was boring, so was math. during the break filmed...funny funny occasion in the math hall way for misha, jenny, and i. chinese did...anoying listening quiz things...histoire...internal assessment. i hate mr dutilloy with a burning passion. audrey was complaining about having a 5 as well, but i did all my yelling last week. yay. sat outside during lunch and found i like it so much more in the lobby cuz there isnt a mass of ppl watching u eat and its more open. lovely. music seminar was boring aswell till we went to the library and i saw with aisha, maria, and candace and...lazed around thinking of songs that had to do with 'the darkness of love'. hahahaha. yes and i actually enjoyed french which was WEIRD. went home, lazed around, called danielle. she sent me the funniest pictures in all creation from last year. i look so different...JEEZ. theres one pic where it looks like im raping dariush, another where i look satanic, and one where jenny looks like the mother of all hicks. currently procrastinating on english. yay!
April 25th in New York, NY @ The Continental
w/Allister,Hidden In Plain View, The Goodwill
25 Third Ave. New York, NY 10003 3:30pm
(thank you, julie!)
must. go. ahhh. its on a sunday too...and then that thursday would be soco/yellowcard. make my year!
i tried to add a comment/chat thing for the side of my blogger, but since im HTML-challenged i couldnt seem to put anything in the right area. once i did, i didnt know how to make the comments pretty. wtf just comment on LJ til i get it right.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
pete my lovely boy, hello.
emotional rollercoaster days suck. went to my dads office, and i wasnt feeling that great. i was listening to Soco at the computer then suddenly i started crying. the songs just really got under my skin and i couldnt take it and went to the bathroom to bawl cuz i realyl dont like it when people see me cry cuz i feel moronic. it was a nice cry, but kinda unexpected cuz it never happens to me. socos songs can sometimes turn me to MUSH and i guess today just wasnt my day. lol wat am i going to do at the concert? start crying in the middle of the crowd? jump on andrew? who knows.
i cant believe i watched the series finale of the bachelorette and started to tear up wen she and ian got togehter. its sad, really. its freaking scripted tv for christ's sake! but yes i like ian very much, even tho at one point i thought he looked like the result of cross breeding between a monkey and a chipmunk. he was still really cute. and those lovely arms...
go out and get the punchline CD now. its lovely.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
i went to the information seminar at columbia university today. we went on a tour of the campus (which i fell in love with) and i contemplated staying in the co-ed dorm with 16 other guys and gals. mom sed shed considor it, even if it is like $2500 for four weeks. i saw isar and emily at the lerner hall thing and sed hi...then sat during this little slide show and stayed for the college prep course prep info <= that sounds funny. after it, i started chatting with this girl named...sylvia lets call her (lol her name is something like that), and she sed she went to hunter. hunter! so of course i went off about if she knew megan (yes), vicky ("oh u mean torry" "what?" "torry, right?" "uh, no, vicky chieh." "yeh, torry" "oh.."), and francesca. it amused me so much wen sylvia sed she did like francesca cuz she was too snobby. hahaha. then jenny called and i went to her house for a bit before we got off our lazy bums and went to see hildalgo with martha. hildalgo wasnt as bad as i thought it wud be...but it was pretty funny. we didnt laugh out loud that much...but we did after. they even kicked us out cuz we were laughing for so long after the movie in the semidark theatre.
-"yes, hildalgo, look at all the pretty HA. HA!"
-viggos little pippen-esque music video-like scene were hes singing, hallucinating and becoming schitzo at the same time!
-servant: -big movie star smile-"jazira!!" gets shot.
-viggos creepy face as he watched the horses...
-somehow all the bedouins in the arab peninsula speak english. yes, even the slaves and the old goat herder. all except the cute little slave boy.
-viggo, your horse is going to fucking die. he was gonna die halfway thru the movie. dont make it do fucking victory laps in the water!
-sharon stone look-alikes only role: to look pretty and seductive. eg "blah blah blah" -strikes a zoolander-esque pose but not as ridiculous- ahh she reminds me of lauren from alias. WHORE.
etc etc. fun fun fun. also at dunkin martha: jenny grabbing the napkins off the other peoples table rather than just GETTING NEW ONES. i laughed so much i started tearing like mad.
haifa and i had some communication problems
Angrylittleme [11:41 PM]: my god feed the wtwo boys and buy them sweaters...
Angrylittleme [11:41 PM]: haha evil sister
Fufa33 [11:41 PM]: lol nono my sis had nothing to so w/ it
Fufa33 [11:42 PM]: haha they both have sweaters jennie and fiasal eats liek no other person
Fufa33 [11:42 PM]: he like maria
Angrylittleme [11:42 PM]: maria eats like no other person?
Angrylittleme [11:42 PM]: obviously u dont know me that well.
Fufa33 [11:44 PM]: lol well ]
Angrylittleme [11:44 PM]: i eat like no other
Fufa33 [11:44 PM]: i don't reall know ur eating habits
Fufa33 [11:44 PM]: and i knw all that maria thinks abotu is herstomach and boys
Fufa33 [11:44 PM]: o raelly
Fufa33 [11:45 PM]: o yay u all can sit together adn eat
Angrylittleme [11:45 PM]: haha OH YES
Angrylittleme [11:45 PM]: AHH YES!
Angrylittleme [11:45 PM]: tim wong was llike 'oh i can eat like 20 dumplings'
Angrylittleme [11:45 PM]: and i just laughed
Angrylittleme [11:45 PM]: i was like 'u pussy'
Fufa33 [11:46 PM]: hahahaa
Fufa33 [11:46 PM]: thats great
Angrylittleme [11:46 PM]: i can eat like 30 easy
Angrylittleme [11:46 PM]: cuz i have a stomach of sttteeeelll
Fufa33 [11:47 PM]: yay goo jenie
Fufa33 [11:47 PM]: we should really have a contest
Fufa33 [11:47 PM]: liek on un day or somthing
Angrylittleme [11:47 PM]: YES
Angrylittleme [11:48 PM]: OMG YES
Angrylittleme [11:48 PM]: or my bday...
Angrylittleme [11:48 PM]: aaaaahhhh
Angrylittleme [11:48 PM]: or marias last week
Fufa33 [11:52 PM]: maira's b-day was last week wat?
Angrylittleme [11:52 PM]: no re read that
Angrylittleme [11:52 PM]: we could have it on my bday
Angrylittleme [11:52 PM]: or marias last week
Angrylittleme [11:52 PM]: w.e
Fufa33 [11:53 PM]: yes maria last week
Fufa33 [11:53 PM]: ?
Fufa33 [11:53 PM]: her b-day?
Angrylittleme [11:53 PM]: HAIFA RE READ THAT
Angrylittleme [11:54 PM]: we could ahve it on my birthday [period]
Angrylittleme [11:54 PM]: or maria's last WEEK HERE
Fufa33 [11:55 PM]: wat do u mean maria's?
Fufa33 [11:55 PM]: maria's wat?
Angrylittleme [11:55 PM]: nvm
Angrylittleme [11:55 PM]: brb
Fufa33 [11:56 PM]: jennie
Fufa33 [11:56 PM]: tell me wat u mena
Angrylittleme [11:56 PM]: omgg haifa
Angrylittleme [11:56 PM]: I JUST DID!!!!
Angrylittleme [11:56 PM]: re read wat i wrote!
Angrylittleme [11:56 PM]: i cant make it any easier
Fufa33 [11:56 PM]: no but maria's wat?
Angrylittleme [11:56 PM]: we can have to eating contest on my bday. OR like maria's last week here.
Fufa33 [11:57 PM]: i dont' understand the "maria's last week here"
Fufa33 [11:57 PM]: it doesn't make sence to me
Fufa33 [11:57 PM]: that sentacne
Angrylittleme [11:57 PM]: marias last week here
Fufa33 [11:57 PM]: here were?
Fufa33 [11:57 PM]: where*
Angrylittleme [11:57 PM]: like marias last weke in the city before she leaves!
Angrylittleme [11:57 PM]: ahifa im about to cry
Fufa33 [11:57 PM]: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'
Fufa33 [11:58 PM]: lololol
Fufa33 [11:58 PM]: i didn'tknow wat u were tlaking about
Angrylittleme [11:58 PM]: im literally so aggrevated im about to cry
Fufa33 [11:58 PM]: i was liek last week ? here as in online>? ur house my house wat??
Fufa33 [11:58 PM]: yah but i get it
Angrylittleme [11:58 PM]: noooooo
Fufa33 [11:58 PM]: u should have sed her last week in ny
Angrylittleme [11:58 PM]: ahhhhhhhh
yay theres a chance the whole 'imx gang' as ive decided to refer to us might POSSIBLY all meet up at the soco concert. like a 5% chance. me, effie, michelle, luis. coool. jon sed he might go but whjo knows.
Friday, March 19, 2004
got back from jennys play 'juno and the paycock' (or something) at was good i guess, cept for random parts where diamuid (i have no idea wat his name is...) and val went on and on....and i started dozing off. lol.
anyway today the big thing was everyone was making 'free mauricio' mini-posters on paper and putting there everywhere...doors, lockers...arses. i dont get why for his 'first strike' he gets suspended till the end of the year. morons.
i had another confrontation with dutilloy about him giving me a 5- on my treaties essay. good new: i stayed relatively calm and made him 'raise' it to a 5. WHORE. bad news: after, i started half crying to nora cuz im like failing my 'strong subject'. i just dont get it. i used to get 6s all the time in ecks class easily, and with dutilloy...i have to work my ass off to get a 5. since i doubt i got stupid over the summer or got half my head removed...its definitely dutti. mr duddi. eew. i CANT STAND HIM.
fell asleep in the library during the last period of the triple free. it was so damn loud and the floor was too hard...but luckily i got to sleep again in history during the fcking boring yet somewhat scary silent film.
hung out with jenny and ate at delano before we went to school for jennys rehersal...then sat on the roof with misha, clari, and sarah e. martha came, and then we went to the play. yay.
ben jelen is gonna be at Macys next saturday at 1PM and im very, very tempted to go. since its midnight now, 10 DAYS TILL DANIELLE COMES! yayayayayya.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
mmm tonight has been lovely. me and punchline. lazing around and procrastinating. except for the minor detail that ben jelen is now the feature of 'jessicas crush' this lame-brained AOL thing aimed for teenyboppering teens. shit. and the msg board for it is full of stuff like 'OMG i LoVe BeN!!!" this isnt fun. something i have noticed is that every guy i like seems to be gay in the eyes of everyone else. ehhh. theyre not gay theyre just metrosexuals....pretty boys...whatever you like to clal them. or they might be gay.
happy happy happy. i felt like puking the entire day. blah chinese and math and english. we had a career day thing and mom came as one of the guests. i didnt go to her group, but alot of ppl from her group came up to me (like you, danja) and went 'I LOVE YOURE MOM!' and i found that that she had told them all she used to be a party girl and stuff like that. obviously i did not inherit that trait. lol. kinda skipped gym to study with annie, vero, and christina with mr afshinnekoo who i adore for chem. hes absolutely brilliant. the weird thing tho is that by the end of the study period, we were all ready for the chem test and could do everything. cept wen we actually got the test, only vero seemed to have retained the info and we didnt...afterschool i got really pissed cuz everyone who sed they were coming to get soco tix with me at irving bailed. necla and aisha, who sed they were coming couldnt come for some reason or another, haifa and tima had guitar, and nora went home. ehh. finally after waiting with haifa for a while for tima, tima and i drove to union, and i ran to irving as tima ran to virgin for the PUNCHLINE cd. so got cds and yay happiness. i watched the DVD and laughed my ass off with my hacking cough. ew. omgg steve is so funny. ahh. and paul. and chris and pj whose so weird...but yes so im procrastinating on english. first day in a week or more ive been able to relax a bit and not dive into fcking history. fucking IDs!! oh, and im going to see soco :D
im cold. its SNOWing outside and keep in mind that its MARCH. the middle of march too. wtf...
the living end- modern ARTillery.
You wake up one morning and discover that you've grown two feet taller overnight. How does it affect your life?
Pete Wentz: Wow, I'm normal height now.
i am easily amused when bored. you wouldnt understand the humor unless u met pete. hes 5'5. as this girl i was talking to noted: "aww they look like hobbits!" hah and joe happens to be a LOTR dork. coincidence, not?
and yes, i am near complete with my IDs. and here goes the chem studying at midnight...i seriously need help with time management. the pete stuff was wat i meant to post like yesterday...
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
i went to bed at 4:15 AM last night working on my IDs which didnt get finished. and now im procrastinating. must get IDs FINISHED. and must study for chem which BY THE WAY im thoroughly FUCKED for cuz jose that columbian bastard has not taught me anything. thank god for girl-abby and sumiran...but still im fucked. i cant beleive im still functioning, either, considoring the fact ive had 4 hours of sleep the past 30 hours. i had a pretty boring day. i slept thru music seminar and math at the nurses office and stuided after school with a whole bunch of ppl from lenis's class and abby, sumiran, and kemal from afshinekoos. the kids from afshinekoos class are significantly better than us in chem because they are actually TAUGHT by a COMPETANT teacher. stupid mofo. im completely furious at him right now...
im putting way too much effort into these 24 history IDs. one ID morphed from 3 sentences to almost 300 words. this is becoming like a mini essay. and my biblio is 3 pages long. if i dont get over a 6 im going to seriously shoot that man.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
i hate history IDs. all 24 of them.
i croaked my way through the day. croaaak. i didnt like it either and whenever i tried to speak up it came out weird as hell. almost fell asleep during english, and during chem i realized truly how royally fucked i am for chem. *sigh* blah blah i went to the nurse during chinese cuz my throat was KILLING me and i couldnt talk that much anyway, i was tired, my head hurt, and i had a massive bleeding paper cut on my middle finger (*holds up finger* see?). i came back late for french only to find that we went to the labo and werent doing shit cept for going to and listeing to those two radio mofos ramble. went to the library avec haifa and did some serious work all while swooning over someone. (yay haifa) -swoon- i love the way he photocopies....lolol. haifa left, tima came. left with tima. came home, lazed around, and finally got off my lazy arse and started work.
MY MOTHER IS LETTING ME GO TO THE SOCO/YELLOWCARD CONCERT. aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! im going no matter what, be it alone...or with the 10 other ppl who want to come.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Hi sorry it has taken a while to reply but communication isn't one of my
strong points and i haven't been feeling great either. The gut with the
flippy golden bown hair was chris, and the one with the flippy red hair was James. You are a loser if you like westlife. I am far too cool for them.
Just out of interest what does the lol mean in your e-mails. Goodbye
heh. heh. heeeeh. rob replied....yay! hes quite lovely even tho now im trying to remember who had flippy red hair. this is confusing but quite lovely at the same time...
time for me to buy CDs for once cuz im a stingy bum.
Brand New- Deja Entendu/Your Favorite Weapon
Matchbook Romance- Your Stories, My Alibis
Ben Jelen- Gave It All Away (is that even wat its called?)
Punchline- ACTION
Fall Out Boy- Evening Out With Your Girl
Yellowcard- Ocean Avenue
Teen Idols- i dunno the title
Trouble Is (i refuse to call them starttrouble)- every problem has a solution
Sugarcult- Static...something.
The Juliana Theory- Emotion is Dead
Thursday- War All the Time
Thrice- The Artist in the Ambulence
The Calling- Two/Palmero...
The Red Hot Chili Peppers- Greatest Hits
A Santa Cause: It's a Punk Rock Christmas (late i know but it has good songs)
Coldplay- A Rush of Blood to the Head/Parachutes
FSF- How to STart a Fire
Hot Hot Heat- whatever has 'bandages'
lostprophets- the previous album
and these are just off the top of my head. shit. you can only download songs for so long...before ur computer stops cooperating and ur dad is about to stab u cuz the computer has gotten SO DAMN SLOW.
im croaking like a freaking retarded frog. croooaaakkk. yeah so anyway. MONDAYS SUCK. anwars pix from camp and audreys bday made me really happy but tahts about it. the 'whats left of love...' artsy fartsy picture tima and i took on valentines day came out lovely...feet and all. rebel against the holiday. we're not going anywhere with mr lenis...i worked on my history IDs with haifa and aisha (and various other ppl who came) whilst aisha planned the day that i call pete. lol! when did everybody start coming to the library, anyway? it was uncharacteristically full which was weird. umm and that was my day. i tried to get worrell to give me a 6 for journalism rather than a 6-, but being my overemotional self i got pissed and teared up then stomped out. lovely :/ tima and i had this long, long convo about how were hopeless and have no idea what to do with our lives. and were thinking about taking standard physics together rather than philo...
so the something corporate/yellowcard concert is coming up and it is neccassary that i go. alone or with everyone else who wants to. speaking of yellowcard, they were #3 in TRl and its big news online. thats kind of strange that they were higher than ppl like britney spears and..jay-z (bum). ahh if theyre developed this massive fanbase the concert might sell out faster. shit shit shit. soco got a bigger fanbase after touring with GC...and then...OHNO. shitters up the arse.
fob and maxeen are BOTH playing some festival in virginia which is completely unfair...rar rar rar rar...and somehow PATRICKS lovely little message one amys phone got deleted. that makes me very sad because it was awwesome.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Angrylittleme [10:37 PM]: ive got a 200wd freench fairy tale due
Angrylittleme [10:37 PM]: any ideas?
JewelPretzle [10:37 PM]: you have to write it in FRENCH!?
JewelPretzle [10:37 PM]: whao.
Angrylittleme [10:37 PM]: ugh i kno
Angrylittleme [10:37 PM]: it blows
Angrylittleme [10:37 PM]: any ideas for an origianl fairy tale?
JewelPretzle [10:38 PM]: hmmmm
JewelPretzle [10:40 PM]: a girl anmed jennie who finds her prince charming named pete
JewelPretzle [10:40 PM]: lol
Angrylittleme [10:41 PM]: OMG
Angrylittleme [10:41 PM]: u have no idea how excited i just got
Angrylittleme [10:41 PM]: but then my friend would attack me
JewelPretzle [10:41 PM]: hahahaha
JewelPretzle [10:41 PM]: she woulndt have to know
JewelPretzle [10:42 PM]: that could be part of the stroy. it'd have to be a secret relasionship....etc
Angrylittleme [10:42 PM]: ooh!
Angrylittleme [10:42 PM]: secret affair
Angrylittleme [10:42 PM]: rawr
JewelPretzle [10:42 PM]: haha
JewelPretzle [10:42 PM]: with pete
JewelPretzle [10:42 PM]: ooohhh
Angrylittleme [10:42 PM]: oooh
Angrylittleme [10:43 PM]: this is exciting.
hey stalkers. or sad people who even bother reading this.
piano and dads office. i hate tax season. i hate it so much.
dad: "jen, proof this W-2 for me? And this one too. and those. *points to HUGE stack of folders*"
me: shit.
and then i came home and what faced me was a mound of papers and notebooks. shit. so i went online and got a hell of a lot happier.
from pete on the journal ... that made me laugh a little too much ...
--Sunday, March 14, 2004--
i can feel your lungs stop as the panic sets in when you realize you can only imitate this...
i am in scottland. i can't understand anything anyone says. i don't think they understand me either. i said i wear girls pants- they laughed and then said "pants mean underwear". ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my dad left yesterday. he is the best. so are you.
posted by: tbok at 11:07 am and clicking on petes journal...and punchline steves.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
enough slaving over my history hw. LJ is pissing the hell out of my cuz i cant seem to make ICONS and make my layout PRETTY. obvously i need a digital camera, learn HTML codes, etc. etc. shittters. it pissed me off so bad during the little break between working and i almost threw my monitor off its stand. bastards. too much damn work. damn ADD.
-haha i downloaded the ben jelen song after like 4 months of it going around and around in my head and i cant seem to stop playing it. its like everytime i play it i heart home more...sensitive little model boy.
i looked in the mirror and i looked DRAINED. this is what school does to me and i think we should reinstitute nap time. good news: haifa and i are splitting the IDs and now i only have to do 12. wheee!
i stayed in bed as long as i possibly could to avoid doing my 24 history ID's on the russian revolution. so i woke up at 1ish, and fell in and out of conciousness/sleep till 4? i dont know. but i watched bands reuinited for an hour. everyone who has aishas LJ should read her entry about fall out dorks. im literally about to SHOOT myself over this history assignent. and im still woozy and not quite there.
i love how my mom waits for months to tell me that i can indeed call the suburbs from the kitchen/living room/parents bedroom phone. Godddamnit! before i always had to use the thirty year old CANON fax phone with retarded buttons that never worked the first time. or my cell phone. eeeehh.
>a man in fresno, california who practiced polygamy killed one of his wives, 7 of his children and a teenage and stacked their bloodied bodies against a wall entangled with clothes next to ten coffins. the sight was so gruesome some of the police officers are on leave and are going to go to counseling. i dont understand how things like this can just happen.
Friday, March 12, 2004
haifa and i kick ass when it comes to cheesy/corny-ass jokes:
Fufa33 [11:25 PM]: omg jennie
Fufa33 [11:25 PM]: i was laughing abou the poking thing till 4
poking=something about DNA and poking bacteria to death. damn it u dont get it. only haifa and i are lame and cool enough to get it.
we all love ian. we all love lps.
something corporate and yellowcard will be at the roseland on april 29th. and i want to go. yay soco is in ny for the first time since...november with GC.
i dont like poofy, staticy hair cuz it PISSES ME OFF AND INCESSANTLY TICKLES MY FACE. aah. jenny and i stealthily snuck martha into school, and brought her to noras math class, jenny french class, me and jennys history class. martha and i were dorks and went to the library to read...unsolved myseteries and crack jokes about jimmy hoffa and our obsession with VH1. Gym=waste of my time. i get so much more of a work out doing FOOSBALL. and in the locker room, we had this huge duscussion/mini-argument about whether martha should go to my chem class (Lenis) or jennys bio class (de Souza). it was completely ridiuclous cuz i was the only one who said she should go to lenis' and everyone was yelling at me about meb being a bad friend if i let her go blah blah blah. so i gave up and stomped out cuz i got uber-pissed at everyone. motherfuckers. and i was pissy all thru chem. NOT FUN. i laughed at the bgeinning of bio cuz alex picked up jojoand dumped her in the garbage while she was shrieking in her little flirty voice 'oooohh nooo alex dont do ittt!!' it was pretty sad and pitiful. so blah blah. martha and i went to jennys rehersal which was fanucking BORING. we spent some time lounging around the waterfountains and getting run over by small 2 year olds, and then decided to go inside and watch the basketball team tap dance :) i fell asleep on a few seats and woke up at the end.. martha and i ran around the 2nd floor gym 'after hours' when it was pitch black. it was AWESOME. we went to delano and ate...and it took forever cuz we somehow thought 'oh, just cuz theres a basketball team in there doesnt make any difference in the service!' oh but it did. so we ate, and i almost barfed cuz i was so full. came home...and yeah that was it.
the new jamisonparker video for 'your song' is making me very happy. now i remember why i was crushing on jamison...
rock the scene- fall out boy pix...serious happy making ahh pete...
Which Harry Potter guy falls in love with you? by Chili | |
Name/UserName: | |
House: | |
Who: | Victor Krum |
When... | ...he watches you during detention |
How he tells you: | He stands up at breakfast and announces it loudly. |
What you do then: | Bite him. |
Created with ![]() |
lololol yay viktor krum! always liked him...
Thursday, March 11, 2004
danielle is coming in 2 1/2 weeks. aaahhhh excitement. i miss you so much danielle! even tho i just spoke to u on teh phone a few hours ago...
so now im in love with haifas man-whore rob from england:
Yeah it would be cool to have the picture. We left early because we were
getting bored and we went round the city and saw lots of safe stuff.
Chinatown is the coolest part of NY. How's life. It is boring being back.
For my own amusement i went through customs at the airport with a t shirt i
bought in one of those black market shops in chinatown which says i hate you
but i didn't get a rise out of any of them. I am quite touched you took the
effort to e mail as most people normally couldn't be bothered. Appreciated
its sad i get giddy everytime i read that...i guess maybe he just was too shy for me at the conference. yes im most definantely marrying a brit. rawr. semi-springy weather, just enough for a tank top...and sweatshirt. almost there! were gonna sneak martha m.o. mcgilvray into school tomorro and be REBELLIOUS. dunno how the maybe-couple amy and remi intend on getting in. so french sucks. it sucks so badly. i hate ghoussoub. and im too fucking emotional. whenever i get overwhelmed or overly pissed/frustrated i start half-crying cuz i cant take it. i wanted to slap ghoussoub clear across the face wen she gave me an extra 15 sentences of 'plusqueparfait to whatever'. i hate you. may your little rat face and hobo necklace burn in HELL. ahh. lol annie offered me her knife but i didnt need it...this time. argh. and lenis is the worst teacher ive ever had. TEACH US. damn it. ms washington is so slow. i sat in her office for like...half an hour and THEN she showed up but then left to do photocopies. and i was left with 10 minutes to eat. ahh. englishchinesebio=boredom pretty much. juman beings became 'uman beans' according to drK and i laughed quite alot at that. and then...i came home...and watched TRL to pass the time i spent procrastinating. frankie does he get fans? it is beyond me. rawr ben jelen. 'i heart ben jelen like a felon'. HAH/. lol im such a cheezy dork. um yes im about done.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
hahahhaa. im so hyper right now. im giddy. very swoon-ish. ahhhh :P aisha made me laugh so hard on the phone cuz she went to dinner with her mom and told her mom aaaalll about pete as if they were dating/meant for each other/knew each other. lol. her mom asked to see his picture later. no fear! aisha keeps him on her study book. well how does he sound like? no fear! aisha has a recording of him on her phone. ahh. and now i have candid pix of him to add to aishas shrine. and here i give u the rambles of a fall out dork. were like a freaking cult lol. were freaking neurotic. aishas actually doing some stalking right now....yay.
I CANT BELIEVE ITS NOT FRIDAY YET. GODDAMN. these entries are getting kinda pointless, arent they. nothing can bring me down now. now that i have my pictures. im sad, i know. nothing even remotely eventful at school today cuz school is boring as a shiznit and im wasting my life away just going there. must get out of here.
happy happy happy happy. im prancing around like a complete doofus lol. i got my fob pix back from the 2/28 concert and IMX. yaaay. this is much fun. rawr pete. rawr ryan. ahh i look weird in some of the pix tho. i look like a frightened deer before it becomes roadkill. and andy has the FUNNIEST picture of him trying to do ballet and joe holding him up. it made me laugh. and the pete pix are lovely as usual. cept i wish he did a different retard pose for the IMX picture....and the jennie sandwich picture was weird cuz a) im not looking at the camera for some reason, i think i was wondering if the woman knew how to take pix or why pete was leaning on me and b) i again look retarded. but still im freaking ecstatic and almost pounced on my mother wen she came in with her J&R bag. ahh.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
my mom is about to kick my off the computer so this will be brief. fatima and i are twins yay. um...i need better time management cuz i keep on procrastinating and getting distracted and its really bad for me. i counted a few odd glances today and they made me nervous. we got mr banton in english and hes quite amusing. i am a fall out DORK. aisha and i are both pete hos. lol.
this made my day...
Monday--March 08, 2004
The Fall Out Boy acoustic EP/DVD is called "My Heart Will Always Be The B-Side To My Tongue". It will be in stores on May 18th out on Fueled By Ramen. The DVD will have band history, both music videos, an acoustic performance, and a huge photo section. You can see the cover art right here. The tracklisting is as follows:
1. My Heart Is the Worst Kind of Weapon
2. It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine. I Am Thinking it Must Be Love"
3. Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner
4. Love Will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division Cover)
5. Grand Theft Autumn / Where Is Your Boy
ooh the excitement.
Monday, March 08, 2004
school...was uneventful. booooring. boo boo! maybe cuz i just dont want to talk about it. so chinese...bleh and math...bleh (annie does that alot...bleh). mentor actually was amusing cuz we were talking about the unis-un thing and about how boring it is. i find it kind of annoying that kirini gets to 'inherit' her sisters position in unis-un and we the little ppl will remain the little ppl because of the fcking unis-un HIERARCHY. english was blah. lunch i spent talking to riya about our summer programs and the hell we go thru for the applications. ugh. fucking hell during double gym ms powell made us do EXTREME CARDIO by running up and down the stairs for 12 minutes. BITCH! i swear my calves are gonna be cramped as hell tomorrow and i wont be able to do jackshit. i cant believe we have to do this and the other group gets to do PING-PONG AND FOOSBALL. foosball was my life one summer...chemistry is the most confusing thing in the whole world, especially with mr lenis. i want to hit him. i honestly cannot learn a thing from him. ahh. and then i came home and slept.
fall out boy is in europe....lucky arse brits.
Sunday, March 07, 2004
ew i dont like pranks. i was clicking around on ppls profiles and on hakans profile there was this crush calculator that really didnt have an explaination. bored, i clicked on it, skipped over the disclaimer, and wrote in my name and email. then it said to put down 3 ppl u like. well since ive gotten sick of everyone at school, i wrote down who i had a crush on early early last year (james) and who i thought was cute now: ken and pete wentz. and then it was like 'hah! prank! weve sent it to hakan...' and i was like 'ahhh!!' O.o. but now im ok with it and cracking up at my stupidity cuz i didnt put actual crushes (those ive kept for myself :)) and just ppl i thought were cute. hopefully no foul rumors and evil glares will occur. :) danja rocks cuz danja understands.
rarararararaa tired and NOT WANTING TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL. goddamnit. im procrastinating like a shit and im royally fucked for school. egh. marthas little forward thing had me cracking up for a very long time, so thank u martha. so blah blah blah i have no life. this is fun wheeee...
mom forgot to drop off my pixtures at J&R and im pisssed cuz now i gotta wait till, what, THURSDAY to see the loveliness. goddamnit. amy got her pix back and sed theyre quite nice, esp cuz shes got two pix for pete and her squishin heads. (>.<) hahah tis like a fat-arse! nvm.
so yesterday many ppl went to club nyla or something like that, and aisha tells me there was some party with drunken raping foreigners. well thats always fun now isnt it?
danielle is coming. yayayayayayayayayaya. much stop eating these jellybeans theyre making me weird.
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer | |
Your first full name | |
Your personality rates a | nine =) |
your best quality is | your music taste rules |
your worst quality is | you get annoyed @ stupid peep |
this is because | you are who you are |
Created with ![]() |
im bored. i should be practicing piano and finishing my columbia summer program application. fucking hell i have no motivation right now. haha funny story about my laziness this morning: i didnt wanna move at 3 PM, so i rolled on to the first mattress (which i pulled out for my cousin last week wen she was over) from my bed, and then rolled onto the roll-out bed and grapped a few APs and Teen Peoples and read them for a while. my brother thinks i slept till 6 but thats not true. i had a really really bad dream last night and wen i woke up i just hoped it would never the near future anyway. ramble ramble ramble...i must learn to do an LJ cut so i can ramble on LJ too.
early morning/very late evening ramblings cuz i cant fall asleep. damn insomnia. i love how i didnt bring a camera to UNIS-UN or exchange emails like i was supposed to. i was always like 'ooh its ok im gonna see you later anyway' and stuff. stupid stupid. i couldnt find david and tell him he did a good job up there during the student panel and that bugged me. yes but i gotta say that favorite ppl were prolly the british guys (rob..was too quiet. the only thing i heard from him was that he liked incubus and the new record wasnt that great) cuz they were so funny and full of british humor...which americans like myself always flal for. and james the davey havok guy was definantely one of the cutest guys there. rawr. lol i remember at the lame-arse dance the brits, haifa, fatima, and i were standing outside chatting and james the davey havok clone (he needs a nickname) who we shall now call davey came and started like groping rob from the back lol. ahh it was so funny. and rob looked so awkward and confused and was like 'i feel so violated!' (and i burst out laughing). i was so hyper dear god. maybe from running around with tima upstairs? i laughed at ppl dancing cuz they looked so ridiculous. and it got annoying wen T1s whoring themselves smacked into you on route to throwing themselves at another foreign boy's feet. argh. it was a bad idea to go to the dancecuz now im gonna start ranting about how dances are abominations blah blah blah. i relaly hope next years conference doesnt SUCK. this one was like an international snoozefest. i dont remember anything ppl said cuz i was too busy trying not to pass out from boredom/exhaustion. no sane person can sit thru hour after hour of speeches on the same goddamn topic! i drew alll over my program cuz i was so restless. by the end i wanted to run laps or something. hey...maybe i can fall asleep faster if i think about the stuff said during the conference...
Friday, March 05, 2004
if the UNIS-UN conference had lasted another day i think i wouldve shot myself. two days is ENOUGH. especially this time. it sucked! last years was a blast cuz we had a smaller group of us, the topic was more interesting, we had discussion groups, etc. etc. my god today i was bored SHITLESS. some things were remotely interesting, but aside from that, the conference was a bit of a rambling fest. tima and i went down to relieve francis and someone else at the check-in table and talked about "james the Brit from St. Edwards from England who reminds both of us of davey havok but of course since we're twins we think alike" tima and i tend to both have things for guys others think are gay or bisexual. so ate lunch and kinda just hung around till the second part of the conference. before it started nora, haifa, and i chatted with the brits from yestreday (rob, another james, matt, and ___). lovely ppl and it was so funny wen they called rob 'big rob' and stuff...haifa continuously hit on rob even tho he looked pretty uninterested and bored...haha nora, matt, james, ___, and i kept on laughing at haifas futile attempts and that was quite amusing. i love those brits. they left around 3 or something and it was sad we didnt get to say bye. david husband (american guy from an noweriegn international school whose cool but somewhat cocky) that guy i was talking to for a while on wednesday was on the student panel and hes a really good after suffering thru the panels and stuff it finally ended. ahhhh. farewell all my lovely foreign boys...went to haifas avec nora and made fun of stuff on TV and stuff. im scared of haifas mom a bit. haifa did an impression of me gravitating and hugging tom (like aishas pete-rape a bit) and i dont think it was accurate. i didnt to a quarterback-like charge i threw my hands over him after kinda slowly gravitating towards him. and he hugged me back so its not like it was bad. anyway haifas impression made me burst out laughing at how ridiuclous i am. went home...and here i am. yes.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
fall out boy= the cure to feeling like SHIT. actually not the cure, but it makes you feel so much better. the neel bagh thing blew. i was bored shitless...most ppl there were whoring themselves, drunk, or high and since i dont do any fo that stuff...the 'michael smith experience' was great tho; i had alot of fun during that even though it wasnt enough to start moshing but ppl did. lol aaah that was funny. fatima and i contemplated ditching the place and going to irving or the continental but nobody was playing. goddamnit. so we hung out with haifa as she flirted with these 3 british guys that were pretty cool. i have a crush on this guy who reminds me of davey havok. a bit cuz he reminds me a little of a bisexual goth. hmm ok. i told fatima i thought this other guy was cute and then she informed me that all the T1's were swarming over him. that sucked. i left early feeling like a party pooper/ enigmatic bitch and like i had been ditched cuz everyone else was partying and having a blast. thank god for pete/patrick/joe/andy. i would be screwed without them.
day one of UNIS-UN Conference. rolled out of bed and came like 20 minutes late for my ushering position even tho i didnt do anything for an hour or so cept help get shirts out for merch and checking out some of the LOVELY foreign boys who will be at the neel bagh dance tonight which im going to for some odd reason. whew. so the first speaker was good, the second...was a bit boring. lunch was good cuz its the UN cafeteria. come on now their food is soo good. the third speaker was this woman who was SO BORING and just rambled and read off a powerpoint presentation for like half an hour. the fourth guy was my favorite cuz he pointed out how much the US media sucks. i love the french and their poker cards...yes so anyway. i hate the student panel. fuck it. bring me the discussion groups back, at least then u get to talk to ppl bout stuff and not sit on ur arse burning up the seat. i fell asleep i think...maybe...i kept snapping back awake from apparently dozing off in my seat. went ohme...then to aishas where we watched fob on IMX (from monday). total bliss. were so pathetic but tis lovely. pete rocks so much. ahh and patrick is such a little geek. ;lol. and now im supposed to go with aisha to neel bagh...i really dont care im going there to hang out cuz i have nothing else to do...
MOTHERFUCKER I MISSED THE SOUNDS. i shouldve listened ot my fucking conscience that it was gonna be shown on march 3 @ i:30 not march 2. fucking hell!
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
i missed The Sounds on Carson Daly last night. i missed maja raping the audience without really touching them, felix and his mohawk, johan, fredrick and JESPER AND HIS SYNTHESIZER KEYBOARDS. goddamnit its gonna bother me forever. cooool look ive got 100 hits. many of which must be mine. maybe. thank you to all my stalkers!
day 3 of eternal bliss. fall out boy makes the world go round. blah blah, blah blah...i enjoy sleep. in the sun. :D. nice day today, very pre-springy. its 11:45ish PM and i havent pulled my dress clothes together. im fucked ... soo after school kana and i helped out some ppl from UNISUN make food, and i got so overly pissed off at UNIS-UN cuz
1) nora and i did not get the article we slaved over for 17 hours straight published'
2) kiri told us we had to pay to eat cuz we werent hosting even if we did help make the food and stuff
3) they mislead us into thinking we were getting free tshirts if we helped
but then bassene and ms. king calnek, the coolest advisors ever, cleared stuff up kinda. we got to eat food without paying like originally planned and stuff. i called jon and chatted with him for a while and i might go ahng out with him sometime next week cuz hes goin on his senior trip this weekend. ah very cool. i did merch for a few minutes then had to serve this odd "spinach with black eyed peas and ___" right. there are so freakishly goodlooking foreign guys. RAWR. we asked most of the ppl where they were from, and there were alot of scandanavias and ppl from the US. nora and i got so happy with the swedes and canadians. omfg. and there was this really cute guy in a red shirt (well from afar) and this other brit guy i think. dunno. i really confused this really tall german dude cuz i was babbling on and on and he was so jetlagged or something. lol!! after we finished serving, i helped out kana and zenith at the merch table...and stuff. this woman who gave us a $100 bill got pissed we didnt have one shirt she wanted and i got kinda freaked shed stab me. lol. david this american guy who goes to a norweigan international school came over to the merch table to talk to me for a while (i talked to him before on the line too). he was pretty cool and pretty cocky. o well. gotta deal with him for two more days. he reminds me of someone...anyway we mdaemore than $1000 worth of merch the first day cuz of the hot tshirts in black, green, blue, and hot pink like mine *drools* yes and on smallville, i nearly cried when adam died. i seriously did. i dont think ive ever been so attached to a guest star who happened to be a zombie. i had tears in my eyes and my brother was like 'jen you are the most pathetic person i know'. and i threw my food at him. whore you dont understand.
yellowcard kicked out alex their hot bassist to give pete their old bassist who ditched them another chance. haha theyre gonna have the alex groupies coming after them...
on the fob LJ community, everyone was like bashing me cuz i complained about the $10 increase on the shirts and stuff. pete responded which was cool. and i swear im gonna get jumped sooner or later!
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
still happy. very very happy. :D ok ok. so we UNIS-UN 'ushers' left math early and went to the UN for some usher briefing and ate at the UN cafeteria. which i adore. and i couldve swore i saw a guy who looked like blonde-jesper but i mustve been too hungry and hallucinated. went back to school...and everyone had found out about me and fob. coooool. yes cuz aisha told misha who passed on the word, and now everyone knows how i met falloutboy and got them to call aisha, etc. etc. yay. my brother was telling me about that too and i was like jeeeez. slept thru gym at karen's, and then stumbled half-concious into lenis' chem class where i didnt know shit. then bio quiz. went to macys and got 'dress pants' and shoes. very nice shoes. much better than the shoes i wore last year that gave me blisters.
written on the fob tour journal:
--Tuesday, March 02, 2004--
blah. imx was pretty fun. headed back to nyc. there is nothing better than a nice day in the city (heartbeat, breathe in). got to see some kids. we got the roughcut of the dvd today. i have to say its pretty funny. its brilliant to be able to see yourself from day one to now. i think you will love it. the only other thing of note is people telling me that they have been reading this thing and what it means to them. thankyou. otherwise i would probably have stopped writing in it long ago. i got nothing new otherwise. the stuff for clandestine is going pretty well and i think we'll have the story ready soon for all your pretty little eyes and ears. i hope to see you soon at some shows.
if you play dumb, ill play tragic. and let you break me like a bad habit.
hehe yay.
Monday, March 01, 2004
i am as happy as a shit. so badly. fall out boy my loves. school: the only notable thing was that we missed most of FRENCH cuz of a FIRE DRILL cuz of the lovely weather. it was so beautiful 60 degrees. so after school i went to marias with aisha, where we waited around for maria to straighten something out with her mom and aisha harrassed her parents via telephone to let her go with me to FUSE IMX to see fob. neither could go, and both were crying for one reason or another, so i ended up going alone :'( i was jogging to IMX and started talking to the street team guy at all the fob shows who was hitting on some girls there. so i looked like a loner, and just kinda leaned on the window and chatted with aisha over fob and stuff. after waiting a bit, i turn around and -gasp!- tis pete!
me: pete!
pete: hey!
[insert big fat hug]
me: can u get us in?
pete: i tried and i dont think so! im so sorry...
me: well are u guys gonna come out after?
pete: most definantely
me: well do u want my cell # to call me later?
pete: wait ill just give u mine: ___-___-____
me: cool see you later.
pete: yeah u too
so i watched thru the glass with some of the other ppl locked out as fob gave an interview and waved to us thru the window. *sigh* then they let in these british tourist ppl who were like 16-19 and took up nearly all the space. they didnt kno wat FUSE was or who the fuck fob was. UGH TAKING UP SPACE!! i counted only like 4 fob fans in the whole thing. i made friends with this guy named Jon who was on the IMX street tea, Luis this random fob fan who was really cute, Michelle and ___ these two 17 yr old girls who were really cool. Michelle, __, and Luis were all at the Continental show and the two girls were at saturdays show. cool. soo we watched in envy as fob got interviewed for SO LONG and we couldnt hear anything. i finally saw the 'where is your boy' video and its quite good. supposedly the girl in it is petes gf but thats just a rumor. jon is the coolest person ever. hes really easy to talk to and jon, luis, and i just chatted for a full ten minutes while the two girls watched the other group of ppl play hackysack. the two girls recognized my name from LJ so we exchanged LJ names and jon and i exchanged cell #s. these two girls got kicked out from it cuz they either called the host stupid on-air or did something else 'unacceptable' DUMBARSES. we got into the building, but not into the studio, so ended up goin back outside. at one point it was just me and luis at the street corner, and hes pretty cool. jon ran over to us mid-conversation and told me fob finally made it out, so we went over and the other group of hyperactive ppl like swarmed them. me and the 2 girls kinda stayed back a bit until some ppl left. i went up to andy and we started chatting about how the show was, how cold it was, etc. he promised me to get me a pic with all four of them cuz that hasnt happened yet. then i got distracted by patrick who was kinda walking away from the swarm. we were talking about the interview and how he was a bit nervous (but said it was alot of fun). the two girls told me they thought he was unapproachable, so i told him and all four of us started talking about how he was just shy and stuff. patrick is awesome. i got him to leave a message on my cousins voicemail cuz she was being a bum and NOT PICKING UP. pete saw me and came over to give me a hug and apologized for not being able to get us in. but we chatted about random stuff, and i got him to leave a message on aishas phone and talk to amy, "the cousin with the knee brace" lol. he left the cutest message on one of the messages. hes like 'heey this is pete from fall out boy. uh...' and he rambled on. hes one cool cat. i got many hugs from pete. i love him so much. andy remembered his promise to me, and he and joe were yelling for pete and patrick to come over. after much yelling for patrick, we found out he had...gone to buy shoes. not now patrick!! anyway i got pix with pete, andy, and joe, and it was like a freaking joe-andy-jennie-pete sandwich. lol. thats what it seemed like anyway. got pete to do stupid smile. got joe and andy to do some odd andy-the-ballerina pose, and like one more pic. i relaly wanted to finish my roll but forgot after chattin with pete. pete said he would ahng out more but they were gonna go eat, so we hugged bye like twice then left. he smells reeeallyy good. i mustve spent total 2 hours on the cell with amy/aisha/fatima. insanity. i kick arse. :D i love hugs from fob, esp PETE. and i hope my pix show up!!
AiShA64 [9:42 PM]: ur possibly my favorite person right now