Friday, March 12, 2004

something corporate and yellowcard will be at the roseland on april 29th. and i want to go. yay soco is in ny for the first time since...november with GC.
i dont like poofy, staticy hair cuz it PISSES ME OFF AND INCESSANTLY TICKLES MY FACE. aah. jenny and i stealthily snuck martha into school, and brought her to noras math class, jenny french class, me and jennys history class. martha and i were dorks and went to the library to read...unsolved myseteries and crack jokes about jimmy hoffa and our obsession with VH1. Gym=waste of my time. i get so much more of a work out doing FOOSBALL. and in the locker room, we had this huge duscussion/mini-argument about whether martha should go to my chem class (Lenis) or jennys bio class (de Souza). it was completely ridiuclous cuz i was the only one who said she should go to lenis' and everyone was yelling at me about meb being a bad friend if i let her go blah blah blah. so i gave up and stomped out cuz i got uber-pissed at everyone. motherfuckers. and i was pissy all thru chem. NOT FUN. i laughed at the bgeinning of bio cuz alex picked up jojoand dumped her in the garbage while she was shrieking in her little flirty voice 'oooohh nooo alex dont do ittt!!' it was pretty sad and pitiful. so blah blah. martha and i went to jennys rehersal which was fanucking BORING. we spent some time lounging around the waterfountains and getting run over by small 2 year olds, and then decided to go inside and watch the basketball team tap dance :) i fell asleep on a few seats and woke up at the end.. martha and i ran around the 2nd floor gym 'after hours' when it was pitch black. it was AWESOME. we went to delano and ate...and it took forever cuz we somehow thought 'oh, just cuz theres a basketball team in there doesnt make any difference in the service!' oh but it did. so we ate, and i almost barfed cuz i was so full. came home...and yeah that was it.

the new jamisonparker video for 'your song' is making me very happy. now i remember why i was crushing on jamison...

rock the scene- fall out boy pix...serious happy making ahh pete...


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