in the AP with FOB, they write that andy plays the guitar (losers...he plays the drums) and they don't mention joe once. oh thats so sad.
my throat is so sore i can hardly talk. its never been this bad. and my feet are dying on my. so my throat and my feet. ugh.
this bleeding heart, indeed.
kill the drama.
Saturday, January 31, 2004
Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn | |
Your Name | |
You Are A: | Loner |
Your Favorite Band/Song | Evanescence - My Immortal |
You Like To Read: | Non-fiction novels |
You Firmly Believe In: | Orange juice |
Everyone Thinks You Are: | An easy fuck |
You Were Conceived: | 52nd Street, New York City |
You Will Marry: | The kid next door |
Created with ![]() |
what kind of bullshit is this? i mean one or two might be true, but its weird. the other one i wrote 'jennifer eng' it gave me really strange answers. that and 'jennifer' determined a will marry a porn star. alrighttyy.
so i got up and out of bed and went online. and in the acceptance LJ community was:
my heart is broken... im going to kill myself....
so awhile back i emailed acceptance.. b/c i am in love with jason vena.. i am sure u noticed.... and this is what i emailed them..:
okay jason.. im pretty sure you have been asked this many many times... but do u have a girlfriend... if u dont .. thats wonderful ( not in a bad way) its just many girls out there are in love with you ( found this out from live journal) and if u say yes then you will crush many of the girls hearts ( including me) .. so just say no so we can go on with our merry lives and pretend we will one day have a chance with you.. tee hee... but i love all yall... ( just want to marry jason) i cant stop listening to yall's cd .....i really cant wait till i can see you perform.. dont worry i am not one of those stalker type girls... i just think you have an amazing voice and beautiful eyes and a beautiful everything.... i just dont understand why i cant find your twin out there damnit... but i hope everything is going well.. take care....
MONIQUE "mOe" LONGORIA from atlanta, ga....
well today i get home and i got a REPLY.. oh yeah.. but it was a bit of bad news .... even though i found out from all of yall.. but it hurts even more to hear it from the actual band... oh well...
From : Acceptance
Sent : Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:40 AM
To : "mOe =) LONGORIA"
Subject : Re: jason
| | | Inbox
moe; you may want to sit down for this. well considering you are on a computer, i will assume you are sitting. jay is actually engaged to his girlfriend of forever. they plan on getting married sometime next winter, like january. now, regretfully i brought this information to you, yet not without some bright hopes; he is very appreciative of your (and others') appreciation. well! i hope that life will find a way to go on and i am most certain it will, so we will see you when we go back out!
take care
and i was just like UGH . not fun. that plus homeowrk really blows...
Friday, January 30, 2004
fall out boy has a really lovely page in the AP with Yellowcard on the cover. and wats quite cool is that wen i randomly opened a page, i ended up opening the page with fob. and it made me SO HAPPY.
and im back from frost valley. yay very fun. it was soo much fun! aahh. so on tuesday morning, we all loaded onto buses and drove fro three hours or so to the YMCA Frost Valley place in the Catskill mountains. fucking hell i didnt bring any snacks or my CD player and i nearly died. Ugh. Noras westlife/soco mix was ok, but after a while, Westlife really got to me and I couldn’t deal with it anymore. the hike to the Kresge girls cabin was 15-20 minutes of solid hiking, even though we reduced it to 10-15 minutes with a whole bunch of self-made short cuts. i love fresh snow thats been untouched.,,the poeple there were freakishly environmentally concious ands tuff. jeez they had a different trashcan for compost stuff, liquids, etc. and was efficient. but only after you got used to it. so we ate, and split up into activity groups...our group did project: activity which was alot like that group-bonding activity at camp Mason. lost of fun...and after that, i think we did another activity. did we? maybe not. so after dinner (FUCKING INSPIRATION QUOTES BEFORE WE WERE ALLOWED TO EAT), we went back to our cabins to change out of our clothes and went back to the main hall to...square dance. which was actually very very very fun. ahh. it was chaotic, tho, cuz we were all very bouncy and uncooperative. the obese square dancing man was an arse, too. my partner was tim and everyone was split in two sides. and we did the square dancing thing for like half an hour non stop or something. all we did was run around and 'dosie-doe 'round yer partner...' hahahaah. next day....the hike up the mountain. all 3 or so miles of it. i went to the medium group with ryan and ben aka grindel and schneider (SCHNEIDAAAHH). i love those two guys so much. ryan burrowed like a mouse for us, and hopped around like a deer. so funny. they were the reason the hike was a BLAST and i didnt get tired. they were so encouraging and so much fun. show shoeing for half a mile in steep foot-high snow is hell on earth. that wat i did and i thought i was going to die. somehow they had this brilliant idea of bringing us to the compost pile which was lovely. uh huh yeah sure. and the way down was awesome cuz whenever we stopped we would play games like camouflage, roll down snowy hills, or just chill in the snow that reached our waists :) aaaand many of us developed crushes on ben (at least misha and i did). ryan was a bit more outgoing, but ben was just so sweet and funny and stuff. it was sad seeing us eat in the green house. we were like raveneous (i cant spell that) wolves tearing at our sandwiches and CHEWY BARS (ah yes my love). i wasnt tired at all after the hike. i mean, the cross country was kinda tiring but it wasn’t too bad. The night activity was this guy talking about the native Americans of the north east. As people said, it really was exploitation of a culture just too take up our time. I heard ms. Dietrich saying that it really blew and was a waste. Haha. Day three was my least favorite activity day. So badly. I wanted to shoot myself cuz we had to had to do low ropes ( not that great at all) and SNOWSHOEING (fuck it!) with nate. Who I despise cuz hes such an ass and so. Boring. “oh look! More deer tracks!” 10 minutes later. “oh look! More deer tracks!” he lied too. He said we weren’t gonna go that far, but we did. He sed that there was this great part of the river….but little did he know it was filled in with snow and frozen over with. Argh. I was more tired after that than the hike! And fuck you, suleimon for saying I have clumsy feet. I was so fucking tired I wanted to curl up and die. That just pissed me off. Its not like you’re any better! You tripped over a log and twisted your ankle!! Ok im done. Anyway. The night activity was BIRDMAN. Ahha. Yes. This guy came it with hawks and falcons and this owl I fell in love with cuz it was so cute. And my did that man have balls of steel. He ripped open frozen chicks and tore out the abdomens and fed it to the birds. And I almost threw up and couldn’t really watch and dug my head into fatimas shoulder. At one point the hawk flew right in our direction and I freaked and sunk off the side and shrieked. lol that was great. They forced us to pack up everything cuz we were gonna have this last-night-at-frost-valley-house-party-with-smores thing in our cabin. Lars tried to beg his way into our cabin but ms downey kicked him out (“do you have ANY IDEA how cold it is outside?! Why does jake get to be inside?” haha). So we finished and guys and girls from other cabins came in and everything was chaos. SMORES ROCK. AS DO PYROMANIACS LIKE ME. I mustve roasted 20 marshmallows or something. And ate lik 5. hmm. We played Chubby Bunny with students, and then the teachers. We got mr lenis to play and he whipped all the other teachers’ ASSES at chubby bunny. Monsieur Saint-Amour and Monsieur Garot were so funny cuz theyre such prissy little French men. Wen we forced a smore down saint-amours throat (no…we just begged him to eat it…) and I took a picture, he actually struck a refined pose. It was priceless. So, more hanging around, playing card games, hanging out more…the only other thing we needed was a keg...the guys had this completely lame-brained game where they have to slap each others hands really hard and stuff. Roberts hands were SO RED wen he went outside for snow. It was sad. Everyone not from Kresge (I thought it was Krez-Gay for a bit…) left at 11ish, but we stayed up till like 3 AM hanging out, sitting in front of the fire listening to bob marley…it was great. Clarissa and Vero’s cabin was so cold and smelled like shit the last night, so they came over to our room and we all hung out. A few people went streaking in the early morning/dawn and the Dietrich-man saw them or something. So during breakfast she subtly mentioned it and it took SO LONg for us to realize that was wat she was referring to. Haha. Half of the groups went broom hockey-ing, and then went TUBING. I. Love. Tubing. I love it so much. I went with Priscilla once, and alone once on the big steep one, and I went with four other people at the same time on the longer one. so we left at noon-ish and drove back into the city. the guy who was driving our bus almost killed rahat cuz rahat pressed some emergency brake button and got it jammed, and it emitted this high pitched ringing noise that almost killed me. it was soooo funny watching the old cranky bus driver yell at him with this thick russian/italian/ukrainian was lovely. so the ride back was a bit slow...we smellled smoke the whole time cuz the driver kept on braking...and braking more. ugh. got home. very happy i am.
Monday, January 26, 2004
FOX5 News reported that Boonie ripped his ACL (ALC?) and might be out the whole 2004 season. if that is so i will promptly burst into tears. i fnished packing! ive got a roller, huge duffel bag, and a sleeping back. and a backpack. damn.
um yeah so still packing. on the acceptance LJ community theyre talking about jason getting married (he said that on halloween in seattle). whhaatt?
i was packing for FROST VALLEY but i got tired and figured id just go online for a while. we watched this very funny video about the genome project and there was this guy who was SO FUNNY. he said 'gee...goollly..' alot. it was great. misha and i easily persuaded diaz to let us go to the nurse after trudy rejected us for not having passes 'both in the same class and both with the same problem. very suspicious...' she said. whore. we didnt sleep we just chatted. i know i know, precious sleeping time wasted. oh well. called danielle wen i got home and chatted with her and her sister. theres a chance dannys coming over spring break. whoot.
Sunday, January 25, 2004
misha and i had lots of fun talking to chris and philip from a cutthroat kiss. well misha did the conversing and i just laughed at it. philip is really nice and chris... well chris signed off on misha. he was the cute 16 year old drummer. whoohoo misha!
my moms so pissed at me.
anyway. piano at noon: my piano teacher still isnt back and im still stuck with italian fruitcake whoa smells like this apple stuff from bath and bodyworks. coincidence? went to dads office, helped him with tax portfolios and what not. food=very yum. then went over to paragon to get hiking boots and thermal under wear. and a hat. dariush and his parents and spencer and his mom were there. got hiking boots with them help of 'Jeff', this 65-year old man who reminded me strangely of mr evans and looked like he was gonna have a heart attack. got this blue hat thingee that i like very much, and then we went home. mom kept talking about how the boots were a rip off and stuff. ugh. so im sitting here in ski pants listening to a cutthroat kiss.
Saturday, January 24, 2004
x. name = Jen
x. birthday = 12-16
x. piercings = none
x. tattoos = none
x. height = 5'4"
x. shoe size = 9-9 1/2 yeah i kno i have semi-massive feet
x. hair color = black but it looks like dark brown in the sun sometimes
x. length = shoulder length
x. siblings = one
x. pets = none
x. movie you rented = wow i havent rented one in a long time...the italian job for my bday?
x. movie you bought = nora got me THE ORDER...but i dont buy movies for myself
x. song you listened to = cut the x- a cutthroat kiss
x. song that was stuck in your head = dead to the world' jamisonparker
x. song you've downloaded = im in the middle of downloading some yellowcard song my cousin told me to download
x. cd you bought = i got the ... jamisonparker cd for my bday cuz i dont really buy cds for myself.
x. cd you listened to = 'living in america' -the sounds
x. person you've called = anwar
x. person that's called you = noura
x. tv show you've watched = The Best Week Ever on VH1 that made me laugh so much i was tearing.
x. person you were thinking of = ________ [take a guess]
x. you have a bf or gf = no.
x. you have a crush on someone = yea.
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes
x. you think about suicide = no
x. you believe in online dating = *shrugs*
x. others find you attractive = do they? something to ponder...
x. you want more piercings = yes
x. you want more tattoos = maybe
x. you drink = no
x. you do drugs = no
x. you smoke = no
x. you like cleaning = no. but sometimes it makes me feel better to know i got a whole lot of shit off my back...and my floor
x. you like roller coasters = YES
x. you write in cursive or print = cursive
x. you carry a donor card = no.
for or against
x. long distance relationships = against
x. using someone = for (i cant help it)
x. suicide = against.
x. killing people = eh. haha.
x. teenage smoking = against.
x. doing drugs = against.
x. premarital sex = split
x. driving drunk = against.
x. gay/lesbian relationships = for.
x. soap operas = for. they make me laugh so much sometimes. we'd be lost without soaps, especially spanish soap operas.
x. food = anything Italian or Chinese. and mcdonalds. and junk food.
x. song = right now its heart transplant by punchline but i know it will change in a second
x. thing to do = go to shows
x. thing to talk about = gossip. i hate to admit it but i really do. and i love ranting.
x. sports = ice skating and skiing. i like watching sports more than playing them.
x. drinks = water, soda, juice
x. clothes = band shirts
x. movies = THE ORDER haha. no...i cant think of one.
x. band = fall out boy and others.
x. holiday = Christmas. how about worst? valentines day because its a hallmark holiday and its just kind of a waste of your money. uh yeah.
x. cars = we used to have a Saab which i loved. :(
have you...
x. ever cried over a girl = yes, for being a fucking bitch
x. ever lied to someone = yes
x. ever been in a fist fight = not really
x. ever been arrested = nope
x. shampoo do you use = Herbal Essences
x. perfume do you use = i dont wear perfume
x. shoes do you wear = gray and pink reeboks or the black convrse
x. are you scared of = betrayal, death, broken hearts, rejection, dying alone
x. of times I have been in love? = dunno
x. of times I have had my heart broken? = too many to count
x. of hearts I have broken? = not sure
x. of boys I have kissed? = 0
x. of girls I have kissed? = 0
x. of men I've slept with? = nada.
x. of girls I've slept with? = nada.
x. of continents I have lived in? = one
x. of drugs taken illegally? = none
x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = I don't know
x. of people I consider my enemies? = beaucoup
x. of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? = haha alot
x. of cd's that I own? = like 20?
x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = I don't know
x. of scars on my body? = ALOT
x. of things in my past that I regret? = ALOT
{x} current clothes: sweatpants, old tshirt from like the 70s, hoodie
{x} current mood: guilty
{x} current taste: saliva
{x} current hair: tied up in a ponytail
{x} current annoyance: nothing to do (i have hw but its 'too late' tonight to do it)
{x} current smell: air?
{x} current thing you ought to be doing: homework and our relaly, really late xmas letter. haha
{x} current desktop picture: blueness
{x} current favorite group: Fall Out Boy
{x} current book: i started reading the first page of the DaVinci Code
{x} current refreshment: none
{x} current worry: not getting my hw done
{x} current crush: is it a crush if you are in love with them? <--good question....ok that stuff's from the person i got this from. but for me its frogger and ________ .
{x} current favorite celebrity: does jason vena count?
Random Questions?
{x} who do you like: this is the same as the last one. frogger, pete, _______.
{x} who likes you: I don't know. My friends i guess.
{x} what annoys you: boredom, homophobia, ignorance, intolerance, stupid people, egotists, flirts and ditzes.
{x} what do you want to do:! wait i got it. i wanna go to a concert.
{x} who is one person you never get sick of: nobody.
{x} who is one person you would marry tomorrow: _______. or jason vena. haha.
{x} do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? all three. its weird cuz its like stomach...then i roll around...then i wake up on my back.
{x} what would you take if you were stuck on a deserted island? music
{x} who would you take to that island if you had to take anyone, dead or alive? good question.
{x} do you like water? yea
{x} if your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? photos
{x} have you ever said `i love you` and not meant it? yea, but I must have meant it at some point
{x} what is your favorite sesame street character? Snuffy and Oscar
{x} what time is it? 11:40pm
{x} what time did you wake up this morning? 1:00pm
{x} who would you trade places with for a day? S
{x} have you ever been told you look like a celebrity?: thats funny NO
{x} finish this sentence. "i wouldn't be caught dead.. " listening to being a hobag. ho bag. ho-bag. or slut, whatever.
{x} what is the worst thing that can happen on a date? them telling you they did it to be nice to you/their friend made them or paid them to do it, or going off with someone else.
{x} do you regret any of your past relationships? haha
{x} would you rather live in the mountains or by the ocean? both but if I had to choose the sea
Last time you've...
{x} cried: I almost cried on Saturday but i didnt
{x} bought something: party poppers on Thursday
{x} gotten sick: December
{x} eaten: an hour ago
{x} been kissed: zipppoo
{x} felt stupid: yesterday
{x} wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: haha
{x} talked to an ex: haha
{x} talked to someone you have a crush on: very recently
{x} had a serious talk: hier
{x} missed someone: everyday
{x} hugged someone: today
Social Life...
{x} boyfriend: this is becoming depressingly repetitive
{x} interests: music, Fall Out Boy, travelling, concerts, photography, movies, day dreaming, musing, sleeping, ________, jasonvena, frogger < i love how they always seem to pop up.
{x} pager: I never had one of those
{x} are you center of attention or a wall flower: wall flower.
{x} what type of automobile do you drive: n/a
{x} would you rather be with friends or on a date: I've never been on a date before. my friends.
{x} do you have a job: nope
{x} do you attend church: no
{x} do you like being around people: sometimes
{x} who is your role model: I don't really have one
{x} have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: yep, the story of my life
{x} have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yes
{x} do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really. i mean there is a type of person i usually get attracted to, but sometimes its not the case.
{x} have you ever lied to your best friend: like once or twice.
{x} ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yes
{x} rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship, but sometimes I might to be sporadic or something
{x} want someone you don't have right now: uh huh yesseree.
{x} ever liked your best guy friend: yea
{x} do you want to get married: sure i would
{x} do you want kids: not now
{x} what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: i really dont know.
{x} what is your favorite part of your emotional being: individuality? like not being like everyone else around me.
{x} are you happy with you: sometimes
{x} are you happy with your life: sometimes
{x} if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: to have the boy I want
have i posted these yet?
fall out boy van pictures (more)
one of the guys from a cutthroat kiss posted on my lj and told me to check out the band, and so i did. and i really like them. too bad theyre still pretty new and arent doing the cross country touring yet.
my dad is being a bitch cuz hes making me go to his office and help him out with organizing files after piano tomorro. and my mom is giving me a hard time about going out and buying new hiking boots for the skiing trip. i really dont feel like going out now.
i think im getting better. i got up at 1...then stayed in bed till 2. well done, jen. so im stalling again cuz i dont wanna do my stupid music seminar project on the flute. instead, i am sitting here looking at pictures online and listening to tbs. since everyone else is probably still groggy from partying till 1AM and hangovers, i wont bother talking to anyone now.
Friday, January 23, 2004
i feel like being brutally honest and yelling at people. i really do. im uber-pissed at some people for being fucks. you all suck. really, you do. i cant deal with all of you.
so i just got back front the little chinese new year dinner thing with some people in our grade. it was quite fun, even tho everyone got up at lik 8:30 to go to the Big Party at school. so it was just me, anwar, and nora left. the only reason i would remotely go to the Big Party is for the band. but thats all. i think last years chinese new year thing was more fun.
im pissed cuz we had our whole english thing perfectly set up...and then i got nervous and messed stuff up. and suleimon cant play guitar. im sorry, he cant.
martin's back from thailand! i didnt know he'd be back now. very interesting.
im braindead now and thoroughly annoyed with life.
Thursday, January 22, 2004
i watched this movie called 'the man on the moon' with reese witherspoon when she was lik 12 or something and it was pretty sad. it was a good movie, at least from when i started watching it. her sister was such a ho-bag. i swear! she slept with jason london who loved reese who loved him back but oh no, we cant let reese have jeremy cuz shes too little. so, why dont i take him? like i dont have enough guys throwing themselves at me! that was just annoying.
These creatures may seem scary or fierce, but Dragons are often the most determined and generous people. They are thought to be very ambitious and confident. Nothing dampens their spirits. The Year of the Monkey could bring much harmony to Dragons, as they both admire charm and cleverness above all else, and can help one another reach their ultimate goals.
happy chinese new year!
yeah so anyway. annie, helen, james, tim, christina, and i got out of chem at 9:15 rather than 9:30 to go to chinatown with the M4s, T1s, and T3's. oh jose, you are so gullible. and somehow they fit us all onto the school bus rather than the public bus. ugh. um so we drove down to chinatown and they let us run loose for like half an hour. annie, tim, and i knew good food and went to Big Wong (or Big Wong's, whatver) while the other simpletons went off to get pork buns...only to come wimpering back to us at Big Wongs...then the M4's came and so basically, we half invaded the place. but the ppl there were happy, so who cares? uhh...we raided shops for party poppers and crackers (um those little party crackers...i dont know what else to call them), and annie bought the mother load of party poppers. it was 72 for $10 and i could have cried. and then later she got the mother of all party poppers for $10 that was mistakened for an obese roll of wrapping paper. it was freaking awesome. too bad by the end i couldnt feel my fingers or toes. the dragon dance was actually very, very fun. even tho we couldnt find ppl at times. hmm. i saw my first very cute chinese guy in a very long time. actually, annie and i both noticed him...but were not sure what the hell he did in the dragon dance. um yeah. so ms liu dragged us by the ears back to the bus and we went back to the Dungeon.
i love how during math, rahda came in and said "in case you misunderstood yesterday at the Frost Valley assembly, there will be absolutely no smoking on the premises. none. if you do, there will be serious consequences and your parents will be forced to come pick you up." well, isnt that strange? yestreday, Muslin clearly said, "you will be allowed to smoke, provided we do not see you and you do not leave burn marks or cigarette butts." or something along those lines. my how those two statements contrast!
so the rest of the day was boring. grandpa and auntie mimi came over for dinner...and that was fun. i got rich. well not really but i will be after i see other grandparents and other relatives. ooh yes. more of a reason to see the family :)
im such a history channel dork its not funny. its barbarians week on it, and ive watched soo many of the episodes its insane. and my dads looking at this new apartment with 2 bedrooms. 2 bedrooms? we need a 3 bedroom!
"no we dont; you'll be out in a year by the time they finish building the place. so you can have the study." and my dad points to this small room that i doubt is big enough for my mattress and my ass. or whatver. its insane. so i said i refused to move in. ill just...go on a hunger strike...or ill move in with someone else. i wont live in a broom closet! im already in enough broom closets in school!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
1. what's the third letter in your name? n
2. what's the worst band you ever saw live? none that i can think of.
3. what's the name of a good chinese place in your area? none. i live in a chinese place, so lets say my house.
4. what's on your feet right now? socks
1. Brady Bunch or Patridge Family? Brady Bunch...lovely, mild-mannered simpletons...
2. Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious? dont care.
3. Batman or Superman? Batman! hes all tall dark and handsome and mysterious. rawr. and hes got robin...
4. Elvis or James Brown? HOT PANTS! Elvis the Pelvis. hahaha.
5. Beatles or Rolling Stones? both.
1. How tall are you? 5 feet, 4 inches
2. How many times did you sneeze today? 0
3. How do you do? I wish I had something to do
4. How does the last book you read end? Just Ella?
1. Will you have kids? yes
2. Will this be your last journal entry for some odd weeks? nope
3. Will you enjoy the company of someone much older than you? yes..most ppl tend to be older than me.
PART ONE: Getting to know the real YOU.
1. What was your screen name in
a. 6th grade- jenniee1250
b. 7th grade- see above
c. 8th grade- see above
d. 9th grade- see above
e. 10th grade - see above, and angrylittleme
3. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you say, "_______!" i sigh...and i walk away. sometimes i smile..
4. Describe how the music of your favorite band makes you feel. Fall Out Boy makes me get majorly happy and forget about whatever shit has happened that day.
5. Surveys are the best tool for procrastination! What should YOU be doing right now? Showering.
PART TWO: Entertainment and fashion
7. I saw a commercial about "guilty pleasure TV". What is the shitty show that you watch alone in your room, secretly pleasured, but if you're at a friends house you just suffer in silence as they channel surf right by it? Anything on VH1 mostly.
10. Name an item of clothing/accessory that you really regret wearing. alot of stuff.
11. If you were a cartoon character, what would be your never-changing outfit? a FOB shirt, my XOXO or Levi's jeans and my Roos if i had any.
12. Whose clothing/style do you admire most? They can be famous! They can be not! dunno.
6. What is the subject line of the best porn e-mail you've ever recieved? i dont usually read porn emails, i delete them. theyre always lik 'grow ur penis 5 inches in 2 weeks!'
7. Describe your fantasy sex partner. no comment now.
8. Leave your computer to go masturbate. Tell us what went through your mind. Really, we want to know. uh.
10. Best CD to make sweet love to: i have no idea. i think it depends what mood youre in then.
Tell us about your love life. right now, I don't have one really. I'm crushing on someone though. hardcore
PART FOUR: Your nonexistent social life
14. Hypothetically, you are at a party. Drunken uglies heft you up onto a table and start chanting "TURN A TRICK! TURN A TRICK!" What do you do? punch them all in the balls and run like hell.
15. A girl comes up to you. She has huge eyes and a very small nose and is wearing a dress that poofs out at the bottom, like the little girls in Disney movies. Her eyes are very shiny. She's fifteen. Are you attracted to her? No
16. A boy with a face so that you can see the details of his skull through his skin is standing on the street. He is wearing tight 60sish jeans and has short hair that he cut himself. He is smoking a cigarette and has very green eyes. Are you attracted to him? no. smoking is the devil, and he looks like he has problems if he cuts himself...
17. You are sitting in class one day when your teacher announces that there is a new student. Your perfect fantasy person walks in and is assigned to the seat right next to you. What's going on in your head? AHHHH!!!! sdfbsudbfisudb!!!!!!
18. You are at a place full of people and you don't know anyone. What do you do to keep from being bored/awkward? Occupy myself with my cell phone or something.
19. Preferred method of suicide? dunno.
PART FIVE: The past
20. The best part of fifth grade was: Washington
21. The worst part of seventh grade was: None that i can think of.
22. The best part of sixth grade was: MR HENNESSY!!!
23. The worst part of eighth grade was: 9/11, shuvo, MR BAHA. i loved everything else about that year, tho.
PART SIX: Murder
24. Name a person that annoys you. not enough room.
25. Describe their brutal murder. Describe it so at the end I say, "Damn! That's hardcore!" i would slowly decapitate them and dump them in an acid bath. or something like that.
26. Name a person you like. why is this under murder? um...frogger! and ________ ! but i wouldnt want to hurt them.
27.Think about THEIR brutal murder. Picture it vividly in your head. Then write a few words about it. why would I kill someone I like?
28. Favorite serial killer? Jack the Rupper. Ripper.
33. Someone is kicking a kitten in an alleyway. You hear its pained mews. The person kicking the kitten looks kind of scary. What do you do? Oh and the kitten is really fluffy and small. With a little pink nose. id tell some guy ill sleep with him if he saves the kitty then run away. lol jk. id just get someone with a broom to attack the guy as i run after kitty.
JOSE IS COMING TO FROST VALLEY WITH US AND IM ABOUT TO CRY. THOUGH IM NOT SURE FROM HAPINESS OR HORROR/SADNESS. and wat was that whole 'designated smoking area and times' during the assembly? WTF?! teachers arent supposed to be promoting that or even trying to understand their addiction. god!
...its so amusing...i love it...
anyway. THEY KICKED SAM off the apprentice. i love that so much. makes up for them kicking jason off. uhhh yeah so math was boring. everything was boring most of the day. i really like the schools bootleg couscous. i really do. dance class was quite fun....we did our little 'dance' thing wihtout fucking up...and everyone got check pluses mostly which was fun. and haifa and i fell in love with the AGAR GELATIN in bio. it rocks so much. gah. and that was my day. i slept for lik 3 hours wen i got home and then watched smallville which was hilarious. so funny. where was adam? THE WB LIES. martha and i know that! chinese new year tomorrow...[jennie does a little dance] :D
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
At 104, Churchill's Bird Still Cursing Hitler
Foul-Mouthed Parrot Lived With Former British Leader
Charlie is notorious for cursing Adolf Hitler in Churchillian tones.
LONDON (Jan. 20) - British war leader Winston Churchill's foul-mouthed 104-year old parrot refused to surrender to newshounds Monday after a British newspaper tracked the bird down and discovered it was still alive.
"They've been trying to get him to talk all day, but he's not saying much," said Sylvia Martin, who manages Heathfield Nurseries where parrot Charlie has lived for the last 12 years.
Charlie, who kept Churchill company during World War II, was famous for occasionally squawking four-letter obscenities about Hitler. But Martin told Reuters the bird has mellowed.
"He doesn't say very much anymore -- usually just hello and goodbye. But he does get so excited about music and dances to it. He's very fit."
Charlie -- invariably referred to as "he" despite being female -- is now owned by Peter Oram, the garden center's owner, Martin said. Oram's father-in-law sold Churchill the bird and was asked to take it back after the prime minister died in 1965.
Steve Nichols, founder of Britain's National Parrot Sanctuary, said that although parrots did not often live longer than 40 in the wild, some had lived to up to 110.
"It's obviously had the best life possible," he said
cute little story...
we started talking about contraceptives in history, and dutilloy said "well, i wont tell you things from my own experience..." it was fun. anyway. french was boring. chem was boring. jose says i didnt fail. thats lovely, cuz failing is a 3+ so i might get a 4-. who knows? i skipped lunch to work on the english thing with suleimon and guillermo, and of all the days to have a meeting about IB English, Ms. Doyle decides today. after we worked our fcking asses off over the weekend and memorized our lines and killed my color printer. ARGH. we were so ready. chinese was blah. bio was blah. ohh shit i need to do bio. hmm. after school nora, anwar, and i (accompanied by bobblehead and barbie) went to practice our jazz class dance, which really isnt even jazz dancing but who cares? well look ridiculous anyway. fastforward a few hours. gilmore girls is getting so boring i have trouble not channel surfing in the middle of it. that new boyfriend guy lorelai has is SO GRIMY. and hes tacky and cheesy and i cant take him. and hes ugly as ASS. i kid you not hes gross. and i watched one tree hill which was a hell of a lot better than gilmore girls. i think i like that nathan (why name him that? come on now...) character better than lukas or whatever. rawr.
Monday, January 19, 2004
i just found out that i missed the first day of american idol bloopers from anwar. damn. and it was the new york city edition. screw atlanta, letssee how bad we city dwellers are! um yea thats about it. right now: i really, really miss danielle. and shes not coming over spring break :'( to think she wont come on the ski trip and show us how scandanavians rock the skis... that sounds weird. nvm.
SO. got up at like...noon, walked to jenny's, watched THE ORDER with jenny and martha. it wasnt better the second time around, but the "OH BABY...OHNO...uuuuuhhh...[insert stuttering sound people make wen having a heart attack]" was priceless. actually, that scene is like some weird sort of porno movie. OMG and the reel of the 1000 takes of that they had to do! it was great. hahahahaha. heath ledger sounds strangely like ozzy osbourne wen speaking. anyway, then we watched PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN bloopers which were highly amusing and i heart johnny depp. orlando bloom makes weird noises. then misha, helen, and jojo came over and they practiced their dance for gym. hung out...and then left at...6? walked/ran after the M16 with helen...and then i came home. where i must finished my 3 SHEETS OF FUCKING FRENCH GRAMMER and my ENGLISH PROJECT. kill me NOW. im really cold, too.
i have a fear of hobos. specifically the ones who stalk and attack. so on the subway today, i was innocently sitting with my headphones on, listening to SoCo. lovely scene, isnt it? so one guy comes thru the sliding doors, and hes perfectly normal. a second later, this MASSIVE HOBO IN A RIPPED XXXXXXXL GREEN TSHIRT COMES IN WITH A TIRE OF FAT STICKING OUT comes thru and roars "IVE BEEN HOMELESS FOR 6 YEARS AND TEN MONTHS PLEASE GIVE ME A DIME" and as he walks past me in a gangly fashion, we all realize that his hairy ass is hanging out. as soon as he was far enough, i got up and ran to the next car cuz i was scared out of my mind. that was a truly scarring experience.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
JASON and....some little child. who the fuck is he?! move over!
-jason is such a model.
i didnt do much today. again. aaahh. phone with cousin for like an hour. blah. her fred is at the linkin park concert like thing at nassau colleseum. very cool. this Roy song is kind of annoying me. bring on the AKA's! ate way too much food right aboot now and im very full. FUCKING ENGLISH HW. me? be dramatic? never.
Burger King customers told: 'You are too fat to have a Whopper'
Police believe teenage pranksters are hacking into the wireless frequency of a US Burger King drive-through speaker to tell potential customers they are too fat for fast food.
Policeman Gerry Scherlink said the pranksters told one customer who had just placed an order: "You don't need a couple of Whoppers. You are too fat. Pull ahead."
The offenders are reportedly tapping into the wireless frequency at the restaurant in Troy, Michigan. Police believe the culprits are watching and broadcasting from close range.
Officer Scherlinck said the men are telling customers who order a Coca-Cola that, "We don't have Coke." And when the customer asks what they do have, the hacker would say: "We don't have anything. Pull ahead."
But what has managers concerned is the profanity the hackers are using, according to police.
A drive-through customer has told police if he had children with him in the car and someone used profanity, he would have been upset.
Burger King franchise owner Tony Versace issued the following statement in response to the incidents: "We apologise to our customers who've been insulted by the use of this drive-through speaker."
Management at the fast-food restaurant are reportedly trying to change the radio frequency used for the speakers, reports Local 4.
Saturday, January 17, 2004
does anyone else feel like theyre a waste of a life? i remotely feel like that.
anyway. english is killing me. goddamnit. it would suck so badly if no one else put that much effort and it was JUST US who did.
im bored again. and my mom is saying that im "obsessed with going online" when im really, really not.
i see the blogger people have changed the posting page's layout. its alot a way. im semi-exhausted from doing this crap-arse english project. things i could kill right now: theodore roethke, ms. picone, CARNATIONS, the czech author of 'a book of luminous things.' poetry is meant to be enjoyed, not dissected and analyzed!
French Headscarf Ban Sparks Global Protests
Demonstrations Also Expected in U.S., Canada
PARIS (Jan. 17) - Shouting ''The veil is my choice,'' hundreds of people marched in Paris on Saturday as part of global protests against the French government's plan to ban Muslim headscarves in schools.
France says Muslim headscarves must be barred from schools to keep them secular and avoid religious strife.
Muslims from all over France took part in the Paris rally, expected to draw at least 10,000. Many of the protesters were women in headscarves and bearded men in robes.
''We're here for our liberty,'' said Fatiha Hossol, from the southeastern city of Lyon. ''It's our religious obligation to honor our God.''
Algerian-born Kawtar Fawzy, 30, also traveled from Lyon. ''When I came here, they told me France was the land of human rights. I found out it's the opposite,'' she said, amid protesters waving French flags.
From London to Baghdad, people around the world took to the streets Saturday to show opposition to the proposal to ban religious attire, including the headscarf, in French public schools.
The government, worried about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, intends to enact the law for the start of the 2004-2005 school year in September. It says Muslim scarves and other obvious religious symbols must be barred from schools to keep them secular and avoid religious strife.
But, many Islamic leaders say the law will stigmatize France's estimated 5 million Muslims, who make up 8 percent of the population.
In London, several hundred people demonstrated across from the French Embassy in the upscale Knightsbridge area, waving signs and chanting: ''If this is democracy, we say: 'No, merci!'''
''The (French) government is isolating Muslims and setting a dangerous precedent,'' said Ihtisham Hibatullah,'' spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain. ''Muslims see it as an aggravation.''
Dozens of women, veiled in black scarves, marched through the main city of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir, to express their solidarity with Muslims in France.
''Why should anyone interfere with what I want to wear. If I revolt against this transgression I will be called an extremist. Is it fair?'' said Asiya Andrabi, whose Dukhtaran-e-Millat, or Daughters of Faith, is a radical separatist group that demands Kashmir's merger with Pakistan.
Other protests were expected in the United States and Canada in what would be the biggest coordinated demonstration against a law that would also ban Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses in French public schools.
Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said such protests are not a positive contribution to the debate.
''If there is a protest one day, there will be a counter-protest the next,'' he said Friday.
Saturday's march through northeastern Paris to the Place de la Nation was called by the Party of French Muslims. Before the rally began, a small group of men pulled out a prayer rug and said prayers at the Place de la Republique.
Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Mosque of Paris and president of the French council of the Muslim religion, discouraged Muslims from attending, saying the protest would only exacerbate the anti-Muslim climate and create tensions for them in Europe.
He has called for calm among France's Muslims ''because we absolutely do not want confrontation.'' Boubakeur's French Council of the Muslim Faith serves as a link to the government.
Protests also were expected in other French cities and outside French consulates and embassies in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., and in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto in Canada, organizers said.
About 3,000 people took part in a similar protest in Paris on Dec. 21. More than half were women, girls and even young children wearing the ''hijab,'' or headscarf. Protests have taken place elsewhere, too. Earlier this month, 700 Muslims marched through the Danish capital of Copenhagen.
In Iraq, an Islamic group distributed an open letter to Chirac in mosques calling for the government to reverse its position. A demonstration drew fewer than 100 students Saturday at Baghdad's Al Mustansiriya University.
Shaheen Kazi, national office manager at the Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada, said protests were expected to draw a few thousand people.
''The hijab is so central to the Muslim woman's identity,'' Kazi said. ''If we don't stand up for this issue when it happens in a European country or anywhere else, then it could be like a wave that could carry on throughout Europe and then we don't know how far it would spread.''
In London, Foreign Office Minister Mike O'Brien said the British government supported the right of all people to display religious symbols.
''Whilst it is for individual countries to decide, in Britain we are comfortable with the expression of religion, seen in the searing of the hijab, crucifixes or the kippa,'' O'Brien said in a statement. ''Integration does not require assimilation.''
This is such bullshit i cant take it.
i unwillingly rolled out of bed at 2 PM after stalling for an hour to do fanucking HW. this time picone has really gone too far with poetry. im very, very tired. fucking hell and i gotta practice piano. later. aaaaaauuuuuuugggggggghhhhhh..............
The charges stemmed from a July 2002 incident in which Mystikal (real name: Michael Tyler) confronted the hairdresser, accusing her of kiting $80,000 worth of his checks. (Her lawyer told the Louisiana Advocate on Thursday that she did not steal from Mystikal.) The ''Shake Ya Ass'' rapper allegedly told her he wouldn't turn her into the police if she would have sex with him and bodyguards Leland ''Pokie'' Ellis and Vercy ''V'' Carter. Baton Rouge police later searched Mystikal's apartment and found a videotape of the sex acts. Last June, Mystikal reversed his initial plea of not guilty and struck a deal with prosecutors, averting a trial and a possible 10-year sentence. Ellis was sentenced to three years in prison, Carter to four.
i half-passed out on my couch at 8, and got up at 11:30. at least i think i fell asleep at was in the middle of one of the millions of michael jackson news things. hmm.
my brother and my mother are watching jerry maguire and there are some scenes that my brother shouldnt see.
fucking hell i have so much hw to do tomorro....
pix of the fall out boy van crash:
The Dead Trailer
"Stop burning bridges and drive right off them"
Friday, January 16, 2004
whoooo the start of the 3-day weekend! except i have a shitload of ENGLISH HOMEWORK (THANK YOU MS PICONE). GATTACA (ok i gotta stop typing in caps lock..) is a very, very good movie, and i hated it wen jude law...burned himself alive. so boredom....more boredom...nap in nurses office=heaven...ghoussoub was ABSENT during french so we went to the lab and watched music videos and surfed zee internet, even tho we were supposed to be listening to fucking french radio at UGH EVERYTHING WAS BORING ARTER THAT. guillermo and suleimon were supposed to meet me in the bibliotheque, but only guillermo showed up. i called like 10 people to find suleimon but he wasnt in sight. Uggg. so went home afterwards, and...hung out...cuz thats wat i do cuz im so boring. i wanna pre-order the punchline cd but my moms like 'oh, no, u cant do that cuz they charge shipping. buy it in the store.' no i cant do that cuz i can get free stuff if i buy it online....
i think im going to attempt to cut my own hair since the hair dressed never seems to get it right. but watch me chicken out after a few seconds. it should be shorter in the back, and a bit longer in front. UGH. and fucking hell i must do awaaaayy with the frizz and staticy hair IN MY FACE. its annoying and i always have to flip it aside that makes me looks weird. and i have an annoying lump of hair on the top of my head. that is all.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
THEY KICKED JASON OFF THE APPRENTICE. fucking turds. KICK SAM-THE-CASTRATED OFF! i swear to god i cant stand him! no one likes him as a matter of fact, and he fell asleep on the job! GAH. jason was like the best part. UGH.
anyway. nearly fell asleep in all of my classes. practiced dance thing during the triple free which was increasingly frustrating...and i hate dancing. coordinated dancing, anyway. and wen i have a massive bruise bump thing on my right knee. the triple free SUCKED. yeah thats it. had my unisverse interview afterschool and i went completely blank and couldnt think of any answers. i think the only good thing is that i live nearby and i read the newspaper and watch too much news. whooo anderson cooper!
fall out boy got into a van accident and totalled their trailer AND van. thankfully no one got hurt. damn nyc weather (they were going to brooklyn for a video shoot. brooklyn?)
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
smallville made jenny, martha, and i laugh very very much. im currently working on my french oral on abortion and its killing me. um so chinese blah, math blah, mentor haha. we had the T1/T2 UNIS-UN Assembly which went far better than last very amusing. english blah. lunch blah blah froggerr yay. what an amusing nickname. GYM AND DANCE CAN DIE! specifically DANCE. not so much gym in general. dance is crap when ur knee is bruised and u must do stupid so-called jazz moves which suckk. bah! chem was crap. jose is crap. why couldnt he have been sick with kidney stones like randy told me?? well that what randy heard so i cant blame him. haifa, nora, and i bust into a seeingly endless laughing fit over....nothing. at first it was just kinda jose...but then we were giggling like no other. i kept giggling cuz everytime i looked at nora or haifa it would start again and haifa was like crying. jose: "waht are you laughing at?" and nora tried to explain...but twas quite useless. i dunno wat it was but we couldnt quite stop. haha. the rest of the days was a blurr pretty much. ive been blinking alot cuz im so tired and i gotta keep my eyes open. stayed in the english area for a while and filled out the journalism application which i wont get cuz im ugh. i found ms knoxs cash and credit card loaded vest and returned it to her and got....2 gummy bears. "any color you want!" aww shucks, thanks. too bad if i had kept the credit card or the cash i could by myelf a gummy bear company! pshaw. stayed with nora till lik 6:30 and ate food from the M1 after concert thing. uhhhh wat else. yea about smallville. im in love. well like lust but whatever. aside form clark theres this new guy named adam (Ian Somerhalder) and hes very cute. hes like ryan from acceptance. actually they could be twins. and he was EVER so kick arse. damn u lana damn u. u dont deserve any of them.
mancow said "where are you from" and peter said "wilmette and winnetka and glenview" and mancow said "i heard thats where all the pussies are from" and pete said "nah thats where all the pussy is at"
from the falloutboy radio thing i missed cuz i was in MATH. UGH.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
d j x 9 0 2 5 (9:50:59 PM): yeah shows ive gotten on guest lists for are...
jenniee1250 (9:51:08 PM): this should be good..
d j x 9 0 2 5 (9:52:44 PM): story of the year, ataris, good charlotte, home grown, the used, less than jake, blink 182, brand new, my friend adam from taking back sunday gets me tickets all the time, afi, midtown - saw them for my birthday it was great, yellowcard, weezer, finch, juliana theory, unwritten law, high school football heroes, boys night out...thats just to name a few
im so fucking happy right now i could cry. WE GOT TICKETS [well i had them but they didnt...]. im soooo happy! being a little livejournal addict, i checked the fall out boy community again and this girl informed us that ticketmaster had put more tickets up on sale. so of course i FREAKED and RAN to the kitchen and called fatima and freaked out yet again. aaaaand now we've got tickets for fatima, haifa, and fatimas sister. omgsfihids. tis fabulous. aahh.
okay, WHOO, schooling. i HATE DUTTILLOY and i honestly could slap him. HES AN ASS. i begin like crying when i yell at him cuz i get so frustrated by him cuz its like talking to a cocky brick wall. fuck. frogger in library. anyway. we get to go on the chinese trip! but the advanced class does not. sense it does not make. watched GATTACA in bio which i think, so far, is quite a good movie. and ethan hawke reminded me of james franco who i luv.
that is all. love ticketmaster...for now anyway. and love me for reading her post.
Monday, January 12, 2004
What is your ideal type of guy? (With Pictures)" - Results:
Boy Next Door - Your ideal guy is the brotherly and huggable boy next door. He's always around, knows you better than anyone, and loves to cuddle. He's not neccessarily attractive to most, but something about him makes him charming and adorable in your eyes. Turn ons: One word - cute. He gets you teddy bears and kisses your forehead, loves hand holding and telling you that he loves you. Turn offs: He'll screw up somewhere down the line - but we all make mistakes. Forgive him, because all he can do is learn from it and love you all the more!
hmm...okay...why cant we just put the some of the possible results in a blender and then get the results...
i feel like im harassing everybody by posting on lik 5 or 6 different message boards 'does anyone have tickets??'. hopefully some kind soul will have one or otherwise, i hope vincent will come thru for everyone else. egh. the yahoo one should reach like 200 or 300 ppl. hopefully.
im cant do my english homework because it is ridiculously hard. obviously, emily dickenson had an advanced form of ADD because the poem 'a fellow in the grass' is absolutely ridiculous.
so-so day. actually, not quite. double english was somewhat fun; i got my first 7- from picone which is INSANE. lars is so funny..."but they speak english!"...yes so anyway. lenis wasnt here. muahah. but we watched that highly amusing movie with the two 80s fruitcakes in it. i didnt really watch; i listened to japanese or korean music, attempted to show i DO have a small amount of muscle, and did the wave at the window with most of our class at the small J2s or something on the 3rd floor. very amusing. chinese class was like a mini shouting match between us and our teacher cuz ms liu sed that the T2's couldnt go on the chinatown trip on chinese new year cuz
1) we didnt have class that day
2) they couldnt fit us on the bus
which is complete bullshit cuz there cant be lik 50 students and chaperones, and we can stand on the bus or get there ourselves. its such crap. "to make up for it we're gonna make dumplings". screw you! um. afterschool stayed and did journalism even if worrell isnt here. fatima haifa and i posted on lik 3 msg boards to see if anyone had extra fob tix. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING.
Sunday, January 11, 2004
my piano teacher is in hong kong, so today at my piano lesson, i had another teacher. he was this small italian elijah wood-like man with a fruityish lisp who really scared me and he sang along to the piano like he thought he was pavarotti. and he was like trying to seduce the piano or something and i kept on coughing to prevent myself from laughing out loud. and i have him next week too. UGH. he looked kinda retarded too.
new alias tonight. happiness. homework is impossible. screw epiphany poems. sneezing. soco. acceptancerock. damn pictures. scalpers? hopeless case. jason picture. drool. ski trip in two weeks. shit.
Saturday, January 10, 2004
i call myself a wallflower, and at first misha didnt think so and we had this whole thing about what EXACTLY a wallflower was. i thought it was someone who didnt stand out and blended in. she thought it was someone with no friends and stuff. after much thought i guess, in gym she said to me "yeah you are a wallflower", and im confused in which context she means it. my definition or hers? just a random thing i was pondering. im not trying to contradict myself or what not.
as of now im talkin to alix about ways of getting fatima in. so maybe well get tix from a scalper for face value, if were lucky. no ticket, yes photo pass=no entry. guestlist=free, but i dunno if we can get it.
my fingers are about to fall off even with gloves, ski socks, thermals, sweatpants, hoodie, and puffy vest on. all i need now is a hat....
anyhow...still working on getting more fob person responded but they didnt have tix. SO FRUSTRATING. damn mest. damn them. i think the more shows fob play the harder itll prolly get to get tix. viva the psychos who get first day tickets!
Pilot Who Beat Cancer Dies in Iraq Crash
Officer Aaron Weaver Got a Special Medical Clearance to Fly
TAMPA, Fla. (Jan. 10) - An Army helicopter pilot who had survived cancer and a battle in Somalia depicted in the film "Black Hawk Down" was among nine soldiers killed in a helicopter crash in Iraq, his family said Friday.
Chief Warrant Officer Aaron Weaver, rebounding from testicular cancer, could have stayed put at Fort Bragg, N.C., when his unit shipped out to Iraq last year. But that wasn't like him.
Weaver, 32, of Inverness, had worked hard to get himself back into shape after cancer surgery in 2002, and got a special medical clearance to fly his OH-58 observer helicopter in Iraq, his father, Mike Weaver, said Friday.
"He wanted to go to Iraq," his father said. "When you're in a group like that, you don't want your friends to leave you behind."
Aaron Weaver, of the 82nd Airborne Division, was a passenger on the Black Hawk when it went down Thursday. The aircraft, marked with a red cross, was hit by an Iraqi rocket, a witness said. Weaver was flying to Baghdad for a post-cancer checkup with other soldiers in need of medical attention.
As an Army Ranger, Weaver survived the October 1993 battle of Mogadishu in Somalia that was recounted in the book and feature film, "Black Hawk Down." He helped save a buddy's life and is featured in a documentary on the battle.
im so pissed that tickets for fall out boy on 2/28 are sold out! fatima called me at like noon, but i was sleeping, then at like 5 after i was up and told me and i was really sad about it. how the FUCK can a mest show sell out a month and a half early? less than jake was sold out like 2 weeks before the actual show! this is fucking ridiculous too, cuz they both toured with good charlotte at some time last year and got the same amount of exposure. i know fob and matchbook are pretty popular but this is ridiculous.
possible ways of admission:
-a ticket frees up
-photo pass? time to ask alix.
-a saintly lj user has an etra ticket?
-pete getting us in...or andy or joe or patrick....cmon weve been to the past 3 shows!
this is so despressing.
Friday, January 09, 2004
hands are freezing. i had a pretty good day today...chem wasnt as bad as it couldve been..fanucking labs....french BAH...fatima, haifa, nora, and i worked 4th, 5th, and most of 6th period on our journalims pieces for the maagzine and nearly died. bio is blah. so is math. bahbahbah. but afterwards i went with anwar to noras. wen we left school and we were walking to anwars car i realized frogger was walking our way (not directly, but towards school) and i was lik 'gah!' and i freaked. nora, being a bum, began bouncing behind me shrieking 'frogger look!' and i nearly had a heart attack and went loudly 'OH, WHY YES LOOK IT IS THE CAR!!!" very embarrasing. so at noras, we spend 3 hours or more practicing our gym danceclass routine...and i had immense amounts of fun. i really did even tho it was SO difficult. i mustve looked riduclous prancing around and my knees nearly gave out doing riya's cool yet murderous knee spiinging thing. yeah. we learned and memorized it and loaded up on nora's mom's arabic food which was simply heavenly. anwar and i got really scared of noras building cuz its like the perfect set for a scary movie and all. the pool is like a scene from swimfan or something. eh. came home, internet. i wonder what everyone else is doing....
- Current Clothes: jeans, some vintage like tshirt, gray swetshirt i wear too much
- Current Mood: pretty happy...quite a good mood.
- Current Music: Soco again...
- Current Taste: grapes
- Current Make-up: eyeliner and chapstick cuz lipgloss is too much of a hassel.
- Current Hair: messed up.
- Current thing I ought to be doing: dunno, its friday.
- Current Desktop Picture: plain blue
- Current Favorite Artist: fall out boy and soco< wlel maybe cuz im listening to them now...
- Current Favorite Group:see above
- Current Book: i like the lovely bones alot
- Current CD in CD Player: 'North' SoCo. but punchlines 'The Rewind EP' in my old one.
- Current tape in VCR: dunno
- Current Color Of Toenails: um...natural? i dont remember the last time i painted my toenails...
- Current Refreshment: my saliva.
- Current Worry: will i ever catch up in chem?
- You Touched: um...anwar?
- You Talked to: mom
- You Hugged: anwar
- You Instant messaged: gabby
- You Yelled At: not sure...nora, but not in a hostile manner
- You Kissed: this is funny, aint it?
- Foods: arabic, chinese, italian, american food. and any sort of junk food. i like fruits too.
- Drink: sprite, tea with coffemate. yeea..
- Color: black and pink
- Album: this is a hard one. im not sure
- Shoes: um...i only have like two pairs so converse and reebok
- Candy: everything that im not allergic to
- Animal: baby harp seals. harp seals.
- TV Show: alias...i like the apprentice cuz i heart jason and i love to hate castrated sam
- Movie: THE ORDER!! HAHAHAA! no it sucks, i love interview with the vampire...for now anyway, and indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark cuz ive seen it literally 100 times or so and i love harrison ford.
- Song: too many
- Vegetable: potato. does that count?how about tomatoes?
- Fruit: all cept for avacado.
- Cartoon: does peter parker on MTV count? fine...bonkers.
- Kill: nobody at this moment but ask me again when i get off the internet, out of my trance.
- Slap: slapping is purely spur of the moment thing...
- Get Really Wasted With: no one.
- get really high with: I don't plan on getting high any time soon.
- Tickle: uhhhh...
- Look Like: this is getting changes but im usually pretty happy with being myself and not some hot chick
- Talk To Offline: i need to call my cousin and tell her good news.
- Talk To Online: one good's online
- Been kissed? ---
- How many times: ----
- Done Drugs? nono
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos? who hasnt?
- Been on stage? sure.
- Dumped Someone? uh
- Gotten in a car accident? minor-ly
- Been in love? blah.
- Cried? no.
- Helped someone? have i?
- Bought something? yes-food count?
- Gotten sick? nope
- Gone to the movies? no.
- Gone out for dinner? no.
- Said "I love you"? yes.
- Written a real letter? no.
- Talked to an ex? what ex?
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? no. actually YES. no, actually...did i...?
- Had a serious talk? somewhat serious.
- Missed someone? fuck yes
- Hugged someone? already asked this, champ.
- Fought with your parents? nyes
- Fought with a friend? not relaly
- Wear eye shadow? no...eye liner is the way to go. dont take the ghossoub road to beautification ...
- Put on a "front"?...huh?
- Kiss on the first date? suuuuuuuure why not.
- Have a crush on someone? like no other. its getting out of hand and an utter, utter waste of time.
- Eat with your mouth open? ew no.
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would it be? um. dunno..somewhere you can cover up if neccessary
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? its wood, so wood colored
- What was the last CD you bought? the last CD i got for my self was the 2003 Warped Tour Compilation in lik....July
- How did you spend last summer? hicktowns...suburbs...downtown nyc...the continental like once....on my lazy ass, mostly
- When's the last time you showered? last night.
- Are you lonely? kinda
- Are you happy? actually, im happier than ive been all week with the exception of the acceptance pix of fatimas and new acceptance site :)
- Are you wearing pajamas? non.
- Are you talking to someone online? no i blocked everyone right now. i will unblock, tho.
- What is your astrological sign? saggitarius.
- What are you listening to/watching right now? Spitalfield, 'kill the drama'
::10 Bands You Have Seen Live::
1. Fall Out Boy
2. Spitalfield
3. Acceptance
4. Yellowcard
5. Matchbook Romance
6. Maxeen
7. The Prize Fighter
8. Trouble Is
9. Punchline
10. Good Charlotte
::09 Things You're Looking Forward To::
1. concerts
2. end of school.
3. b/f.
4. driving.
5. skiing.
6. Friends.
7. seeing danielle.
8. you.
9. my AP...where is it?!
::08 Things You Wear Daily::
1. clothes.
3. glasses.
4. eyeliner.
5. shoes.
6. watch.
7. socks.
8. elastic hair ties that double is arm decoration/bracelets
::07 Things That Annoy You::
1. egotists
2. cocky people/ assholes
3. little ms. perfects/beauty queens
4. other people. (oh shush it makes sense)
5. having neither hips nor arse
6. brats...oy
7. PDAs!!! get a room!
::06 Things You Touch Every Day::
1. keyboard
2. food.
3. mouse for the computer
4. cds.
5. pencil
6. you. haha.
::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
1. interview with the vamp....ire
2. sleeping beauty
3. Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark!
4. jerry maguire, but u can only see it so many dozen times...
5. lol eyes wide shut. hilarious
::04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With::
1. my bestfriends
2. zee cousins
3. fob
4. crushiewushie
::03 Girls/Boys You have Kissed::
1. fuck.
2. you.
3. all.
::02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment::
1. 'in the same lifetime' spitalfield, which btw, this song would be so good for slow dances
2. 'i want to save you' soco...oh andrew mcmahon u little romantic. why cant they all be like you? i love basically all love song-esque soco songs.
::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::
1. :)
im exhausted and sick of typing up my portrait assignment for journalism, but i cant help being estatically happy after finally getting access into the new acceptance website. their first really good one. aww yea. PICTURES AND BIOS and other stuff that the other one didnt have. haifa and i made this amazing revalation that ryan is 4/5 years older than us, and christian is younger than jason. what?! its insane. this whole time were like, 'ok, jasons 22, 23 max. chrisitans gotta be lik 25.' ahh. thats insane. but the pictures made me giddy like a SHIT. and i felt so goofy and what not. *sigh* omgdiubfiaub they had the rerun lyrics. insanity, i told you! lovely way to end the night...
i watched 'the apprentice', that new show with donald trump and stuff, and its pretty good and really intersting. the name jason must be really special or something cuz the jason on 'the apprentice' was really cute. gah. VERY cute. i hated sam. aside from the fact he was an egotistical smart-ass bastard, he sounded like a was castrated when he was seven. i couldnt stand him, and they didnt kick him off even tho everyone hated him. and tammy the only asian can go screw herself. shes too cocky and selfish for her won good. shes so dumb too! wen they went to trumps penthouse, shes lik "hes relaly really rich..." NO. SHIT.
Thursday, January 08, 2004
im fucking freezing. my hands are losing the sense of touch even while typing fast and the heat on at full blast. eh. um i have to do my portrait assignment on my moms assistant for tomorro because somehow it was decided were finishing all the crap for our magazine tomorro (?)(yeah).
he's back from vacation! or he was sick, i dont know. but hes back. yaay. anyway.
so i suffered through math and french and just barely survived. siefrings class began banging morse code or whatever on the "walls" which was pretty funny cuz u hear duttiloy talk and get interupted by this massive banging noise. i was gonna rip out the sounds calender out of the rolling stone but either someone got to it before me or it just wasnt there. right. disappointed i am. everyone was wearing black. u walk in the halls and its like a mass of black with speckles of pink and red.
I HATE DANCE CLASS. its hell on earth. i swear! thats why rather than dancing i sat with jenny on the sidelines and watched everyone look like an idiot for following ms powells so called jazz dance moves. it made me so sad. i like doing my own little goodball dance, not her little wannabe jazz dancer like thing. oy. chem was boring...nora and i flicked coughdrop wrapper balls at each other, and i killed my middle finger after i slammed it into the damn table. watched a movie in bio....rarrra.
gobby came to school today! but she was more than half and hour late so cami and i had to waste time in the lobby and calling her forever. finally she came and it was all fun, and she brought her friends yvonne and golda or soemthing. dunno bout that. and we chatted and then randy and james came and we all kinda stood around and chatted for a few minutes. then everyone had to leave and stuff. ooh i missed gobby so much!
and sitting at the computer drinking tea with hazelnut coffeemate cuz thats the way to go. the only way to go, and listening to punchline. eee.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
it would be horrible if i didnt mention this but the best sub ever Mr Campbell died last night, and it just relaly depresses me because we saw he pretty recently, and then well never see him ever again. so RIP mr campbell and we really appreciated you putting up with us.
the weather outside is fucking frightful, inside isnt all that delightful, but as long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
fcking freeezing outside, i flt like my toes were going to fall off. anyhow. double history was amusing cuz duttilloy kept saying 'trenchies' instead of trenches, and it was all fun and games. not. during break fatima and i argued about jason and that picture and abs or just skinny. oy. french was dull, chemistry can die. so badly, along with lenis. I. HATE. YOU. and he somehwo boosted nora up from 95% to 100%. WTF?! i think i failed. actually i did fail but im too scared to tell my mother cuz shes gonna kill me. um. i found lunch dull. english was kinda boring. i dont like my new seat much/ damn seating arangement. it was funny cuz camis stockings were itching her pretty badly and it just looked so wrong the way she reacted. chinese was quite amusing...i heart our new books cuz they are so much easier than the fucking pronoucation-less ones. and the pictures are pretty :) and we are officially dyslexic cuz we couldnt quite spell 'antarctica'. haa. bio we watched some forensics video. i considored doing forensics as a career then wen i failed chem...oy....
>you know jason is beautiful if even tommydavid likes him lol. and fatima: we will resume talk about if he has abs or not (pointless discussion i kno)!
from FractureJuly on about Trouble IS/Start Trouble:
They ruined an almost prefect little tour - fallout boy, spitalfield, and acceptance. None of those bands liked them at all i saw the guys practically laughing at trouble is when they were on stage rapping and singing about bowls of freeking cereal !
i am suffering from very painful sporatic cramps while ''losing blood'' for the 8th day in a row. owowowow. im sitting in the same weird leaning position ive been leaning for the past 20 minutes. wheres the midol wen u need it?!
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
and in an instant im about to cry because my pix taking with a GODDAMN KODAK DISPOABLE CAMERA WITH A CRACK FLASH killed nearly all my photos. the halloween photos of robert in drag, james as siefring, and nora and cami and misha in an afro came out ok, but the rest are shit. even the one with lars and isar as killer babies! and ibrahim in drag! and the group pic with sarah k, lucea, cami, and james! damnit. im furious. at least my falloutboy andy pic came out decent and my love paul. eh and the flash and strobe lights killed my patrick pix. AND WHERE ARE THE PETE PICTURES? DAMNIT. never ever bring a disposable camera, regardless of the camera killing danger. u can only vaguely see pete and i could cry now. pete i love you.
i am literally about to cry. so badly. i just looked at fatimas faaabulous acceptance etc. pix from the last show and theyre gorgeous. especially this one picture of jason that exposes his rock hard pale abs. ooh. he has this weird on and off tan. its strange. but nonetheless theyre lovelyy. and hes such a great performer. DAMN MY CAMERAS (my moms actually) INABILITY TO ZOOM PROPERLY AND THE DAMN wannabe groupie GIRLS NEXT TO ME WHO WAVED THEIR HANDS AROUND IN FRONT OF ME and kept screaming 'jason ur hot!!!'. eh. i love the pictures.
Fatimas JASON/ACCEPTANCE sex PICTURES/jason porn. or not. haha.
anyhow, school news. ken lamberts back! but i didnt know it for a while. i just thought he was this giant new kid who was yet another jon gottlieb hair clone. turns out it was ken, coming back from _______. it was kinda creepy cuz yesterday misha and i were talking about ex-students coming back and stuff, and we were talking about him. i didnt get to talk to him, but hes in my math class, so yeah. hes HUGE. he used to be this really skinny wimpy child, and now hes really really tall and big and all that. scary, man. i wonder if he'd recognize alot of us... he reminded me of scott peterson a bit, dunno why.
"so u like wife killing baby killers, huh jennie?"- Jenny
"shut up, what if i do?!" i dont.
[at this second i discovered there is half a page more of jason and im grinning like a love sick bum]
yes. french can die. chinese can die because tim was being stupid and not putting his glasses on so he could see the characters and being illiterate which i dunno if he was faking or not. i think i almost died. i spent the end of lunch outside with fatima, nora, haifa, necla, and tommy-short david who has mono maybe and it was quite amusing. music seminar is so boring. DAMN. except now were doing baroque music (aka INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE's soundtrack) rather than FUCKING GREGORIAN CHANT. wen some song came on misha and i were like 'gah its lestats song!'
[right now my brother came in and asked me
him: 'what is is when two airplanes cross each other?'
me:'um..collision? intersection?'
him:'no...::makes some weird scoffing sound:: no wonder ur in B class or whatever...'
me: what the hell? what does that have to do with me being in B?!']
lovely. what else. yeah thats all thats somehwat relevant. before finishing my english homework, im going to indulge myself with jason. lol that sounds quite bad. indulge myself with jason pix and good stuff like that. :D
Monday, January 05, 2004
today was so depressing. 6 more months of school. kill me.
um....gave out and got presents. nora got me 'The Order" on DVD which made me soooo happy cuz the movie is possibly one of the worst movies ever made, and now we dont have to rent it 293874298 times. :D massive smile.
french can die. chinese was entertaining, math can die. i hate frees cuz i have nothing to do. this boredom is getting to me. lizwa and i messed around with anwars camera phone, which was i think the only fun thing, aside from getting kicked out of the library. words to describe my state of mind: animosity, apathy. thats a start. damn u all. frees suck. boring. blah. english was also rather boring. history can die. this all sucks bum. so badly.
i had a very immature and obnoxious moment at noras locker cuz alex was trying to be like mr slickmoves with vero (i realize theyre going out) and i started laughing. it just made me crack up, the sight of him hitting on yet another person. no journalism cuz worrells a fucktart. so nora, misha, and i chatted on the playground in the freezing drizzly rain. whoopee. and in typical jen fashion i went home after that and moped.
my life sucks. i think the only thing i really look forward to is fall out boys concert like thing on 2/28, possibly skiing, and seeing danielle again. i miss her so much. this is so sad that i have nothing to look forward to every morning. i feel like everyday just drones on and on in the same order and i never have anything exciting or slightly amusing to do. i have to get out of here.
i want last year again. i really loved last year even tho it had its low points. it was probably the funnest years ever. everyone is a bum. bah. everywhere i look its just hos, and flirting and im like ahh this is like a very bad episode of degrassi or something make it stoppp. maybe i should just go somewhere else less boring...i dunno wat im saying. aah this is frustrating.
random: i think im going to get contacts cuz my glasses piss the hell out of me.
shit entry.
You are a... love stalker. You'd go to any
lengths to get who you love and along the way
you'd grab as many of their possesions as you
can... used underwear, a tin opener, a milk
carton they stepped on in the street. Your love
might not have a clue at first, but they'll
soon get wise to your tricks. Tread carefully,
my friend. And please, don't go so far as to
snare your love and hold them ransom. Even
I wouldn't do that.
What Type Of Stalker Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
very strange quiz...
Since 1980, more than 20,000 military personnel have died in accidents while fewer than 1,000 have perished in battle, according to Defense Department figures.
Sunday, January 04, 2004
on the front page of AOL News:
Royal Dog Sent to Psychologist to Avoid Death Sentence
LONDON (Jan. 4) - Princess Anne will send her dog to an animal psychologist to avoid having it euthanized after it attacked a royal maid and fatally mauled one of Queen Elizabeth II's beloved corgis, the Sunday Telegraph reported.
Psychologist Roger Mugford said he expected to begin work with Florence the bull terrier next week. Mugford said that he believed the attacks were related to an underlying medical factor.
''We are not talking about an inherently aggressive or dangerous dog,'' Mugford was quoted as saying in newspaper. ''I am sure it is just a dog who is feeling a bit out of sorts about something, perhaps pain or old age, and is feeling a bit cranky on the day.''
Buckingham Palace has refused to comment on whether Florence would be put down.
The royal maid, 55-year-old Ruby Brooker, was treated for a minor bite following Saturday's attack at the royal Sandringham estate in eastern England, the palace said.
The Mail on Sunday quoted Brooker's husband, David, as saying the queen had personally apologized to his wife over the incident.
Five days earlier, Florence attacked a corgi named Pharos at Sandringham, injuring him so badly that he had to be euthanized. Media reports had widely blamed another of Princess Anne's bull terriers, Dotty, for the corgi incident, but Buckingham Palace cleared her Tuesday and blamed Florence instead.
British media reported that Florence had no history of violent behavior, unlike Dotty, who bit two children in a park in 2002 and landed Princess Anne with an $880 fine.
oh, and also, Britney Spears got hitched in Vegas, which i think was just another publicity stunt.
finished putting together presents. cami just told me that we dont have picone anymore for english cuz she was a sub. WHAT THE FUCK?!
went bowling yesterday. again. forced against my will but won like twice. guards rule.
i slept over at jennys house yesterday with martha, and we went to bed at close to 6AM. we kind of sat there and chatted about school and stuff for lik an hour and a half, and we watched meet joe black (strange movie, but brad pitt is so adorable in that movie...), interview with the vampire for lik the millionth time (literally), and this WEIRD INDIE film on IFC with russell crowe before he was famous and this horny paranoic crazy little japanese woman. and it had her scary japanese husband who she left, and he was so scary. and martha and i were cowering on the couch when the arab father and his son went after russell crowe and tried to poke out his eye and nailed his hands to the table. ::shudder:: not fun. and evil-psycho husband kills just about everyone who annoys him, and it was just one strange movie. umm we read some of jennys book about astrologies role in ur sex life and it was very funny cuz it was so FUCKED UP ("Tie your lover to your bed with silk scarves...") lol so funny. it was lots of fun. even if i only slept lik 3 hours then had to go home and practice piano. -groans- eh.
were fucking going back to school tomorro and i dont want to. you cant make me go. i cant take school it drives me insane. that shitty teachers, crap curriculum. die die die.
i tried playing the soco cd's interactive stuff but i couldnt cuz of my crap computer. oy. "you must install quicktime 5.0, but if it makes you happy, heres the songs to listen to as you wait..." whores.
ooh intersting tidbit. jamison covington is the guy in the starting line cd on the cough with that girl. very niiiice.
Friday, January 02, 2004
Complete and utter bullshit, Pat Robertson.
Robertson's Divine Intervention on Bush
NORFOLK, Va. (Jan. 2) - Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Friday he believes God has told him President Bush will be re-elected in a "blowout" in November.
"I think George Bush is going to win in a walk," Robertson said on his "700 Club" program on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded. "I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."
Robertson told viewers he spent several days in prayer at the end of 2003.
"The Lord has just blessed him," Robertson said of Bush. "I mean, he could make terrible mistakes and comes out of it. It doesn't make any difference what he does, good or bad, God picks him up because he's a man of prayer and God's blessing him."
The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, a frequent Robertson critic and executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said he had a prediction of his own: "Pat Robertson in 2004 will continue to use his multimillion broadcasting empire to promote George Bush and other Republican candidates."
In a reference to Bush's political adviser, Lynn said, "Maybe Pat got a message from Karl Rove and thought it was from God."
AOL,, my dell dimension 4100 computer and its stupid built-in modem can burn in hell. i cant take it. give me broadband and whatever computer my cousin has ANY DAY. i cant watch any videos online and its driving me mad.
from's journal....
--Wednesday, December 31, 2003--
gin and love on the rocks,
happy new years baby. okay. i haven't gotten much sleep. everyone is making top ten lists. who cares about some dumb guy in some dumb bands awful taste in music is. so here's the fob awards...
Award for:
the most driving straight (21 hours): andrew jakus
most on stage falls: a close call between pete and joe
most drama internet and real life: peter
most times having their back tickled: andy
worst smell: tie between patricks feet and patricks breath
most spins: broseph
most merch lied about: jordan
most asses wiped: crush management
most fights with pete: patrick
most fights with patrick: pete
most equipment broken: still being tallied
loudest snoring: dan fung-torres
most bitch/divalike: pete
biggest afro: joe (and patricks groin)
most sleeping to avoid driving: andrew hurley
most gas pumped cause they aren't trusted to drive: patrick stump
most times their name is mispelled in the bio: tie between peter wertz and pat stumphe
hahahaha. o wow. haha.
im back. yaay. i was in jersey with my cousins and such. much fun. all i did there was watch DVDs, go online for hours and hours, play with the baby/toddlers, listen to SoCo and watch their videos, and eat junkfood. alot of kool-aid and chocolates. so much that i thought i was going to throw up and die from how much i consumed. i watched so many movies! in two days i watched cinderella, bend it like beckham, the little mermaid, pearl harbor, moulin rouge, beauty and the beast, half of black hawk down, and half of blue crush. i actually cried at the end of pearl harbor because the kid had to grow up without his dad and it was just so sad. i was like in hysterical tears, and it was pretty ridiculous. like i was kinda crying, but also kinda wailing about how unfair it was. it was relaly weird. my second cousin amelia is so cute. so cute. shes got the prettiest little eyes and i love it. and compared to michelle and kimmy shes so small. and its so cute seeing the toddlers treat amelia like a widdle baby. um. wat got my hair cut and the woman cut it an inch or two too short. this happens alot. they have no concept of an inch. so now its lik shoulder lengthish. oyy. thats about so boring...
my fortune cookie fortune:
"Your love of gardening will take on new meaning in your life."
im sure it will. yeh, and btw, i hate gardening.