Thursday, April 07, 2005

I had an awesome day after all, and still got some homework done. YES BITCHES.

Went to FUSE with Aisha and her cousin Khalid to see HOT HOT HEAT and MUSE. Equals excitement to its fullest. Got there, found Amanda Heather and Tranette, proceeded to hang around for a while... until Hot Hot Heat walked in and my eyes bulged and I had eye sex with their singer. He winked at me and people saw. I was happy after that. Then Muse came in but I only saw Dom's back. Poop. When Hot Hot Heat came on I flipped. Except their new guitarist kept flirting with theses two BIMBOS in front of us. Bleh. I think Muse made my life a little bit. I saw Dom's back and thought it was Matthew and started squeaking to Aisha 'AHMUSEISINTHEHALL!' It was truly pathetic. After their segment I almost ran after them.

FUSE lies. Never believe them when they say that the artists have left even when you can see that their vans are still there. Yes, bitches, theyre still here. Aisha Khalid and I started walking cuz we wanted to get to The Spirit venue for the LTJ show, and then I had the idea of calling Tranette to ask her to call me if Muse/Hx3 came out. As soon as she picked up she said "Oh..Muse just came out.." and I FREAKED OUT and RAN 3 blocks in about 10 seconds. I really did. All three of them were there but I only got a picture and autograph from their drummer. SO HAPPYMAKING.

We walked from 33rd and 6th to 27th and 5th and then to 27th and 10th. Found the venue, ran in in the middle of HiPV's set (Whoo American Classic!). They were awesome... then we found people, said hi, blah blah. Danced like no other to Allister. Lovelovelove. Riana: "Scotty has an asian fetish." We went Scotty hunting lol. Talked to HiPV Rob and Chris.. Allister Kyle.. it was good times. And Aisha and Amanda went dancing happy during Less Than Jake..

Aisha: Marcy was lovely. Think aboot it.


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