Sunday, February 29, 2004

Layer one: basics

Name: Jennie

Birthplace: New York, New York

Current Location: NY

Eye Color: ish

Hair Color: blackish

Height: 5'4" 1/2 perhaps?

Lefty or Righty: righty

Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius. Horsemen rock.

Layer Two: personal

Boyfriend or Friend: what? yes friends, no boyfriend.

Crush: of course

Do you love anyone right now?: Well, i love my family, not so much someone else.

How many times have you been in love? i dont think ive ever been in love. infatuated maybe, temporarily, but thats different...

Still a virgin: yup

How many hearts have you broken? I'm not sure. have i ever?

-- [how many ppl broke ur heart?] a few

-- [best quote to sum up love?] i cant think of one. alot of my music is about heartbreak and stuff...ehh i dunno its 2AM!

-- [so what's ur gf/bf/crush like?] HES AWESOME. the coolest cat ever.

-- [what's ur dream grl/guy like?] cute...can make me laugh, can cheer me up, sensitive, is into the same music, smart, not cocky or arrogant, quirky (i must stop using that...), charming, someone who's not afraid of me...that would pete!

-- [do u go more by looks or personality?] personality even tho looks can play a factor sometimes. come on guys, seriously: EVERYONE CAN BE SHALLOW AND JUST LIKE SOMEONE FOR THEIR LOOKS.

-- [ever kiss a friend?] i dont know.

-- [are u still friends?) sure we are considoring i havent.

-- [have u ever liked some1 u have no chance w/?] but of course. in fact, nearly all of the guys i like are 'unattainable'

-- [have u ever cried over someone of the oppositve sex?] no...ive gotten very very mopey and sad but never to the point of tears. no ones worth it..yet. hah.

-- [do u have a type of person u look for?] not really...

-- [ever wanted to get revenge?] YES

-- [relationship or hook up?] relationship

-- [do u know the person u want to get married w/ right now?] no. wouldnt that be scary if i did tho? lik 'oohh were MEANT TO BE TOGETHER'...

-- [are u happy w/ ur life?] more or less.

Layer ThReE - Describe

-- [Your heritage:] AZN! chinese.

-- [The shoes you wore today:] converse cuz i like the stars. the complete truthis that i got them cuz i liked the stars *hides face in shame*

-- [weakness:] im a psycho manical sarcastic radioactive negative bitch.

-- [Your fears:] bugs/things that crawl, being a failure, doing stupid things that ppl will remember for a very long time, death

-- [Your perfect pizza:] mushroom, sausage, pepperoni...the works. imapigOINK.

-- [Goal you'd like to achieve:] god im too tired to list everything.

Layer FoUr - Tell

-- [Yur most overused phrase/__expression on AIM:) wtf?, lol, huh, heh

-- [Your best physical feature:] have i any? my left index finger nail. its so hot and perfect.

-- [Your bedtime:] I HAVE NONE. seriously, i go to bed at lik 2 on weeknights and lik 3ish on weekends.

-- [Your greatest accomplishment:] i raelly dont know.

-- [Your most missed memory:] being innocent and blissfully happy when the only thing i had to worry about was getting a new barbie, and being unaware of all the shit your teenage years are.

Layer FiVe - "You prefer "

-- [Pepsi or Coke:] both

-- [McDonald's or Burger King:] McDonalds

-- [Single or group dates:] dates would be fun too..

-- [Adidas or Nike:] dont care.

-- [Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea]: doesnt matter

-- [Chocolate or vanilla:] vanilla

-- [Cappuccino or coffee:] neither

Layer SiX - Do you

-- [smoke:] no and i dont plan on it. it doesnt make you cool. its absolutely disgusting and you dont look sophisticated. i think im especillay against it this moment cuz the girls behind us on the line had lik 4 cigarettes in an hour.

-- [Cuss:] CURSE. 'fuck' 'shit' 'fuckhinghell' 'damn' 'goddamnit' 'shitters up the arse and back' 'shitmonkeys'


-- [Take a shower everyday] oui. at night. exactly 10 pm. sure.

-- [Have a crush(es):] how many times was this questin asked? YES!

-- [Do you think you've been in love:] not yet

-- [Want to go to college:] no, im going to drop out of college, have 10 kids, and work at mcdonalds full time. thats the american dream, isnt it?

-- [Like highschool:] high school sucks. the drama sucks. people suck.

-- [Want to get married:] yes

-- [Believe in yourself:] not raelly, i tend to doubt myself alot.

-- [Get motion sickness:] hell yeah, i never throw uo though. i just dont. im incapable of throwing up.

-- [Think you're attractive:] sometimes

-- [Think you're a health freak:] my mom is.

-- [Get along with your parents:] most of the times when my mom and i arent both PMSing, my dad isnt being the ultimate Asshole, and im not in a crap mood

-- [Like thunderstorms:] yes...

-- [Play an instrument:] piano. recorder! song flute! kazoo!

-- [have a boyfriend?] what do you think?

-- [who] dont rub it in.

-- [have a new crush every week] no, but i do think a lot of guys are hot and i make it a point to point them out. <--haha yes but not to their face

-- [believe in luv] yeah, i think love is the best thing out there, you just gotta find it. by the way, L-O-V-E

-- [believe there's tru luv?] see above

-- [want to get married] this has been asked.

-- [type w/ ur fingers on the right key] soemyiemes

Layer Seven: In the past month have you...

-- [Drank alcohol:] yeah and i didnt like it. i dont like alchohol, unlike most ppl in my grade who are all alcoholic potheads.

-- [Smoked:] NO its completely disgusting

-- [Done a :] is this supposed to be suggestive?

-- [Made Out:] did i want to? no.

-- [Gone on a date:] no

-- [Gone to the mall?] yes to get a present

-- [Been on stage:] no.

-- [Been dumped:] no. and if it comes to that, i think i would want to be the dumper....random thought.

-- [Gone skating:] yes. i can skate! go backwards! spin! go on one foot! crash!

-- [Made homemade cookies:] no

-- [Gone skinny dipping:] thats crazy

-- [Dyed your hair:] no

-- [Stolen anything:] yeh

Layer eiGhT - Have you ever

-- [Played a game that required removal of clothing:] u mean strip poker? not recently. lol. no i havent. it was brought up but i shot the idea down.

-- [Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:] no and i dont want to. not now anyway. ehh

-- [Been caught "doing something":] woah, in what context? no.

-- [Participating in :] again, suggestive

-- [Gotten beaten up:] no

-- [Shoplifted:] who hasnt

-- [been called a tease] no. there would be no logic in that.

-- [changed who u were to fit in] have i?

-- [fallen 4 ur best friend] ive never had a best guy friend. so no.

-- [been rejected] no

-- [rejected someone] no

-- [used someone] hah yeah

-- [been cheated on] schmoofie!

-- [lied] yeah...

-- [gotten a hickey] no

Layer NiNe - The future

-- [Age you hope to be married:] before 30 hopefully

-- [Numbers and Names of Children:] 2-3. the lines on my hand say 3 but i dunno...and as for names, only amy knows...

[Describe your Dream Wedding:] too early to think about that

-- [How do you want to die:] not painfully/excruciatingly

– [Where you want to go to college:]somewhere thats semi-well known, id prefer ivy league...

– [What do you want to be when you grow up:] i honestly have no idea

– [What country would you most like to visit:] france/italy/england/etc.

Layer TeN - Opposite

– [Best eye color?] i like them all actually. blue eyes are beautiful and are like the 'windows to the soul', green eyes...well theyre really pretty too, brown eyes are like soulful and loveydoveyish, and the others are lovely too. :)

– [Best hair color?] black...brown...blond...eerything. salt and pepper looks great on anderson cooper. hehe...

[Short or long hair?] short...sometimes longish but not in a feminine way...

– [Best height:] tall. taller than me. must be.

– [Best weight:] i kinda like lanky guys, but not bodybuilder types that have man boobs bigger than my boobs...

– [Best articles of clothing:] um. shirts and pants?

-- [Best first date location:] dont know right now.

– [Best first kiss location:] i dont care, just if its with a special person, itd be perfect <-- youre on a roll, amy

Layer ELeVen - Number of

– [Number of times I have kissed in my life:] you know what? I dont know exactly, but i choose not to answer this question, even if i just sort of did...<-- oh amy...

-- [Number of times I have made out with:] yeah, i dont really count, but i dont choose to answer this either <-- ...

-- [Number of friends I've had: ] millions! yes indeed. real/close/best/true freds...10 over time

-- [Number of boys I have kissed: ] hah

-- [Number of boys I have made out with: ] no comment

-- [Number of boyfriends I've had: ] " "

-- [Number of taken illegally: ] u must mean drugs. i dont do drugs.

-- [Number of piercings: ] zero

-- [Number of tattoos: ] i want a tattoo but im scared that it would stretch out wheni get fat...

-- [Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: ] a few maybe

-- [Number of scars on my body: ] too many. seriously i have SO MANY

-- [Number of things in my past that I regret: ] a lot

Layer TwElVe - .F A V O R I T E.

-- [ppl] musicians, my mom, my friends

-- [band] Taking back sunday, fall out boy, yellowcard, the sounds, lostprophets, spitalfield, SOCO, acceptance, punchline...too many to remember...

-- [time of day] nighttime and afternoooon

-- [food] italian, chinese...american...

-- [fruit] bananers, apples, everything

-- [actor] michael vartan :) johnny depp...HARRISON FORD my god i love him. i used to want to marry him wen i was 9 lol.

-- [actress] dont really care. well charlize theorn was good in 'monster'...

-- [person 2 talk 2 online] alot of people..

-- [movie] too many, too tired, too bad. haaaaaaaah. :P i crack myself uppppp.

-- [cartoon] fairly oddparents, DEXTERS LABORATORY, justice league, all those old marvel superhero movies, bobbys world, old disney cartoons shows

-- [anime] anime can die. kinda. i still like sailor moon.

-- [song] 'fire' the sounds. and dozens of other.s..

-- [famous guy] pete wentz, jason vena, sean mackin, etc. JESPER ANDERBERG

Layer ThiRtEeN - .W H O.

-- [makes u laugh the most] my friends.

-- [gives u a happy feeling when u see them] FROGGER. lol he hasnt come up much hasnt he...some of my friends...__.

-- [is the easiest to talk to) my friends, my journal...and pete.

-- [has a crush on u] the invisible man does.

-- [would u want to see right now) pete. damn concert high!

-- [was the last person u slow danced w/?] i think it was pete wen i was hugging him. lol. sure.


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