Monday, November 01, 2004

ugh. groans. procrastinating makes you feel guilty after a while. then panic and paranoia seeps into your pores. eek i need to do my damn english oral. twitches ensue.

moving on. i had an uneventful day until CAP afterschool. i was feeling sick and tired and i just wanted to go home but i stayed for the meeting. i dunno why, maybe because i was drowsy and irritable, all the talk about bands/songs/lyrics being 'amazing' and 'life changing' sounded like a massive amount of bullshit to me and i had no patience to listen to it. i even told misha to stop bullshitting at one point about how amazing a brand new song was. i guess its just because im not deep enough or im not into self expression through poetry or songs. i keep everything inside because it makes me less vulnerable. i have trouble accepting it when people claim that bands like brand new or lyricists like jesse lacey are so incredible there is a need to praise them like a god of lyrics. well lets all jump on the band wagon and agree, right? im probably being irrational but i really dont give a hoot right now.

maria englightened me as we left, and i told her about how, while i like brand new ALOT, i dont think theyre are the pinnacle of music as we know it (hmm oddly phrased). she then replied that that was exactly how she felt when we talked about fall out boy; she can't indentify it the same we do and it made me think about the way i am.

the scene definantely sucks sometimes. especially the whole FOB halloween incident. yeah ok i suck too.

on a lighter note. laaaaandon mania has swept the nation! at least our classes. its funny arse stuff to pass the time with.


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