Tuesday, January 20, 2004

we started talking about contraceptives in history, and dutilloy said "well, i wont tell you things from my own experience..." it was fun. anyway. french was boring. chem was boring. jose says i didnt fail. thats lovely, cuz failing is a 3+ so i might get a 4-. who knows? i skipped lunch to work on the english thing with suleimon and guillermo, and of all the days to have a meeting about IB English, Ms. Doyle decides today. after we worked our fcking asses off over the weekend and memorized our lines and killed my color printer. ARGH. we were so ready. chinese was blah. bio was blah. ohh shit i need to do bio. hmm. after school nora, anwar, and i (accompanied by bobblehead and barbie) went to practice our jazz class dance, which really isnt even jazz dancing but who cares? well look ridiculous anyway. fastforward a few hours. gilmore girls is getting so boring i have trouble not channel surfing in the middle of it. that new boyfriend guy lorelai has is SO GRIMY. and hes tacky and cheesy and i cant take him. and hes ugly as ASS. i kid you not hes gross. and i watched one tree hill which was a hell of a lot better than gilmore girls. i think i like that nathan (why name him that? come on now...) character better than lukas or whatever. rawr.


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