Monday, January 05, 2004

today was so depressing. 6 more months of school. kill me.
um....gave out and got presents. nora got me 'The Order" on DVD which made me soooo happy cuz the movie is possibly one of the worst movies ever made, and now we dont have to rent it 293874298 times. :D massive smile.
french can die. chinese was entertaining, math can die. i hate frees cuz i have nothing to do. this boredom is getting to me. lizwa and i messed around with anwars camera phone, which was i think the only fun thing, aside from getting kicked out of the library. words to describe my state of mind: animosity, apathy. thats a start. damn u all. frees suck. boring. blah. english was also rather boring. history can die. this all sucks bum. so badly.
i had a very immature and obnoxious moment at noras locker cuz alex was trying to be like mr slickmoves with vero (i realize theyre going out) and i started laughing. it just made me crack up, the sight of him hitting on yet another person. no journalism cuz worrells a fucktart. so nora, misha, and i chatted on the playground in the freezing drizzly rain. whoopee. and in typical jen fashion i went home after that and moped.
my life sucks. i think the only thing i really look forward to is fall out boys concert like thing on 2/28, possibly skiing, and seeing danielle again. i miss her so much. this is so sad that i have nothing to look forward to every morning. i feel like everyday just drones on and on in the same order and i never have anything exciting or slightly amusing to do. i have to get out of here.
i want last year again. i really loved last year even tho it had its low points. it was probably the funnest years ever. everyone is a bum. bah. everywhere i look its just hos, and flirting and im like ahh this is like a very bad episode of degrassi or something make it stoppp. maybe i should just go somewhere else less boring...i dunno wat im saying. aah this is frustrating.
random: i think im going to get contacts cuz my glasses piss the hell out of me.

shit entry.

You are a... love stalker. You'd go to any
lengths to get who you love and along the way
you'd grab as many of their possesions as you
can... used underwear, a tin opener, a milk
carton they stepped on in the street. Your love
might not have a clue at first, but they'll
soon get wise to your tricks. Tread carefully,
my friend. And please, don't go so far as to
snare your love and hold them ransom. Even
I wouldn't do that.

What Type Of Stalker Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

very strange quiz...


Since 1980, more than 20,000 military personnel have died in accidents while fewer than 1,000 have perished in battle, according to Defense Department figures.


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