from a few days ago:
"Last night at their show with Taking Back Sunday, Funeral For A Friend's lead singer, Matt, was still unable to perform. So members of Taking Back Sunday, Atreyu and Like Yesterday all took turns singing the vocals for the band's set. Adam from TBS helped out with "Red Is The New Black", Brandon from Atreyu sang "Bend Your Arms To Look Like Wings", and Mark from Like Yesterday did "Juneau." Adam and Brandon also sang "Escape Artists Never Die" together."
on another note, i had a really really good day today. and to top that off, i didnt have much hw at all. black tshirts are love. i should get another one. random thoughts.
one tree hill and gilmore girls ramblings:
-logan=love. the philo class stunt was hilarious and really random lol.
-i hate luke and lorelai.
-marty loves rory. rory is stupid for not noticing. good thing marty told her off. kinda.
-haha rory getting back at logan. i love it.
-the chilton girl's mouth was the size of texas. it was HUGE and she was annoying. bleh.
-jake is back on one tree hill!
-peyton is on cocaine. brilliant lol
-hayley is a dumbass for running off with chris and leaving nathan alone.
-if lucas and nathan were together i would love the show even more.
lol im such a loser for watching that show. i love cake. cakeeeee. chubby bunny. burps.
kill the drama.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
got back last night at like 6PM from jeersey and my brother warped into a computer nazi and took the computer for two hours on a stupid ART ESSAY. i, other the other hand, had a bit of a tantrum, much like a breakdown full of screaming profanities and super-PMS ish tears becuase i had two english essays, one physics lab, and one bio lab due. it was positively delightful.
turns out the bio lab is due wednesday and one of the english essays is due tuesday. bastardsss. i went to bed at freaking 4AM cuz i didnt have a computer in jersey.
jersey was fun for the most part. amy and i watched a few movies including 'blue lagoon' which is possibly one of the worst movies ive ever seen in my life. and everytime the guys 'friend' came onscreen amy would make a comment about how small it was. guh shoot me after an hour it would drive you insane. next morning was woken up by the phone ringing. it was weird that her friend called and they spent two hours talking about getting action on a trampoline. whoo for youuu call laterrrr. it was getting tedious.
i think i failed my bio test. not cool at all. dr K said that id i do well on my midterm hell reduce how much he counts it. good good stuff. im missing motion city because i have my IBH bio exam the next day. misha and aisha do not. i dont think i want to hear about the show at all afterwards.
Friday, November 26, 2004
off to jersey... the burbs. where there is no escape. i love my cell phone and the limited (but high speed) internet. i think i miss seeing the rest of my family. itll make up for not seeing them till january.
i finished most of my physics lab. i think ill do my essays over there on paper and crayons and type it up when i get back on sunday. viva late night cramming!
ps. read the newest update on im thankful for those things too lol.
i stole this off my away msg cuz im fucking lazy:
by the hours.
2 english essays
1 bio planning lab
1 physics lab
6 hours of sleep
2 movies watched after thanksgiving
i watched little women last night and remembered why i hated watching the ending. its because im biast and love christian bale and winona ryders character refuses christian bale to run off with that bastard german man whose also in Vanity Fair. its so annoying. i even thought that when i was little and i just got the fucking movie. blehh.
my tummy hurts because im still full. my moms still in the thanksgiving mood and was shoving food down my throat and i couldnt refuse it. im leaving to go to jersey to see the rest of the family until sunday cuz ill be spending xmas with my dad and FOB while everyone else is swimming in north carolina lol. no its sad actually. ill have to figure out how to get down there after to avoid having a sucky xmas.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
"This just in: millions of moderate Republicans and gay-terrified evangelical Christians and intellectually numbed conservative parents who thought they were doing some sort of good by blindly voting for Dubya and hence protecting their wee ones from swarthy Islamic evildoers who want to steal their kids' Kraft Lunchables and nuke Disneyland all should be emerging from a deep fog of savage denial any minute now. Wake, they will, to the increasingly obvious fact that their beloved smirkin' president, the one who seemed to care about them so deeply just a couple weeks ago and who reached out to them and promised them the gun-happy gay-unfriendly moon in exchange for full access to their civil rights and a blank check to do whatever the hell he likes, he apparently doesn't give a damn about them. Not anymore. "
a bit late after elections but well worth the read. i love mark morford.
happy thanksgiving everyone!
lame post because
-i am croaking because im sick
-i just woke up an hour ago
-my dads being a arse again: "dont think youre so sneaky i can see right through you and what you really are." [what.]
-i need to clean my room before family comes over.
.oh joy.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
im being stupid and having second thoughts about not going to see MCR on IMX today. people said great stuff about it and i probably wouldve gotten in cuz they brought people in who had been standing in the rain :-/ le sigh.
half day today started off with a bio test that killed me and was followed by lunch with my bio class during which jennay and mumu were being bio nerds about the surface area of the chicken lol. afterwards mumu jenny and i went to jennys and looked for my shoe and watched some of VELVET GOLDMINE WHICH MIND YOU IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. jonathan rhys meyers= love. misha and rhia came over and we went to a little theatre to see ALEXANDER. its over 3 hours long but wildly entertaining and jonathan rhys meyers (again) + jared leto = love. it was hard not to get antsy and its just a bad movie to see when youre completely obnoxious.
taking back sunday show 11/19: aisha and i got tickets for $60 from sascha. then taking back sundays manager came into the line and was like 'the band decided to release some of the tickets we hold for record execs and people like that because they dont want to see you kids getting ripped off and scalpers benefitting.' i told him i got mine for $60 and he pitied me but not more than we pitied ourselves for our stupidity. blehh. so we got in and ran to the stage and got 2 people back. some stupid girls in front of us in little tank tops and meticulously applied makeup and necklaces i wish they would choke on were being really annoying and going 'omg wheres steveennnn???'. a guy started mocking them and being like 'how old are you, 12?!' and one of the girls tried to be the tough chick (she was 4 ft nothign i swear with a pussy bf) and yell back and she even tried to punch him LOL. she called over security and tried to get him kicked out but the guard was like 'im sorry i cant take him out for being an asshole because he has the right to be one.' (bless you you clever pumpkin). then the girl tried to make peace with people around her and some of us shoved them purposely. it was good stuff. made friends with people in front who kept me from getting shoved away.
Last Yesterday went on first and at first i thought it was Funeral for a friend cuz the singer looked just like matt davies. then i realzied it really really wasnt them. they were pretty good anyway.
FFAF went on next and it was awesome. im in love with matt davies. they did 5 or 6 songs: juneau, bullet theory, escape artists never die, this years most open heartbreak, and a few more. boppping alone is muchos fun. i think aisha got out of the pit after them so she could get merch during atreyu and get back in for the TBS pit but she didnt get back to me after :( lol she got to the middleish with tiggs.
i hadnt seen atreyu before but they were really really good. i think ive heard like one song by them. i couldnt keep my eyes off the drummer cuz he was drumming like a madman while screaming/singing at the same time. lmao the guitarist was so small and compact we thought he looked like a teenage mutant ninja turtle. and then some guys from FFAF came out to finish the last song which made me muchos happy.
before TBS, everyone started getting really aggressive and trying to pull me apart or something but i didnt let go of the girls in front of me and somehow got shoved into the barrier sideways lol. then TBS came out and the crowd went wild. adam was 'dressed up' for nyc cuz it was like a home show and it was lovelllyy. damn my ghetto disposable camera for spazzing on me. they did a mix of pretty much all the songs off 'where you want to be' and 'tell all your friends'. after that we sang happy bday to eddie (i cant believe hes only 21) as they brought out a cake and adam was like 'i swear i can smell that cake all the way from here'. and other funny little comments. he pointed to the front where we were alot cuz we were being smooshed by sardines and smacked in the head by 10 crowdsurfers in a row. bastards. after going backstage they came out for an encore and did cute without the e and an acoustic version of new american classic. good good stuff. i love that band way way too much/ the mic swinging was too aweomse to handle. it was like warped but i wasnt a football field away lol
hellogoodbye/socratic 11/21:got to the venue in the middle of socratic's set. they are AWESOME. i thought they were halifax for most of the set for some unexplainable reason lol. then they did william jennings and i realized they were socratic and i was in loooove. i cant wait for their cd next year.
hellogoodbye came onstage to set yp and i got all stalker photo-ish over chris because he used to be in a cutthroat kiss and had timas hat lol. i dont understand how people as skinny as chris can manage to drum and stay up straight. he was wear an i love ny shirt :) lol. then forrest came onstage and they did likr 5 or 6 songs. my back was still hurting from taking abck sunday so when they did shimmy shimym quarter turn aisha and i were literally only doing quarter turns cuz we couldnt move much without soreness lol. they are such a happy band.
these review are getting shorter and shorter and less and less articulate.
Pete on IMX yesterday:
counted down the hours from first period on. staying at school until 4 and missed open mic (and rahats rendition of avril lavigne which was apparently the highlight of the thing and jason putting rap lyrics to emo songs lol). ended up running over 10 avenue blocks to the imx studios cuz the bus was so. slow. picked up pretty $4 flowers on my way there and were beaten up from my lame running lol. met up with riana luis tiggs tranette, sharon and marisa. such a little social gathering lol. and effie was outside later but i didnt see her :(
went inside, waited forever. some ghetto guy was annoying people and singing, it was so strange. riana and i were exhausted. harassed aishas cell so i could get her to leave right after open mic (i missed their gig :-( ). got aisha and maria in 5 or 10 minutes before we went into the studio. riana luis and i were right in front of the stage and sat on those horrible black boxes that they kept moving around. diiiie bitch.
pete was on first and dude i havent seen him since june. since then hes gotten emo hair and a brand new wardrobe lol. his reddishpink blazers was awesome: it had a bat on the pocket and 'tear catcher' stamped on the back. hes sucha lil scenester. i was smiling like an idiot during his entire interview. he kept glancing over at us in front of him lol. during the break he saw me and was like 'hey how are you?' 'good! i havent seen you in a really long time' 'yeah i know...' and he told tiggs he liked her hair again lol. and somehow riana brought up a convo about degrassi. obviously i am too cool to watch that show. but everyone else does. damn you noggin. pete was like 'i love degrassi!' and later on 'i want to marry stephen from laguna beach.' haha.
pete started talking about how much he loved morrissey and little did he know that aisha had a little pre- xmas present for him that was just that.. he had to leave right after his session so he said bye to everyone and as he was outside aisha RAN out and gave him the present which he sed hed open later and good stuff liek that. result: his journal entry today. WOOT WOOT. MAKING OUR 4/5 DAY BREAK WLEL WORTH IT. happy times a million.
"-Wednesday, November 24, 2004--
its too bad you only look so goddamned beautiful when you're crying your eyes out
i am going to do a better update soon. but just to say- the recording is coming along. andy is almost done with drums. his hair is so flowing. like a pony. nyc was amazing as usual. we have some suprises coming up. (if you don't like suprises than you also probably don't like saturdays, palm trees, puppies, ice cream, first kisses, etc). fuse was fun. thanks for coming out and hanging out, i felt pretty dorky and was a glad there were some people there. im sorry i had to leave right from there to my plane, so i am sorry i couldn't stick around and hang out. we'll be there all day on dec. 26th to make up for it. also, it was definitely weird being anywhere with out the rest of the band so don't expect too much of that. we are attatched at the hip.
you can get "the boy with the thorn in his side" at select hottopic's starting this week. if yours doesn't have it, ask them to order it for you.
more later. peter
oh yeah to the girl who gave me the signed morrissey picture and jetted before i could thank, THANK YOU."
let it be known that this is one of the happiest journal entries ever written and aisha is 'the girl' because she is awesome.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
sometimes it truly sucks not having FUSE. i just want to have it for like 15 minutes or soemthing and see pete on it. ughhh..
just when i thought my day couldnt get any better i come home and get the new AP that has PAGE after PAGE of happy articles with fob and acceptance on the same page, and the most anticipated cds page was enough to make me want to cry. as if seeing pete imx wasnt. i have 4 hours starting from now (almost 9PM) to study for my big bio test. i cram like nobodys business. my chem tomorrow? perhaps after i see alexander after lunch with my bio class lol. full updates coming over the break.
"Upping the humor quotient is the fact that the band calls itself the Food Group, with members dressed as their favorite edibles. Bassist Paul Thomas is a hamburger. Drummer Chris Wilson is a carrot. Singer Joel Madden is a slice of pizza. Guitarist Benji Madden is an ear of corn. As for Martin, he's afraid his costume will dog him for the rest of his days.
"I'm a little [worried] that I will be known as the guy who was a strawberry for the rest of my life," he said. "I was the only one complaining. Everyone else was going, 'This is going to be great!' And I was like, 'Ugh, I'm dressed like a strawberry.' If it makes people laugh, then it's cool.""
fruits. hah!
Monday, November 22, 2004
"The Republican National Commitee announced today that the Republican Party is changing its emblem from an elephant to a condom. The commitee chairman explained that the condom more clearly reflects the party's stance today, because a condom accepts inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually getting fucked."
(stolen off jenn)
tomorrow is going to be such a good day. im so excited i cant concentrate on ANYTHING. and im giddy as fuck. gym first period followed by math. which is not good by any means for me and aisha to be stuck together for the first two periods of an EXCELLENT DAY. after school im staying for some of open mic (maybe), then going to imx to see pete. oh how tomorrow is such a good day.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Angrylittleme [12:00 AM]: omg im becoming delirious
Angrylittleme [12:00 AM]: ahhhhh
amy is a tumor [12:00 AM]: i thought you said that you were beciming deliscious
amy is a tumor [12:00 AM]: hahahaha
Angrylittleme [12:01 AM]: i am becoming delicious, whore.
amy is a tumor [12:02 AM]: no, youre becoming delicious
Angrylittleme [12:02 AM]: i am delivcious.
amy is a tumor [12:02 AM]: ill eat you
amy is a tumor [12:02 AM]: hahaha
Angrylittleme [12:02 AM]: chomp chomp
Angrylittleme [12:02 AM]: rawr
Angrylittleme [12:02 AM]: i am deliactavlbe
Angrylittleme [12:03 AM]: delectible
amy is a tumor [12:03 AM]: hahhahaaha
amy is a tumor [12:03 AM]: destinctable
Angrylittleme [12:03 AM]: si senor, destintable
Angrylittleme [12:03 AM]: I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE lol
amy is a tumor [12:03 AM]: despicable
Angrylittleme [12:03 AM]: decisive
my brother is going to drive my mother insane and cause me to throw myself out my window i swear. hes been babied by my mother his whole life because hes smaller than all the other kids and in turn, rather than respecting my mother, hes turned on her and become a selfish little fuck who cries to get her pity. hes one of those kids who will throw a fucking tantrum and be like 'everyone hates me!' and ill have to suck it up and tell him its the truth for the reasons he is currently illustrating. then hell get mad at me and act like an angry little five year old.
grow up, fucker. "youre in high school now."
edit: and then she yelled at me for trying to convince her not to make my brother the pina colada. its such a stupid situation. i hate seeing her exert herself for him and exhausting herself to the point shes about to break.
i have no time to do reviews right now. just got back from hellogoodbye show a little while ago. it sucks being at a freaking dance party when your back wants to give out from the TBS show lol. me and aisha danced in our own special way. chris's hair is engulfing his head. pictures sooooon. i love me socratic. i love them so much. i bopped along to funeral masses/william jennings cuz its on the drivethru sampler. drivethru love indeed. i do regret not going to their showcase in october :-(
im going to see hellogoodbye in an hour or so. dance party here i come. i should yell at chris for leaving a cutthroat kiss = them breaking up.
some idiot on the MCR community posted frankies real myspace.
aisha youre so absurd.
ps. i'm missing open mic to see pete on imx :-/
Angrylittleme [12:04 AM]: im excited
Angrylittleme [12:05 AM]: im also annoyed im missing rahat gottlieb mallios and andrew do 'smells like teen spirit'
Angrylittleme [12:05 AM]: and AVRIL
Makupbag [12:08 AM]: lolol
Makupbag [12:08 AM]: i didnt no they were gona do that
Angrylittleme [12:08 AM]: they are
Angrylittleme [12:08 AM]: and im going to piss on myself
Angrylittleme [12:08 AM]: too bad i cant go cuz of imx
Makupbag [12:08 AM]: lol theyre gona be better then us and well cry
Angrylittleme [12:09 AM]: lol they just figured it out yesterday
Makupbag [12:09 AM]: lol
Makupbag [12:20 AM]: whatever we're cuter than they are
Angrylittleme [12:20 AM]: lolol
Makupbag [12:21 AM]: if we wanted to do avril wed show them up so bad.
Makupbag [12:21 AM]: me and patrick are gonna go cry and hold hands. Wink. Smile.
Makupbag [12:21 AM]: :)
Angrylittleme [12:21 AM]: oh god
Makupbag [12:21 AM]: did that not make you happy
Makupbag [12:21 AM]: it made me happy
Angrylittleme [12:21 AM]: more than youll ever know.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Lawsuit Kicks Dodgeball Into Court
Game Targeted as Unfair, Warlike for School-Age Youngsters
ALBANY, N.Y. (Nov. 20) - The high-energy school yard game of dodgeball is getting kicked around a New York courtroom, where questions are being raised about whether it's just too dangerous for young children to play.
A third grader at Edgewood Elementary School in Lower Makefield, Pennsylvania runs with a ball.
This week, a New York state Appellate Division panel refused to dismiss a lawsuit that claims a school wronged a 7-year-old girl who broke her elbow while playing dodgeball.
State and national education officials say what makes the case unique is that that the lawsuit doesn't fault the school for poor supervision - but for allowing children that young to play at all.
The new challenge comes as the game is flourishing as a trendy adult activity; the obsession was the comic focus of a movie starring Ben Stiller.
But the game is also being targeted as unfair, exclusionary, and warlike for school-age youngsters; some schools in Maine, Maryland, New York, Virginia, Texas, Massachusetts and Utah have banned dodgeball, or its variations, including war ball, monster ball and kill ball.
"Dodgeball is not an appropriate activity for K-12 school physical education programs," according to The National Association for Sport and Physical Education, a nonprofit professional organization of 20,000 physical education teachers, professors, coaches, athletic directors and trainers. Dodgeball provides "limited opportunities for everyone in the class, especially the slower, less agile students who need the activity the most.
"New York's case began in the fall of 2001. Seven-year-old Heather Lindaman was playing a variation of dodgeball in gym class on a hardwood court. The version included several balls and no safety or protection zone to run from the thrown balls.
Heather became tangled with another child and fell, breaking her elbow. Her lawyer, Philip Johnson, said the injury required surgery and there is a continuing concern her injured arm might not grow as long as her other arm because a growth plate may have been affected.
The New York appellate judges upheld a lower court ruling that the school district's request for summary dismissal of the case, without trial, should be denied. They said there is an argument to be heard about whether this version of dodgeball "was particularly dangerous for younger children."
The judges found some merit in the family's expert witness, Steve Bernheim, a recreational and educational safety authority. The judges wrote: "While there are no established standards of age appropriateness for dodgeball, it is recognized as a potentially dangerous activity and has been banned by several school districts in New York and elsewhere."
The appellate panel said while schools can't be "insurers of the safety of their students, they are under a duty to exercise the same degree of care as would a reasonably prudent parent.
"The girl is now active and healthy, argued the school district's attorney, Keith O'Hara, and Johnson agreed. The family has not said how much it seeks in its lawsuit, Johnson said.
"This seems to be a new area," O'Hara said. "It kind of makes you think, `What's next?"'
More schools are likely to be asking the same thing.The New York State School Boards Association is analyzing Thursday's court decision and preparing an article for its members governing districts statewide.
"Districts get sued all the time over these issues and the courts throw them out, usually in favor of the districts," said the association's Barbara Bradley. "But in this particular instance, the court has focused on whether this (game) is appropriate ... that's what seems unusual.
"The Vestal Central School District now must decide whether to again appeal to have the suit dismissed, or prepare for trial. No decision has been made, O'Hara said.
Prickly pear212 [8:19 PM]: they're gonna make it so that when their kids get a peper cut they pass out
aisha also enlightened me about the used show. something about bert and quinns making out session lasting like 10 minutes after bert was like 'hug your friend' and then he and quinn gazed lovingly at each other before going at it lmao...
I still need to do a show review or something like it, I realize. My neck and head and back want to fall off me. Last night at one point L couldnt lift my neck and my arm was so floppy I just put it around this girl I made friends with 's shoulder. I got up at 3PM cuz I just couldnt move. But I missed being in a pit, I hadn't been to a show in over a month.
Things to attempt to do this weekend.
-English essay
-Bio Lab and study for Bio Test
-Math Sheets
(more tomorrow)
Thursday, November 18, 2004
What the fuck is up with blogger's new layout.
I'm so glad I went to 'The Tempest' today.
Taking Back Sunday 'tomorrow' in 15 minutes.
The fact that the end of this week is getting significantly better is probably because its making up for the shitty week I've had.
a word of advice is forget about losing the weight and just enjoy a short and happy life of eating pastries like apple stroudel and custard filled happiness. *fattycake smile* ((-.-))
skate and surf 2005, may 13-15. FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY. im so there.
stolen off rimma:
"50 things that girls wish guys knew about them" lmao:
1. Don't tell us when you think other girls are hot.
2. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
3. If you don't act like soap-opera guys, don't expect us to dress like Victoria Secret models.
4. Mark anniversaries on a calendar.
5. There is no such thing as too much spooning.
6. Just because you L the C doesn't mean we have to S the D.
7. This is how we see it . . . Don't call = Don't Care.
8. Which also means that if we don't call, take the hint.
9. We like you to be a little jealous . . . but overly possessive is not necessary.
10. Putting things in our butt does not turn us on.
11. Return favors: we massage, you massage; we go down, you go down; we shave, you shave (and not just your face).
12. Foreplay is not an option . . . its a prerequisite.
13. We're allowed to be late . . . you are not.
14. Eye contact is key.
15. Don't take longer to get ready than we do.
16. Laugh at our jokes.
17. Three words . . . honesty, honesty, honesty.
18. Girls can be groupies. Guy groupies are stalkers.
19. We never have to wonder if your orgasm was real.
20. Do not start with us. You will not win.
21. Would you like it if a guy treated your sister that way? We didn't think so.
22. If you ask nicely, we usually answer the same way.
23. We will never have enough clothes or shoes!
24. We have an excuse to act bitchy at least once a month.
25. Open the door for us no matter where we are . . . even at our house and getting into the car.
26. We love surprises!
27. We liked to be kissed softly, not with an iron tongue.
28. Pay attention to the little things we do, because they mean the most.
29. Boxers and maybe boxer briefs sometiems . . . NEVER tightie-whities, NEVER!
30. Clean your room before we come over.
31. Always brush your teeth before you see us . . . a fresh mouth and white teeth are a necessity.
32. When we use our teeth it means that you suck at going down on us, so we are just returning the favor.
33. Even though you are sometimes insensitive and hurt us, we still love you with everything we are.
34. Hit it and quit it, because later I'll be with you're best friend and he lasts for hours.
35. Don't act hard around your friends because I won't make you hard tonight.
36. Sometimes "NO!" really means "NO!"
37. "Wife Beaters" are not an adequate form of fashion.
38. If we wanted to be on video tape, we'd be a porn star not your girlfriend.
39. Sensitive guys are great . . . but crying more than we do in a movie just isn't right.
40. Don't let ex-girlfriends cause drama, relationships are stressful enough.
41. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.
42. Guys who are good cuddlers = guys who know how to satisfy a woman.
43. "Fat Chicks" have feelings too.
44. Silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling and nasty looks all add up to . . . YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!
45. If you are not a good dancer, please be self-aware.
46. Just because a girl doesn't pick up on the first ring doesn't mean she's not waiting by the phone.
47. You don't have to spend a lot, if it means a lot.
48. Don't say you love me if you don't mean it.
49. Don't lie to us . . . we will catch you.
50. When the girls get together, we talk about EVERYTHING. Meaning my best friends know everything about you.
"50 things that guys wish girls knew about them" lmao as well
1. Just because we L the C, yes, you do have to S the D.
2. Just because I want to dress pretty, doesn’t make me gay.
3. Don’t wear sexy clothes if you don’t want me to think sexy thoughts about you.
4. When you say you think you’re fat, and I disagree, in reality, I think you really are fat. I just don’t want you to not S the D.
5. It is ok for guys to have sex with multiple women; it is not ok for girls.
6. Two girls kissing is hot, two guys kissing is not.
7. All girls masturbate, if you say you don’t, you’re a liar.
8. I want sex. All the time.
9. I also want anal. All the time.
10. Girls really like anal, they just don’t admit it.
11. A man has never liked a condom, therefore, we need not ever wear them. Morning-after pill, anyone?
12. All girls are sluts.
13. We love surprises; oral is generally accepted.
14. If you argue, I will beat you. Trust me, I can run faster, jump higher, lift more weight, and do math better than you. I will beat you.
15. Physically if necess….well no, always physically.
16. I really don’t like your new shoes. I really could not give less of a shit.
17. Your music sucks. It has always sucked. In fact I’m only keeping you around for sex.
18. “Fat Chicks” have never had feelings. Nor will they ever.
19. We will lie to you, and if you catch us, we will beat you.
20. Your jokes are not funny. Ever.
21. I don’t care how your day went.
22. I use my teeth when I go down on you, because I hate you. You will not return the favor.
23. You suck at singing, and dancing. Please stop now.
24. If I forget our anniversary, it means you’re not important enough to remember.
25. By the way, can you go ahead and return that porno I left at your house? Yeah the sex after that porn was terrible.
26. Your mom has a mustache, and I hate her.
27. Your father is a prick, he rapes little boys. Twice.
28. When I say I love you, I really don’t mean it.
29. No, I will not watch ‘Garden State’ with you.
30. Sometimes “NO” means “SOMETIMES”.
31. If you fake an orgasm, I really don’t care. It’s all the same to me.
32. Putting things in your butt turns you on. Admit it.
33. ‘Shut the hell up’ means ‘Shut the hell up’. No exceptions.
34. No you cannot drive.
35. Because you suck at it.
36. Actually you suck at just about everything.
37. Including oral.
38. A handjob is still a job, take pride in it.
39. Don’t ever ask to play any kind of competitive sport with me, for I will crush you.
40. Hit it and quit it, because you’re a dumb slut. I don’t care if youre banging my friend, I just gave you the clap.
41. Homestretch, 10 more.
42. Even though you are stupid and piss us off, eventually we will not love you for anything that you are.
43. Axe deodorant body spray is a fine substitute for taking a shower. If you don’t agree, get me another beer.
44. When we go out to bars, don’t ask for a Long Island Iced Tea. What the hell is a Long Island Iced Tea anyway.
45. Give head, and give head often. I might just stop spending money on you.
46. Don’t ask me what you want to wear; you know damn well what you’re going to wear.
47. We know Brad Pitt is hot, stop telling us this. You’ll never have a chance with him anyway. You’re ugly.
48. You and I watch ‘Fight Club’ for different reasons. Most likely because you are too stupid to understand it.
49. Role-playing makes sex that much more fun; because I can pretend I’m not with you.
50. When the guys get together, we talk about EVERYTHING. That includes your fat stomach, the yeast infection, and the cellulite on your ass. They know everything about you, including that ‘birthmark’ which blends in nicely with that fresh bruise compliments of me
And remember, oral, oral, oral...
i just ate the best apple stroudel in the world. it made me want to cry because it was so good. ahh.
we had one of the more amusing english classes cuz we were reading 'the bald soprano' and some people were acting it out a bit. tima and i were being really crack headed the whole day.
you know someone is gorgeous when five people (guys and gals) ask who that 'hot boy on the back of ur study book is' in one day. cough jesper from the sounds cough.
its hilarious how the library is the new hangout spot. maybe its a sigh our entire grade if full of slackers who do their work during their breaks. ms ellner has the biggest stick up her ass she keeps on yelling 'FOUR PER TABLE!' die bitch. or get hit by a car again lmao.
on another note im about to go see The Tempest drama play at school tonight cuz tomorrow i will be seeing TAKING BACK SUNDAY. i heard from my brother the play is hilarious at times.
...and then on sunday, HELLOGGOODBYE. and on tuesday, Pete at IMX. worddd.
lets have a shallow sporatic thought moment.
my mom gave me one of her blazers becayse its too long for her mini upper body and i put it on with a hoodie and thought it looked okay. then i took a second glance and reazlied my god i look like one of those emo boys with the tight jeans and whatnot. but thats ok, they wear girls clothes anyway. it amused me.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Your Love Style Is... Shy! |
![]() |
What is your Love Style? Find out at
Things to do in the next four hours:
>the rest of my english journals
>1-hr take-home history internal assessment.
We had a little surprise bday party for Claire and it was so cute. I hate that my birthday shares its day with exams :(
Uncontested, I am having the worst week ever... but I am having fun being a snobby little prick.
This Friday will rule. TBS/Funeral For a Friend and ATreyu? I dont know any of their stuff so we'll see.
as for next tuesday, Pete of fob will be at Fuse and i think im getting it and i might end up missing Open Mic Night.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
marf and i are such gilmore girl geeks i dont know what to do with us.
Prickly pear212 [10:35 PM]: i lik marty too
Prickly pear212 [10:35 PM]: but logan is abfab
Prickly pear212 [10:35 PM]: ABFAB
Angrylittleme [10:36 PM]: ABFAB INDEED
Prickly pear212 [10:36 PM]: :-*I LOVE HIM
Angrylittleme [10:36 PM]: GRR!
Angrylittleme [10:36 PM]: oh i glad we agree on someone
Prickly pear212 [10:36 PM]: :-D
just a bit of a gilmore girls related rant. for once one tree hill was so much better than gilmore girls. why? BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE ONE SHIT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO LORELAI OR HER FUCKING MOTHER. honestly rory and her boys had 5 minutes max in the entire episode and i was close to falling asleep. where was logan? bastards. as for one tree hill, it has the attention juiciness factor lmao. i enjoy watching people cheat on each other on tv. best preview ive seen in a while except for occasional gilmore girls ones. goooood stuff.
i watch too much television.
marf and i are such gilmore girl geeks i dont know what to do with us.
Prickly pear212 [10:35 PM]: i lik marty too
Prickly pear212 [10:35 PM]: but logan is abfab
Prickly pear212 [10:35 PM]: ABFAB
Angrylittleme [10:36 PM]: ABFAB INDEED
Prickly pear212 [10:36 PM]: :-*I LOVE HIM
Angrylittleme [10:36 PM]: GRR!
Angrylittleme [10:36 PM]: oh i glad we agree on someone
Prickly pear212 [10:36 PM]: :-D
just a bit of a gilmore girls related rant. for once one tree hill was so much better than gilmore girls. why? BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE ONE SHIT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO LORELAI OR HER FUCKING MOTHER. honestly rory and her boys had 5 minutes max in the entire episode and i was close to falling asleep. where was logan? bastards. as for one tree hill, it has the attention juiciness factor lmao. i enjoy watching people cheat on each other on tv. best preview ive seen in a while except for occasional gilmore girls ones. goooood stuff.
i watch too much television.
im so very groggy right now.
ambiguous statements about my day:
-if you want to be 'in the scene' watch MTV, MTV2, or FUSE. and pick up the new AP. that should do it for ya [cynicism, people], no need to leech. hard x core.
-I LOVE HAIFA because haifa rules at life.
-GRR for the navy.
-ooh! arent you special?! go fuck yourself, kthx. i stop caring about petty things when there is no longer a reason to put an effort into pretending i care.
-running away does not make you cool. its not that special if everyone knows for petes sake.
-everyone is oblivious.
on another note. margaret hassan, a woman who was dedicated to help with humanitarian efforts was killed after being held hostage. i dont understand why anyone would kidnap a woman who has spent her entire left trying to HELP THEM to make a statement. if there has been any impact its more so the kidnappers loss.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Let's try and do a post with all proper grammer and what not without spellcheck on Microsoft Word.
My brother was telling me about the new Star Wars trailed for Revenge of the Sith and it reminded me how BADLY I NEED TO SEE IT. And how badly I need to get that re-mastered Trilogy DVD set type thing that was released last month or something. Damnit look what my father has morphed me into. At least I'm no Trekkie lol. SPOCK SPOCK! No, never. May the force be with you. I think that Star Wars and Indiana Jones launched my love of Harrison Ford. That makes me very sad. And to think I've watched VH1's 'When Star Wars Ruled the World' and enjoyed it more than anybody should. Le Sigh.
Ew. I have gym tomorrow. Badminton is not fun when teams are oddly numbered and there are too many people in the class :(
what idiot thought that double physics first thing in the morning was a good idea. any double period first thing on a morning. bastards. tima and i were in such bad shape during physics. we thought a bell rung but apparently not. i think i failed another test. at least i didnt fail as badly tho. i got a 6.5 on my lab which i guess balances that out lol.
i love fire drills. esp when theyre in the middle of chinese. brilliant. lunch was spent furiously studying for the history ID test. which KILLED ME. like really man, 70 mix-and-match questions plus 3 paragraphs on WWI aspects? diee. i fell asleep in bio and TOK. i was in bad shape. such bad shape i resorted to twirling my hair like a bubblegum popping valley girl and being a complete doofus.
viva iron pills and tea. they are life.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
...and just like that my world came crashing down. caz just notified me and randy that we do indeed have a history test tomorrow of WW1 ID's and what not. and i want to shoot myself. i KNEW there was something fishy when i realized how little homework i had. im so fucked. like, thoroughly FUCKED. i swear to god i thought it was going to be on friday. but no. and im going to fail this test.
random survey-type thing i stole off riana..
(x) - true
( ) - false
(?) - maybe...
(x) been drunk
( ) been high
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
( ) crashed a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
( ) been in love
( ) been dumped
(x) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(?) been in a fist fight
(x) snuck out of my parent's house
( ) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn?t have them back
(?) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger haha a few times
( ) stole something from my job
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(x) had a crush on a teacher
( ) had sex
( ) given or received oral sex
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to Europe
( ) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) seen someone die
( ) been to Africa
( ) had a crush on one of my Live journal friends
(x) Slapped someone I loved (uh a friend)
( ) Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball
(x) Been to Canada [FUCK YES BITCHES]
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Thrown up in a bar [near one lol]
(x) Purposely set a part of myself on fire (my hair always seems to get caught on fire though)
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
(x) Been moshing at a concert
(x) had real feelings for someone you knew only online
( ) taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself
( ) been in an abusive relationship
( ) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
( ) lost a child
( ) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
( ) tried killing yourself
(x) taken painkillers (i probabbly have at some point)
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
(x) been out of state
(x) told your parents you hated them
( ) faked being drunk
( ) dropped out of school
( ) crowd surfed [i really have to do that some time lol]
(x) met someone famous
( ) told a member of the same sex you had a crush on them
(x) lied to get out of trouble
(x) lied about your age
(x) thrown up from drinking
( ) had anal sex (bert says its itchy haha)
( ) had sex in public
( ) had a threesome
( ) been tied up
( ) been caught masturbating
( ) had sex with a member of the same sex
( ) celebrated New Years in Times Square
(x) cut myself on purpose
( ) had sex at the office
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
lmao im such a loser
Saturday, November 13, 2004
since i wasted my day away im still convinced its 8PM right now when its really 11. spontaneous and unexpected online convos are really interesting sometimes lol.
so i slept away half the day (literally) because ive been living off 5-6 hours of sleep nightly because of the fucking IB which i found out is supposedly harder than IB. if you got a 5/B on something on the IB its like getting a 6/A on something in AP. so fucking messed up.
im really fulll. ive been eating nonstop for the past 3 hours. just shoveling stuff in my throat. weird thing is that i feel like my stomach is shrinking; for example at school i felt full after having half a bowl of ziti when im usually capable of having 2. my mom thinks im a part time anorexic/bulumic because sometimes i have so much hw i have no time to eat lunch. its hilarious.
acceptance's cover of 'so this is christmas' just came up on my playlist. ive been looking forward to xmas/my bday/presents/fob show X 2 since august goddamnit and the only thing standing in between now and then is EXAMS. *shudders*. thats so killer.
im happy i dont ahve alot to do.things to do:
-english essays and journals
-piano practice
-start on bio lab
Friday, November 12, 2004
im freeeezing. instead of going to the roseland and see tranette and riana on the line to see the used (im sorry guys. lame i know), i went to delano to hang out with misha helen rhia and sarah rather than also go with aisha and maria shopping in soho. long run off sentence. the weather was such shit. i mean really, man, 20 degrees outside with zero degree windchill and rain? yeah fuck no. i was persuaded to go uptown to serendipity too. le sigh the weather sucked. met up with jenny vero jojo clari at drama and we all went in a big group uptown.
serendipitys had a 2 hour wait. bastards. california pizza kitchen had a half an hour wait but it was better. food is very very good. we suck at life tho cuz it took us like 20 minutes to figure out what everyone should pay. after, we went to dylans candy bar and then home. MY FEET ARE FROSTBITTEN. it was so cold the rain should have been snow. i stepped in so many puddles it didnt matter anymore after a while. on the way home helen and i had a mini convo about how i dont like chinese guys. le sigh.
random rant of amusement: the freshmen/T1s. they are so. small. like really they look like theyre all ten years old and i think about two have hit puberty. its hilarious. and the great things is that the guys and a few of the girls think theyre HOT SHIT and hit on older kids. which is amusing because it could be mistakened for pedaphilia. and they all have serious ego problems. our school is really going to the shits. younger grades keep getting tinier and sluttier every year.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
physics lab studying hard x core. nap for 2 or 3 hours didnt help alot. my eyes still sting because theyre so tired and i really need sleep. gah pain. also bio lab. planning labs suck my arse. ooh so cryptic.
rhias get-together for the new kids fell thru so its not on tomorrow. but it is next friday i think. i cant go because i will be seeing taking back sunday. woot. but there will be other times so its ok.
i was so fucking tired the whole day. i fell asleep in every class, didnt do gym, and my contacts stung the whole time. it was great. TOK was the most amusing thing ever cuz ben couldnt seem to count to save his life and the guys kept making comments in a hungarian accent about his muscles and how it mustve been o-so-hard to write on the board...
we watched some of 'the age of innocence', the version made by martin scorcese. i think its horrible. and being obnoxious fucks none of us could take it seriously. daniel day lewis looks like he has a stick up his ass, michelle pfieffer looks like shes on crack, and winona ryder seriously looks like shes 13. and its so mothering boring.
gah i hate having so much on my mind i cant concentrate. little petty things that i make myself believe are relevent and interesting. but theyre not.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
first update in a few days. or maybe just one lol. im avoiding doing homework for no reason. maybe because im terrified of failing physics and its making me avoid studying for my test friday...? le sigh.
i love television. i watched the ep of 'download and discover' with the libertines and mcr we went to. it made me so fucking happy. you can see me a bit during the libertines laughing and clapping like a special kid. i was right next to the camera dude so u really cant see me. theres a lovely shot up timas armpit lol! when chad is talking into the camera and he moves his head theres also a glimpse of me. see i did pay a bit of attention. as for the MCR set, me and tima were right in front of gerard on his left and right next to the camera man again lol. u can vaguely see me bouncing around next to and behind tima lol. such good goood times :D
ben jelen is playing the knitting factory on december 5th lmao. me and aisha and tima are going. because we are benxjelenxhardcore. unless there are exams. :X
on another note. in this months ELLEgirl magazine on page 61 ACCEPTANCE has a page of a new picture and photo. (eyes grow wide) ELLEgirl is such a curious magazine, especially when they decide to have a 50 hottest guys in rock issue.
im exhausted. i was up till 3:30 AM doing my bio lab last night. -dies-
Monday, November 08, 2004
i think one of the most frustrating things is feeling like you're in a constant daze, especially in physics class, and no matter how much someone explains a simple fact to you, it does not make any sense what so ever. so is the case when tima was explaining to me how to find the velocity from a distance vs. time graph. i confused tangents with something else so it really didnt make any sense until i had my mini epiphany. now i'm waiting for the other epiphanies to start rolling in. i even cleaned my desk to clear my mind but the problem is either i have zero will power or severe ADD. its discouraging being lost.
on another note, aisha is at the nightmare of you/i am the avalanche aka the movielife reunion at the continental now. oh now i wish there was no such thing as physics and i could be at a show. le sigh indeed.
i hate when you have sudden flashbacks of bad or embarrasing memories that make you cringe. i just cringed. it makes you feel like the biggest moron on earth in general. gah stay out of my thoughts!! bastards.
x3 Kendra (10:54:48 PM): omg
jenniee1250 (10:54:50 PM): lol and the philosophy teacher is a skinny little canadian geek who i LOVE
x3 Kendra (10:54:51 PM): i hate hot gay guys
jenniee1250 (10:54:51 PM): si?
jenniee1250 (10:54:54 PM): NO
jenniee1250 (10:54:59 PM): *twtiches incessantly*
jenniee1250 (10:55:03 PM): they are my very being
x3 Kendra (10:55:04 PM): ya know you want em cuz you cant have him !
jenniee1250 (10:55:12 PM): bastards i know!
x3 Kendra (10:55:17 PM): uughh !
jenniee1250 (10:55:18 PM): i hate that
jenniee1250 (10:55:20 PM): gah
jenniee1250 (10:55:32 PM): its like i love you but you love that boy over yonder
x3 Kendra (10:55:32 PM): me too :-(
x3 Kendra (10:55:39 PM): hahaha i knoowww
Sunday, November 07, 2004
physics is temporarily taking over my life. but not in a good sense. im fully incompetant in doing simple things. the time is 11PM. going to start my english hw and bio studying. word.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
cette lab du physics is not going to happen. its confusing. i dont know what to do. on another note, i got burned with oil during my futile attempt to make an omelette. oil=satan.
...and u bums. you blogger reading bums. i have a comment thing at the end of everypost and in the year since ive had it in (well almost a year) ive gotten 3 comments. 2 from amy lol. so get cracking people. they make me happy.
i got my english oral over with on thursday even though i was so nervous i wanted to puke and i felt light headed and i was shaking the entire time. apparently doyle liked it. cross your fingers i didnt fail it. i also joing rhia's peer network club type thing. it sounds like so much fun its sick.
friday didnt have school so i slept in till like 2 lol. jenny came over after drama and we ran/walked to the subway and took it down to marthas. ate at lili's again. saw alfie. I LOVED IT UNTIL THE FUCKING ENDING. its like a random drop off one. he has a mantra on life now and then -wtf??- the credits roll up. it was not happy. pluses include the 'jenny' baby (see movie for reference) LOL, marisa tomei's new bf in the movie, the 'younger man' (how much younger can you get?), and max the widdle toddler. i am also infatuated with jude law-esque eurotrash and pretty boys. the end.
went back to marthas, watched hackers (and ate giant jawbreakers) and 10 HOURS OF QUEER AS FOLK. fuck yessssss. thats half a season people! i hate ted. ted, please die. thank you. i love brian so fucking much. asihdaioshd. this makes me happy.
today on the way home jenny and i saw someone we thought we knew from school and ended up following him to his subway car LOL. i swear the resemblence was UNCANNY... until he turned around. even from the side he looked like him goddamnit! it was good times.
fuck my physics lab and english reading!
ps. matchbook romance, motion city soundtrack, from first to last.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
straylight+TBS? i shit you not.
parents yelling about me and my priorities again. my dad is being a dick again. hah get it? ironically his name is richard aka dick. he really lives up to his name. sadly for him, we do not live on planet Dick, yet he does not realize that. maybe if things get bad enough he'll leave. i mean, isnt that what he's yelling about now? ooh i would have a FIELD DAY if i woke up and he wasnt there anymore. my mom can do so much better than him, he doesnt deserve her. he thinks that she doesnt give him enough attention. well why should she if he's not home half the time and she has to make up the attention we don't get from him. above=why i'm so fucked up.
Angrylittleme [8:59 PM]: my ass and hips hurt
Angrylittleme [9:00 PM]: it had best be a sign theyre growing
Angrylittleme [9:00 PM]: if not, that means either i fell and didnt know it
Makupbag [9:00 PM]: lol
Angrylittleme [9:00 PM]: or i have early osteoperosis.
i speak the truth. im hobbling around like an old lady and when i sit i have to sit veerrrrrryy slowly. it makes me sad. no school tomorrow because of parent teacher shit= time for it to heal lol.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
mario, luigi, princess peach, and yoshi x core.
my english oral is going to ruin my life. viva double frees first thing in the morning!!
impulsively posted at school around 11AM...
CNN brings significantly better news than NBC did at 3AM. so instead of 207-269 its 254-252. sighs. its sad to lose hope but things arent looking to pretty. fuck the midwest i hate you for ruining everything. something is definantely going wrong. this year had the greatest voting turn out ever, most of the new voters voted democratic. if so, why is there such a huge margin between the two candidates? our political system is corrupt. more updates later when im home.
...and now that i am home, im fucking depressed. like really i cant bring myself to do anything except eat milky way bars and watch CNN recount how bush won. its so ubsurd. i hate it so much that after all the effort we put in the past three years to GET BUSH OUT OF OFFICE the midwest ruined the election and when ohio's ballots were STILL BEING COUNTED kerry pulled out because one of his advisors didnt think there was any chance of winning. he let us down because he didnt even try and tough it out till the end. was all the effort worth it? i almost started crying during physics after telling tima about it. i walk into the bathroom and kiri nicolette and libby are bawling. its almost like if someone died. at least thats how it feels like.
cami and i were one of the first people to find out about kerry dropping out because one of the administrators saw it on CNN. and then everyone else found out. to think we were sitting on the computers refreshing and refreshing trying to find more results and then when i get upstairs completely crushed, CNN announced on its webpage kerry's resignation. and he CALLED BUSH UP AND ANNOUNCED IT. fuck you both.
i had a massive headache and i need to finish an english oral. people suck at life. so badly. fuck i cant even think straight. i think that the only people to blame for electing bush are the 'white evangelists' (quotes NBC), hicks (im spiteful what can i say), and all those over patriotic red necks and blue collared mofos. UGH.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
uh somehow my AOL sn got infected with a virus and it spam emailed 300+ emails causing AOL to shut it fown until my dad called them and yelled at them for being stupid. i had to change both my passwords for both AOL accounts and i keep typing my old one which ive had since freaking 5th grade. oy.
...CNN does not bring me good news. bush is ahead over 50 electorial votes and most of the hick states are projected to go bush.
lol. its election day, im being especially pessimistic, what can i do? polls say that bush has a lead over kerry. cross your fingers that bush doesnt get four more years. if so, it would prove that well over 50% of our country is comprised of village idiots, hicks, country bumpkins, hillbillies, and red necks to the max. or just poorly politically aware nuisances.
vitamin water tastes like jell-o before you freeze it. thats why it tastes so good and while it tastes good and has some nurtrients in it, it actually contains more sugar than a can of soda and will probably give everyone cancer in a few years. ever wonder why our school sells us this and exposes us to formaldehyde via fozen rats? because they want to kill us. the end.
Monday, November 01, 2004
tomorrow is election day. its a life or death situation kinda. with bush were allll going down. viva la draft!... among millions of other reasons why kerry, although not the greatest choice for president, should be elected.
ugh. groans. procrastinating makes you feel guilty after a while. then panic and paranoia seeps into your pores. eek i need to do my damn english oral. twitches ensue.
moving on. i had an uneventful day until CAP afterschool. i was feeling sick and tired and i just wanted to go home but i stayed for the meeting. i dunno why, maybe because i was drowsy and irritable, all the talk about bands/songs/lyrics being 'amazing' and 'life changing' sounded like a massive amount of bullshit to me and i had no patience to listen to it. i even told misha to stop bullshitting at one point about how amazing a brand new song was. i guess its just because im not deep enough or im not into self expression through poetry or songs. i keep everything inside because it makes me less vulnerable. i have trouble accepting it when people claim that bands like brand new or lyricists like jesse lacey are so incredible there is a need to praise them like a god of lyrics. well lets all jump on the band wagon and agree, right? im probably being irrational but i really dont give a hoot right now.
maria englightened me as we left, and i told her about how, while i like brand new ALOT, i dont think theyre are the pinnacle of music as we know it (hmm oddly phrased). she then replied that that was exactly how she felt when we talked about fall out boy; she can't indentify it the same we do and it made me think about the way i am.
the scene definantely sucks sometimes. especially the whole FOB halloween incident. yeah ok i suck too.
on a lighter note. laaaaandon mania has swept the nation! at least our classes. its funny arse stuff to pass the time with.