Monday, March 15, 2004

im croaking like a freaking retarded frog. croooaaakkk. yeah so anyway. MONDAYS SUCK. anwars pix from camp and audreys bday made me really happy but tahts about it. the 'whats left of love...' artsy fartsy picture tima and i took on valentines day came out lovely...feet and all. rebel against the holiday. we're not going anywhere with mr lenis...i worked on my history IDs with haifa and aisha (and various other ppl who came) whilst aisha planned the day that i call pete. lol! when did everybody start coming to the library, anyway? it was uncharacteristically full which was weird. umm and that was my day. i tried to get worrell to give me a 6 for journalism rather than a 6-, but being my overemotional self i got pissed and teared up then stomped out. lovely :/ tima and i had this long, long convo about how were hopeless and have no idea what to do with our lives. and were thinking about taking standard physics together rather than philo...

so the something corporate/yellowcard concert is coming up and it is neccassary that i go. alone or with everyone else who wants to. speaking of yellowcard, they were #3 in TRl and its big news online. thats kind of strange that they were higher than ppl like britney spears and..jay-z (bum). ahh if theyre developed this massive fanbase the concert might sell out faster. shit shit shit. soco got a bigger fanbase after touring with GC...and then...OHNO. shitters up the arse.

fob and maxeen are BOTH playing some festival in virginia which is completely unfair...rar rar rar rar...and somehow PATRICKS lovely little message one amys phone got deleted. that makes me very sad because it was awwesome.


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