Wednesday, March 17, 2004

i went to bed at 4:15 AM last night working on my IDs which didnt get finished. and now im procrastinating. must get IDs FINISHED. and must study for chem which BY THE WAY im thoroughly FUCKED for cuz jose that columbian bastard has not taught me anything. thank god for girl-abby and sumiran...but still im fucked. i cant beleive im still functioning, either, considoring the fact ive had 4 hours of sleep the past 30 hours. i had a pretty boring day. i slept thru music seminar and math at the nurses office and stuided after school with a whole bunch of ppl from lenis's class and abby, sumiran, and kemal from afshinekoos. the kids from afshinekoos class are significantly better than us in chem because they are actually TAUGHT by a COMPETANT teacher. stupid mofo. im completely furious at him right now...


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