Monday, December 20, 2004

i think i had the worst day in my life.

-after my brother and mother took forever to do errands, we went down to J&R to get my iPod after waiting for 2 years of stinginess from my parents. then we learn that it isnt compatible with my computer and we need to get an XP. fuck that means i cant use it any time soon.

-we go down to the iPod store and they dont have the pretty old model and only have the new ugly one with the gray dial. fuck. and my mother is trying to justify her making me earn it and having the opposite effect which is resentfulness.

-note: add PMS-ing and shitty weather to this equation

-i come home and install AOL 9.0 (which is hideously tacky), unknowingly deleting 7.0, the version i was using with my sn angrylittleme and all of my filing cabinet contents and favorite places of the past 2 years including nostalgic emails and the sort, and upgrading 5.0, the version with nothing on it. i might have saved 7.0 contents in a folder but its not opening.

-then i went to neclas surprise bday in the freezing rain, waited forever, etc. and i was exhausted after having a stress fit and breakdown at home.

-my mom washes and dries my clandestine shirt so now it fits weird. the icing on the cake. or whatever. DIE.

things could be worse and they probably will when i still cant use my iPod over the break and my favorite places and filing cabinet are lost.



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