Saturday, March 06, 2004

early morning/very late evening ramblings cuz i cant fall asleep. damn insomnia. i love how i didnt bring a camera to UNIS-UN or exchange emails like i was supposed to. i was always like 'ooh its ok im gonna see you later anyway' and stuff. stupid stupid. i couldnt find david and tell him he did a good job up there during the student panel and that bugged me. yes but i gotta say that favorite ppl were prolly the british guys (rob..was too quiet. the only thing i heard from him was that he liked incubus and the new record wasnt that great) cuz they were so funny and full of british humor...which americans like myself always flal for. and james the davey havok guy was definantely one of the cutest guys there. rawr. lol i remember at the lame-arse dance the brits, haifa, fatima, and i were standing outside chatting and james the davey havok clone (he needs a nickname) who we shall now call davey came and started like groping rob from the back lol. ahh it was so funny. and rob looked so awkward and confused and was like 'i feel so violated!' (and i burst out laughing). i was so hyper dear god. maybe from running around with tima upstairs? i laughed at ppl dancing cuz they looked so ridiculous. and it got annoying wen T1s whoring themselves smacked into you on route to throwing themselves at another foreign boy's feet. argh. it was a bad idea to go to the dancecuz now im gonna start ranting about how dances are abominations blah blah blah. i relaly hope next years conference doesnt SUCK. this one was like an international snoozefest. i dont remember anything ppl said cuz i was too busy trying not to pass out from boredom/exhaustion. no sane person can sit thru hour after hour of speeches on the same goddamn topic! i drew alll over my program cuz i was so restless. by the end i wanted to run laps or something. hey...maybe i can fall asleep faster if i think about the stuff said during the conference...


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