i went to timas house yesterday and watched a total of 6 movies (the dreamers, dracula 2000, interview with the vampire, ON THE EDGE, newsies, noi) and ate twice my weight in junk food. def good times.
ugh, i feel like such shit right now. so i had some birthmark thing removed over a week ago, and i guess i was knocked around too much during FOB, and the 5 stitches came out and the incision opened up and i was bleeding but didnt know it. so yesterday i went to the doctors and he stitched me up again )only 3 this time) and put me on antibiotics for 3 days.
i didnt realize it was new years today i thought it was tomorrow. so happy new year, kids! ill post resolutions tomorrow, im too out of the loop to do that right now. and i dont even know if i want to publicly post them it makes me feel lame. hopefully 2005 will be better than 2004. actually 2004 wasnt all that tragic, but it couldve been a hell of alot better. blehh. i think i wish my mom and brother were here rather than in jersey. sometimes you really just miss your family. and my dad and i arent talking again :-/
kill the drama.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
two things that make me cry are bambi... and the phantom of the opera. its my favorite andrew lloyd webber broadway production EVER and just seeing it played out on the big screen and hearing the songs and the love triangle just killed me, and i broke down at the end of the movie. it made me so. happy. martha and jenny looked at me like i was completely absurd but i couldnt help myself. i love the phantom so much.
le sigh.
aisha and i watched the princess diaries 2 before i went to sleep over at jennys, and its really one of the more difficult movies to sit through without pausing and taking a breather because everything that can go wrong does lol. and the whole time i was annoyed at mia for being such a little flirt and getting together with nicholas, who mind you, was a little fucker who looks like whatshisface from team america.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
so. i just got back freezing to death in 19 degree weather after missing the previous train by literally 30 seconds at the Downtown in long island to see ex-movielife bands i am the avalanche and nightmare of you. long sentence i know but anyway. aisha and i missed everything but the last 2 songs of the set-- brandon and vinnie doing the movielife songs 'kelly' and 'hey' which they NEVER do. and to think they were replacing northstar and posted dates at like 2 AM. aisha freaked out. btw, the dude who passed me by the door looked familiar to me.. probably because it was jesse lacey from brand new. muahah too cold to make a little fuss about it. two FOB lovefest reviews coming up + pictures. it was an amazing time and completely worth the frostbite and colds we got.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
so im baking brownies for tomorrow when i hear the weather man go '...it's the calm before the storm, really.' and i promptly freak and almost spill the mix. le sigh of happiness.
p.s. myspace is my secret vice because its so damn happymaking. ISNT IT AISHA. *nods. yes it is*
Friday, December 24, 2004
i was really unconstructive today, thats all you need to know. aside from going to a random piano lesson and being stalked by some freaky delivery guy, ive been watching TV and lazing around. i should clean my room damnit, it got so messy again.
ah! christmas tomorrow.. it sucks tho, because my mom and brother and most of my family is relaxing in north carolina and tomorrow itll just be me, my dad, my aunt, and my grandpa. eating sweet potatoes and ham. eww lol that sounds so gross.
brandon flowers is love. so badly.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
i went to some CPC thing today in chinatown/little italy and it was so awkward cuz i really really didnt belong there, and the only reason i was there was because my mom used to be on the board and my great aunt or something is head of the board. the guy who was the head of volunteering was a bit of a lurker.
after, i met up with martha and jenny and we snuck into see 'closer' at the movie theatre in battery park. i didnt like closer all that much, it was OK if anything. i didnt think the screenplay did a good job of turning a play into a movie cuz there were scenes that were just ridiculous. in fact the entire movie was ridiculous. oy i just wanted it to end.
for all you myspace junkies and lovelies that added me, my computer was a shit and messed up my 'accept friends' page and either i didnt get to add you or something cuz i only have 6 friends. ok the point is that if youre not on my friends box can you re-add me..
i finally did it. i got a myspace. well, no, i got it back after deleting it in august after 2 days. enjoy and add me.
aisha and i had a field day full of crepes, movies, walking, and much mo'. twas good times, and im exhausted from making myself into a myspace whore and helping aishas family put up their tree.
january 17th, 2005 is going to be one cuh-razy day.
-punchline/hellogoodbye show @ the downtown
-endwell @ KF
-premiere of 'i love the 90's: part deux'
-MCR on TRL (http://www.absolutepunk.net/showthread.php?t=55161)
...yes, hell is freezing over.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
aisha and i met up with tranette and her friend at 6-ish and froze to death for an hour. then we all piled into the continental. the first band was THE ROAD HOME and they were really good. i got 'balled' as tranettes friend diana put it because i was in the front/center and suddenly i have a crotch in my face. it was highly amusing cuz it happened more than once. second band was GHOST TOWN SYMPHONY! ah! thank you claire for finding them. they backed out of a show with acceptance in september. me and aisha were the only two singing and dancing like happy marshmallows. in the front anyway. third band was ENDWELL and i kept thinking their bassist was ben jelen LOL. but i liked them alot too. woot woot for the influx of good nyc bands (non-long island even tho the road home was from there) like ghost town and endwell.
i love from first to last. sonny is love and only 16 (i had no idea and refused to believe aisha when she told me). tranette went uponstage during the 'shake it like a salt shaker' song and ruled the stage. bruises from being pushed onto the stairs are not fun, neither are cramps mid-show. but really, FFTL is an amazing band and sonny is one of the greatest frontmen that ever graced the stage.
+bassist from endwell and some guy in the crowd doing save chapelle impressions to each other.
+sonny making everyone sit down on the floor before starting a song ("SIT DOWN ON THE FUCKING FLOOR! IF YOURE NOT SITTING TURN YOUR BACK AROUND AND LEAVE CUZ WE DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE!!"), and then everyone jumping up as soon as they started
+sonny has the grooviest dance movies in hot tight pants ive ever seen in my life
-fat crowdsurfers. think about it.
+free endwell sampler
-thinking i was broke and not getting a shirt. ill get it next time
+/- picture whorage
+the FFTL drummer was so childish he made me crack up. eg. covering his head and yelling 'the drummer is missing!' as matt covered his head with a bag. you had to be there. and he kept making weird faces.
i couldnt enjoy it as much cuz i kept thinking how mad my mom was going to be when she sees my grades. which im stalling to give her. :-/
pictures coming soooon.
aisha and i met up with tranette and her friend at 6-ish and froze to death for an hour. then we all piled into the continental. the first band was THE ROAD HOME and they were really good. i got 'balled' as tranettes friend diana put it because i was in the front/center and suddenly i have a crotch in my face. it was highly amusing cuz it happened more than once. second band was GHOST TOWN SYMPHONY! ah! thank you claire for finding them. they backed out of a show with acceptance in september. me and aisha were the only two singing and dancing like happy marshmallows. in the front anyway. third band was ENDWELL and i kept thinking their bassist was ben jelen LOL. but i liked them alot too. woot woot for the influx of good nyc bands (non-long island even tho the road home was from there) like ghost town and endwell.
i love from first to last. sonny is love and only 16 (i had no idea and refused to believe aisha when she told me). tranette went uponstage during the 'shake it like a salt shaker' song and ruled the stage. bruises from being pushed onto the stairs are not fun, neither are cramps mid-show. but really, FFTL is an amazing band and sonny is one of the greatest frontmen that ever graced the stage.
+bassist from endwell and some guy in the crowd doing save chapelle impressions to each other.
+sonny making everyone sit down on the floor before starting a song, and then everyone jumping up as soon as they started
+sonny has the grooviest dance movies in hot tight pants ive ever seen in my life
-fat crowdsurfers. think about it.
+free endwell sampler
-thinking i was broke and not getting a shirt. ill get it next time
+/- picture whorage
+the FFTL drummer was so childish he made me crack up. eg. covering his head and yelling 'the drummer is missing!' as matt covered his head with a bag. you had to be there. and he kept making weird faces.
i couldnt enjoy it as much cuz i kept thinking how mad my mom was going to be when she sees my grades. which im stalling to give her. :-/
pictures coming soooon.
Monday, December 20, 2004
im going to see from first to last in a little bit and i havent even gotten dressed or anything. my room is a complete mess with mattresses everywhere, random blankets and pillows strewn around and i dont know what to do about it. hah. suggestive not? clever yet sad. anyway.
if you didnt understand the significance of the loss of my AOL filing cabinet, let me englighten you. i had little immature middle school emails, other nostalgic emails, band emails, ... and petes journals starting from fall 2003. yeah man it sucks. and my favorite places are gone and im deficient because im so used to that whole 'one-click' dealio. death to computer viruses.
ugh and im sick in this shitty FREEZING weather. it is seriously -10 degrees outside. last night after neclas party thing it snowed ever so slightly... but maria and i almost died going up the ramp and i wanted to burst into tears i was so cold.
past events/randomocity:
- oh boy i think i almost failed my PSATs. i need to do kaplan or something.
- ...and all my exams except math which i got a 6 in. ehhh
- lazer tag was muchos fun except i think the smoke effects almost killed us all
- japanese buffets are love
- i gained a possible 4 pounds from cake and constant birthday related celebratory eating
- the new AOL 9.0 sucks. its so tacky i cant take it with the huge and obnoxiously colorful icons..
did you know that with hookah, each puff is the equivilent of one cigarette but without the nicotine? something tells me a few people are going to die of lung cancer before they are legal.
i think i had the worst day in my life.
-after my brother and mother took forever to do errands, we went down to J&R to get my iPod after waiting for 2 years of stinginess from my parents. then we learn that it isnt compatible with my computer and we need to get an XP. fuck that means i cant use it any time soon.
-we go down to the iPod store and they dont have the pretty old model and only have the new ugly one with the gray dial. fuck. and my mother is trying to justify her making me earn it and having the opposite effect which is resentfulness.
-note: add PMS-ing and shitty weather to this equation
-i come home and install AOL 9.0 (which is hideously tacky), unknowingly deleting 7.0, the version i was using with my sn angrylittleme and all of my filing cabinet contents and favorite places of the past 2 years including nostalgic emails and the sort, and upgrading 5.0, the version with nothing on it. i might have saved 7.0 contents in a folder but its not opening.
-then i went to neclas surprise bday in the freezing rain, waited forever, etc. and i was exhausted after having a stress fit and breakdown at home.
-my mom washes and dries my clandestine shirt so now it fits weird. the icing on the cake. or whatever. DIE.
things could be worse and they probably will when i still cant use my iPod over the break and my favorite places and filing cabinet are lost.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
no internet connection at home so im being lame at doing it from school it sucks.
birthday tomorrow woot woot.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Me: "We'll have code names!"
Tima: "Ah! I'll be Gasper! You know, For Jesper and Gaspard!"
Me: "Omg we should be Gaspers ! and 2!"
Tima: "I'll be one. Because I'm older." (It's ok if nobody gets the significance)
-Mid Physics studying at nearly 1 am. (i mangle quotes i know.)
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004
i hope aisha is ok with the fact i stole this off her:
""i hate crushes. i hate feeling inferior to someone without having any real reason to justify it. you make up excuses so they can maintain whatever perfect image they've established in your head and then one day you realize they're just like everyone else. and you still like them.""
on another note, random friends and my mother have decided that friday after exams and after bday will be LAZER TAG and TGIFridays. curious. and then bad movies. AND QUEER AS FOLK MOTHER FUCKERS. i just hope that my computer holds out for it because there isnt a chance in hell were watching it in the living room.
ive been busy watching 6+ hours of pride and prejudice with my mom until 6:30 AM cuz were complete and utter losers who looove colin firth, christmas shopping with jenny, studying for physics/english/history, and sleeping. just a bit, though. there never seems to be enough time these days and i have to practice piano for the first time this week. bullocks. the xmas presents all rule, though. most people are getting theirs in january lol because im b-r-o-k-e or i have no idea what to get.
Friday, December 10, 2004
math exam in the morning followed by the hardest chinese exam ive ever taken in my life. my 180 character essay was pretty much utter and complete bullshit using as many structures and vocab words as humanly possible to rack up points. jenny and i still have to make dr. k that eukaryote cake to get a brownie point each lol.
afterschool tima habi and i went to go see 'a very long engagement' and ate at a french crepe place after they had their french exam. il etait magnifique. the film was probably one of the best depictions of world war one life in the trenches in france in the battle of the somme. it was some hardcore stuff they showed without hollywood glitz. and even without knowing the same director made amelie it reminded me of amelie not just cuz it had audrey tautou and that older guy. pity it wasnt in release last year with mr dutti.
on another note: "gaspard is my g-unit" <- it makes some sense lol. the guy who played audrey tautou's fiance looked like jonathan rhys meyers. and he was the sweetest thing ever. those types of boys dont exist any more in my opinion. towards the end tima lost it and i was about to burst with hapiness. such a good good movie.
my dad ate all the food in the fridge so now im cold and starving after doing two exams (math and chinese). diee. tima and i are going to see 'a very long engagement' cuz franky the weather is shit and everyone sucks. MHM.
ew you know when you pass by someone you used to be friends with and then you remember an instance where you thought that youd be friends for a while but really dont? its distressing lol cuz its lame to tread on the same things over and over again.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
one exam down, five to go. jenny and i studied for 2 hours pre-exam and when we sat down for it dr. k plopped down a 30 page long exam with multiple choice to be done in 2 hours. jenny and i started laughing like HAH DR K THAT WAS A GOOD JOKE. but really now. i was out of it. delirium sucks. uh math and chinese tomorrow. i havent even studied much for it and i really should. egghh.
jenn- must talk to you aboot amys xmas present and TOS lovefest. mhm.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
not me. bitches.
wheres my music to make me happy? wasting away on my computer thats where. the killers are on hard rock live on mtv tonight. theyll make me happy.
i have had an exciting day so far. the highlight:
its fucking brilliant. bless that website for saving my ass in biology.
<"exams have made us masochists and sadists.">
tonguepainted [10:31 PM]: jennie
Angrylittleme [10:31 PM]: cami
tonguepainted [10:31 PM]: will go and die with me?
Angrylittleme [10:31 PM]: of course
tonguepainted [10:31 PM]: we can do something really neat
Angrylittleme [10:31 PM]: im in the shits as well its ok
tonguepainted [10:32 PM]: like have a really cool death
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: like fly off the unis roof?
tonguepainted [10:32 PM]: naaa
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: that would be fabulous
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: or off of waterside?
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: im in no shape to move much
tonguepainted [10:32 PM]: too messy
tonguepainted [10:32 PM]: ya exactly
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: hm.
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: how can we die in style
Angrylittleme [10:32 PM]: yet not too much out of our way to purgatory
tonguepainted [10:33 PM]: we can go to the dentists steal their laughing gas and just die on that
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: and die happy
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: i get it!
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: i need to write my will.
tonguepainted [10:33 PM]: ha
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: get a 7 on all my exams
tonguepainted [10:33 PM]: i have no possesions
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: wanna skydive off a volcano
tonguepainted [10:33 PM]: except my corn pops
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: i have my coat and gloves.
Angrylittleme [10:33 PM]: :D
tonguepainted [10:33 PM]: and i dont share my corn pops
Angrylittleme [10:34 PM]: i dont want to take off my coat
Angrylittleme [10:34 PM]: cami were in such bad shape
Angrylittleme [10:34 PM]: i cant stress it enough
tonguepainted [10:34 PM]: ha
tonguepainted [10:35 PM]: at least you dont have to write 5 essays tomorrow
my computer is still spazzing out like crazy and its KILLING ME. i havent heard any of my music for a few days now and im getting antsy lol. fuuuck and this is before my iPod comes in. fuck fuck fuck. i downloaded ad-aware because my norton antivirus was faulty, and its not helping much because when its done checking (and results in a million problems), my computer freezes and the only option is to restart. its like a sign i shouldnt be online and should be studying. fucking conspiracy i tell you!
i need to convince parents to let me go to the taste of chaos tour. its neccessary. i hope gerard from MCR gets better..
Monday, December 06, 2004
i just suffered through an hour of my computer FREAKING OUT ON ME and shutting down and freezing. it was unpleasant. its still being stupid and half the screen is the wrong color. i believe ive just gotten my first virus after 2 or so years with winmx. not bad i must say.
my fingers are cold. study day tomorrow. viva exams!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
i just tried to watch some special on rameses II's son and the conspiracy of his death on the fucking discovery channel and it sucked so much i fell asleep and stopped after the first hour because they kept repeating the same few point and using the same footage that looked like outtakes from indiana jones and the mummy. and morgan freeman narrating didnt help either. please just put him in better movies and let some lame ass do this.
...so i watched VH1's big in 2004 awards and nick lachey really should go die or something. are his 15 minutes of fame up yet? damnit and just when they were, mtv renewed newlyweds. see, theres a reason why i dont watch mtv that much anymore.
this essay is only 900 words after a few hours of ADD filled work. bullocks. my brother needs to grow up before someone beats him.
Oh Boy are The Killers taking over my mind and inhibiting my ability to concentrate on my essay and exam prep. Theyre such a fucking happy 80's- syntheziser-esque band. Theyre like The Sounds minus Jesper, although Brandon Flowers is a lovely boy as well.
-dances furiously like Martha in the Campbells Soup Can costume on Halloween on speed-
shimmy shimmy!
ah! bump bump!
take it back now!
spin spin - robot! robot!
speedy macerena! ahh! ahh!
It's all more fun in my head with disco lights.
Sources of Migraines.
-EXAMS: studying, final papers, reviewing, etc.
-Christmas Presents: too many people, so little time and money lol
-Own Birthday Presents: Ask me what I want, and I won't know. It's a pity.
-and More EXAM Studying.
Exam Schedule:
Somebody shoot me. Please.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
sleep is my friend. speaking of sleep, when i got up today i walked out of my room and smacked into an apprently new matress that was delivered aroundthe time martha called me at 9AM. bastards lol. its a pretty matress. in other news, i have a cold still and in a span of 24 hours engorged an entire bag of seaweed covered rice crackers. speedy huh.
last night at the M2M tima and i saw a newpaper headline with giambi from the yankees looking like he was inflated with steroids. which he was. its sad really. le sigh.
i need to make myself dinner and get cracking with the studying.
Friday, December 03, 2004
haha i wore a blazer my mom gave me to school today and people asked me why i was dressing up. so strange. i dig blazers because they give me a figure. thumbs up ! i used my pass permission to leave campus for like the first time this year to go home and sleep. i cut my finger for the first time with the fucking chef boyardee can. grr. got interviewed as an editor for unisverse and destoryed my interview cuz i kept on muttering nonsense cuz i was intimidated by the three ppl (uday alliosn and some other guy). it sucked and im def not getting an editor's position.
tima and i went to the indie theatre on houston and got tickets for the NC-17 rated movie BAD EDUCATION with Gael Garcia Bernal (drools). then we ran off and had jen and tima time in soho. its sad how we both have jesper tourettes syndrome. example:
[walking] tima: AH(points to the street)ITSJESPER!
[jen lurches to a halt]: AHHWHERE!!!???
tima: ahahaha
jen: die. dont play these games with me.
but i got back at her with stuie false alarms cuz we both suck. jonathan rhys meyers i love. so we went back and watched the movie which was good yes subtly distubing (and i discovered gael has the tom cruise complex of brilliance and shortness) while maria hanky and aisha went to see Closer. tima and i walked to thai restaurant like we always go to but i was sick so i didnt eat much. walked around st. marks like bums. we went into Freaks to get timas friend fabio a tshirt and then -huh- maria aisha and hanky walk it. its a small, small world out there when theres a hot goth boy at the counter lol. tima and i were antisocial so we left and went to union square and did random stuff. at virgin we were flipping thru kerrang and tima spotted riana in a shot from the roseland used show. haha. went home, died of exhaustion.
there was a dance at school today but only losers went lol. the dances are so lame: the dj sucks, they play hiphop/r&b for 4 hours straight, and the main idea is to get wasted and whore it up a bit. le sigh i dont think ill ever understand.
the taste of chaos tour is hitting nyc on a thursday and nj on a saturday. oh life is good.
edit: the male-on-male sex scenes in bad education left me pretty unfazed and loving gael lol. proof i watch far, far too many erotic-esque movies and episodes of QUEER AS FOLK lol. i gravitated towards the QaF dvd collection from across virgin to the other side.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
two weeks until my birthday which happens to be the day after my last exam. i just took a quiz that said im 60% sagitarrius... its exciting lol.
"My Chemical Romance played a private radio show last night at a strip club in Detroit reportedly called "Zoo Bar." Bert from The Used, Taking Back Sunday, and one of the Madden brothers from Good Charlotte along with his bodyguard were in attendance. Some were lucky enough to see Bert and Matt (TBS) pole dancing which even included some upside down sliding and gymnastics. Bert of course sang during "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison" and Adam (TBS) was found in the pit during "I'm Not Okay (I Promise).""
TGIF in an hour.
..crikeys another nosebleed? must be from the constant sneezy cuz im sick. bleh. my toes and fingers are freeeezing.
2 school days until exams. le sigh. uh what else.. i wrote the worst impromptu english essay on oliver sacks EVER. if i get a 4 ill be one very happy bumpkin. uuh there was some human rights conference (somehow related to the UN and AIDS) in our librarys conference room and there was a boy who looked like andrew from soco. had to point that out, he was lovely.
ms ellner officially hates me and kana / asians lol. as soon as kana came to sit at our table ms ellner comes over and tells us there are too many ppl sitting down. then kana and i decided to conduct an experiment. we went to the windows and sat for a bit and then came back (ms ellner was typing away at her desk). next thing we knows shes nicely kicking us out of the library. and its not cuz we were loud cuz we werent. bastards.
fell asleep during physics and unisverse. blehh. ill be forced to watch the OC today because the killers are going to be on it. i cant beleive i still dont have their cd. damn you VH1, youve made me a patron saint of WINMX.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
tour journals are love | |||||
brought to you by the isLove Generator |
i wish the snazzy colorbar would show up. anyway we had class pictures today and i think for the second year in a row i was mid giggle in the picture. le sigh. our class pix are so ghetto; profession photogrpahers? no, we go for digital cameras taken by 'the yearbook teacher'. wtf? and our yearbook has 20 color of 200 or so pages. such cheap ass bitches. after school hanky maria aisha and i went to some japanese crepe place and sat around like bums. im very tired. i have another essay due tomorrow. i think ill sleep all of friday after i see 'bad education'.
tom brokow signed off the air today. le sigh. he was one of my favorite anchormen.
'Blog' #1 Word of the Year: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/internet/11/30/words.of.the.year.reut/index.html
the fbr sampler i got with petes book makes me happy. changed my opinion of the academy a bit. i like these songs better than the ones off their ep cuz frankly, i just short of cant stand the ep half the time :-/
Angrylittleme [11:43 PM]: *eye twitch*
Peterxpancomplex [11:43 PM]: ;-)
Peterxpancomplex [11:43 PM]: liek that smiley.
Peterxpancomplex [11:44 PM]: it must be funny cause ur asian. Angrylittleme [11:44 PM]: yes and its yellow ytoo!
Angrylittleme [11:44 PM]: omg lmao
Peterxpancomplex [11:44 PM]: ur racist.
Angrylittleme [11:44 PM]: bitch