Tuesday, January 25, 2005

two tests tomorrow on my two worst subjects is insanity. television makes me happier than anything, score for gilmore girls and -cough- one tree hill. aisha hanky and i all wore FOB shirts unintentionally = low point in our lives lol. i fell asleep during the history movie, and i really tried to stay awake.... but i felt better after everyone else admitted they were out for the majority of the movie too. bleh i need sleep, my contacts even stung wen i put them in.

i saw room raiders afterschool because i was stalling the studying and the guy was such a shit. he kept making a point of pointing out any trace of pro-Bush signs. it killed me. fucking hicks in georgia :P

groans im freezing but soon i will have the velvet goldmine soundtrack on my iPod and i shall know all the words. "babys on fire, gotta throw her in the water..." sing it jonathan rhys meyers! whoo! that really is the best movie ever made.


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