Friday, January 02, 2004

from's journal....

--Wednesday, December 31, 2003--

gin and love on the rocks,

happy new years baby. okay. i haven't gotten much sleep. everyone is making top ten lists. who cares about some dumb guy in some dumb bands awful taste in music is. so here's the fob awards...

Award for:

the most driving straight (21 hours): andrew jakus
most on stage falls: a close call between pete and joe
most drama internet and real life: peter
most times having their back tickled: andy
worst smell: tie between patricks feet and patricks breath
most spins: broseph
most merch lied about: jordan
most asses wiped: crush management
most fights with pete: patrick
most fights with patrick: pete
most equipment broken: still being tallied
loudest snoring: dan fung-torres
most bitch/divalike: pete
biggest afro: joe (and patricks groin)
most sleeping to avoid driving: andrew hurley
most gas pumped cause they aren't trusted to drive: patrick stump
most times their name is mispelled in the bio: tie between peter wertz and pat stumphe

hahahaha. o wow. haha.


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