I'm back from Fiji and I'm really oddly jetlagged. Like the time difference was almost a whole day so I'm not falling asleep all over the place... in fact the opposite I'm freaking out with energy.
I haven't gotten the new Harry Potter yet I should've been almost 3 hours into it by now! Argh argh. Therefore I'm reading the fifth one to quench my energy and the such.
Things About Fiji off the top of my head right now:
-I sat next to the guitarist of Stellastarr* on the flight from NYC to LA. Yeah I was stoked. Their singer sat next to my friend behind me. We bonded it was fuuuun..
-Nevu Levu & Nasivi Coso (villages we stayed at).
-Missing iTunes/friends/family/NYC way too much.
-Being completely disgustingly dirty 24/7 [example: dirt on skin mistaken as a tan].
-"Bula!!" to everyone.
-Noelle's self defense tactics.
-Brandon & Momo Fish. I mean Momo Saewa. And his dancing and constant babbling about Club Access.
-Eating bread and butter all the time. So much that the thought of it makes me want to die.
-Constant Flight delays that probably add up to an entire day.
-The Beach & boogeyboarding.
-Really gross staph infection on my arm that could have killed me if I had waited longer to see the doctor. It was nasty. Like pus-filled things all over my arm and shoulder. EW.
-Beautiful weather every day (their winter is our perfect spring day.)
-Getting messed up on Kava (traditional drink people drink to relax.. it's a mild narcotic lol) pretty much every night.. hmm.
-Ryan's dancing when we were in the carrier waiting for the Austrailian rugby team (one of them was really hot.)
-Joesesse the Kava freak who made us the strongest bowl of Kava second to none. And then made us drink it in bowls the size of my head. After four I was on the ground.
-Getting hit on by a creepy Indian guy in Nadi (one of the cities) which ended in Jenny and me running away after he's like "I want to have sex with you." Ahhh
-Our counselors Kelly and John making us believe a girl went missing and cannibalism had only stopped 10 years ago. All lies!
-John was Andrew McMahon's long lost twin.
More to come avec pictureth!
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