Sunday, December 05, 2004

i just tried to watch some special on rameses II's son and the conspiracy of his death on the fucking discovery channel and it sucked so much i fell asleep and stopped after the first hour because they kept repeating the same few point and using the same footage that looked like outtakes from indiana jones and the mummy. and morgan freeman narrating didnt help either. please just put him in better movies and let some lame ass do this. i watched VH1's big in 2004 awards and nick lachey really should go die or something. are his 15 minutes of fame up yet? damnit and just when they were, mtv renewed newlyweds. see, theres a reason why i dont watch mtv that much anymore.

this essay is only 900 words after a few hours of ADD filled work. bullocks. my brother needs to grow up before someone beats him.


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