Tuesday, January 04, 2005

long overdue FOB Show Re-cap--

I’ve pretty much written a small book on the Fall Out Boy Double Feature lol, so grab your popcorn, kids. Since Fall Out Boy had been touring for 6 months after the Believers Never Die Tour and had not hit New York City, they made another tour (We Are Not Unique and Beautiful Snowflakes) with Midtown, The Academy, and Gym Class Heroes for the northeast as a sort of Christmas present because they badly rule at life. In the time between tours, FOB was put on the cover of AP, was booked for the whole of Warped Tour 05, Pete released a book, the Saturday video was made, and FOB broke a stage at Warped Tour after 2000+ kids swamped the Volcom Stage. … I really, really missed those boys.

Irving Plaza, 12.26.04:

Tiggs called Aisha at 7AM to tell her she was at the venue, so Aisha called me and woke me up so we could be at Irving before 8:30 and get a spot on line (hah. re: Hey Chris’s lj posts). We made brownies and cupcakes for kicks. There were like 5 kids from Boston already on line next to Tiggs and Nel, all with blankets and stuff because it was fucking 15 degrees outside or something. We kind of just sat around for a bit, took walks around the block, etc. AISHA SOMEHOW GOT ME A DISC OF THE NEW ACCEPTANCE CD FOUR+ MONTHS BEFORE IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE RELEASED. Aisha rules. Then around 9, Tiggs was like ‘Ah! Some band’s unloading around the corner!’ so Aisha dragged me up, and we saw it was Pete, Mike, and Chris. Quite a happy incoherent moment for all of us. Pete came over to say hi to us and it was nice; the little Boston Mest girls freaked out and got pix and stuff. Around 10, Andrew showed up and he hung out with Aisha and me for a few hours and said he was going to interview Pete later on between shows. We made a few trips to Starbucks because we became concerned when we couldn’t feel our fingers anymore, walked around the block, and got random balloons that kept on flying away (“I feel uncomfortable being seen holding a purple balloon.”). lmao the best thing ever was Andrew’s impression of sonny’s (from FFTL) feminine gestures, and Aisha and I cracked up cuz it was true. For a while all we wanted to do was avoid Nel because we didn’t want problems with others/Pete because of her ‘problems’ with really superfluous things that are self-induced. Haha Pete came out for a walk around the line and little girls FREAKED OUT and started screaming and it was amusing. Then Riana and Marisa showed up and we all happily froze together until 1 when doors finally opened. There was a severe lack of testosterone cuz the AM show because it was added after the PM show and mostly people who weren’t smart enough to get tix to the PM early got tix for it = little girls who have crushes on Pete/ little Mest-groupie girls/ parents.

The Academy went on first and was awesome. I can’t wait for their new cd so I can forget about their EP lol. Bill kept on singing and pointing to Marisa because she’s a crazy Academy fan; Beckett is love. It’s really bad that I keep calling people by their last names or nicknames I randomly made for them. Like Lips lol. Anyway so their set was awesome, but I was still shivering from being outside so long. Gym Class was okay I guess, I don’t like rap/hip-hop all that much so I didn’t enjoy it as much as I could’ve. They were pretty entertaining though. Before the show, to keep warm, Andrew and Aisha rapped ‘Taxi Cab’ much to my amusement, so both of them were having a blast lol. Beckett came out at the end of their set to help out with the ‘HELLO-O? IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THEEERE?’ which is probably the only other song of theirs I have any tolerance for. Midtown was up next and they were amazing. A lot of people were either surprised or mad that they were opening for FOB and not vice versa or even co-headlining. I only knew like 3 songs like ‘Give It Up’, which got everyone all pumped up and alive. Gabe of Midtown is a really awesome front man and according to Aisha, looks like Vinnie from the Movielife.

Fall Out Boy went on and did all the staple songs, 3 New Songs (Pete dedicated one of them called ‘Snow Day’ or something to us: “This song is for all the girls up front who were freezing to death this morning outside before the show…” and other stuff but we couldn’t understand him) which all sound amazing and different from their past songs; Yule Shoot Your Eye Out (just a thing I noticed, I remember last November at the LTJ tour, I think probably me and 7 other kids total knew the words to the song, and this year, every single person knew it. Crazy stuff…) The pit wasn’t that rough at all, probably because of the influx of these new fans post-Mest tour who only know 2 songs off purevolume and are in love with Pete. I guess a lot of people noticed also that all of FOB looked sick/sad/mad/exhausted when they were onstage. It was weird because you would look at all of them and they would give like a weak smile every now and then, and usually Pete just naturally radiated energy and enthusiasm, but this time it looked forced. I think the fact that the fact that the environment of the shows has so drastically changed for the worse has made me a bit spiteful. I don’t hate the fact they’re gaining new fans at all, I just hate the idea that these new fans are saturating the environment with artificiality almost… well, It makes sense to me. Anyway, Pete stage dived at the end of their set like always, and after I turned my head to see if the kids caught Pete, I saw Joe’s crotch flying at my face. And we almost dropped him too and I ended up pulling him up by like the thigh lol. I’ve never gotten a FOB guitar pick before, and Pete kept on throwing them at us and our area but Marisa and I were incompetent and couldn’t catch lol. Finally Marisa got a guard to pick a pick up for her and she gave it to me. I love Marisa. The picks are so hot; they’ve got the FOB rocket thing, and on the flipside is the Clandestine logo. Ah and Pete pointed out that Mikey from MCR was in the balcony but we didn’t see him L

We got merch (haha like the Drop It Like It’s Hot t-shirt and FOB poster), and went to McDonalds with Riana. Before the PM show, Andrew and Marisa went to interview Pete as me and Aisha walked around (lol we weren’t stalking Pete at all before the interview, we just happened to be walking near the entrance) and hung out with Riana, Sharon, Tiggs, Lauren, Tranette, Michelle, Nel, and a few random guys one of which was like raping Sharon with hugs lol. We froze for a bit, peed at Barnes and Noble, and got annoyed at Tranette’s friends for pulling her down (no offense lol).

We got in close to 8, sat through Gym Class again, Beckett ran out again to sing the last part. The Academy are really going to blow up, and there’s evidence of that cuz they’re doing all of Warped Tour with FOB and My Chemical Romance. They’re a deserving band. Anyway, Beckett can get away with strutting cuz he’s so damn good at it and he’s sassy in a good way. Midtown was still awesome the second time around. We noticed that at the PM show it was all guys behind us as opposed to little girls with high-pitched voices. Andrew was an old school Midtown fan and towards the end of their set, Gabe was like ‘this is for the awesome kid in the BANE t-shirt who sang along to every single song’ and Aisha and I were like “AH –looks around furiously for Andrew cuz that’s freaking awesome-“ lol.

Fall Out Boy went on after and the crowd was insaaaannnee. Definitely more than the first show. I moved from behind Riana in the front/center to the left or something. lol I don’t remember why but Pete was like ‘I want a clear path to the other side of the venue’ and everyone moved to either side and left a clear pathway. Which he didn’t use anyway. He just said he wanted everyone to go to the other side and everyone just clashed and I was thrown around the front and found myself next to Aisha lol. Woot! Um so during ‘Saturday’ this kind of cute dude next to Aisha and I decided he was going to protect me from crowd surfers or something, and he put his arm around my waist and bashed away crowd surfers and then yanked me back up front. That was some good, good stuff. After the set his hand was still around my waist and I was like uh thank you… and he smiled and then groped my ass. LOL And I freaked out slapped his hand and ran off to find Aisha and whoever else. People suck sometimes lol. But pits are amusing nonetheless.

Post show, found Tiggs and people, Luis Effie and Michelle (whoo!), ate cupcakes, stalked the trailers, sat in Nel’s car, had frozen brownies, said bye to people, etc. And it was still fucking freezing. Then tiggs ran over and said Beckett told her to wait at the other Irving exit if we wanted to see FOB, so we got out of the van and went and hung out there. Until close to 1AM. Because were insane and were counting down the days to see them. And cuz my mom wasn’t home to stop me. And because Aisha’s dad understood that she needed to be there. Joe came out and people got pix with him and we caught him after the swarm of girls. The Patrick came out and it was one of the scariest things ever—he was swamped and the girls were completely crowded around him squeaking and they even back him up into a wall. And if you keep in mind Patrick’s not the tallest person around, you almost lost him. But once Pete came out all the girls leapt off Patrick and lunged at Pete. Since nobody was around Patrick anymore we went over to him and said hi and had a nice little conversation. He said a lot of the songs they played during the June/July tour like ‘Myspace whore’ and whatnot probably didn’t make it to the album, and he talked about how some of the vocals were too loud on the non-acoustic of Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner. I love that boy so much. Gah. Lol I asked Patrick if he wanted Aisha to sit on the plant pot again like last time so he’d look taller and he looked down and was like ‘that doesn’t work anymore...’ lol then Andy popped up with his new glasses and it was fun. Id didn’t recognize him with his hat at first.

Andy (to Aisha): Why do you have two different colored gloves?
Me: She’s colorblind.
Andy (eyes pop): You’re colorblind?
Aisha: haha no I’m not I just have two different colored gloves…
Me: She’s just colorblind that’s all.
Andy (while taking the picture): You’re colorblind?

I compulsively and randomly went up to HeyChris and said ‘I was too intimidated to talk to you before but I figured id do it now.’ And he laughed and looked at me incredulously and was like ‘you’re intimidated by me? HOW?’ lol cuz if you didn’t know him you’d mistaken him for a very gay man. We had a random convo about how kids bought them cake all the time, livejournal, LMAO and stories of Joe as an awkward teenager and how they used to give him wedgies. It was hilarious.

So we said bye and waited for Tiggs and Nel to say hi to Pete (to Nel: “…And you! YOU win the award for Most Improved!” LOL). Nel and Pete have a weird relationship I don’t understand how he tolerates her nonsense half the time. I don’t know why any of us do. I guess you just don’t want to be on her bad side. Aisha gave him the Morrissey autograph which the thanked for on his tour journal and when she asked he burst into a huge smile and started rambling “Did you get my message?! I opened it up in the car and was like AHH! Why the hell am I leaving?! Ah!” and it was fabulous. Freaking fabulous. We did butt pinch version 2.0 (damn you Julie!), twice. It was hilarious and Pete was all for it. Then Dan had to rush them off to Secaucus or wherever else they were staying.

Ah! Can’t wait for the spring tour and their new cd (“From Underneath the Cork Tree”) dropping on May 3rd. I might fall over.

pictures: http://community.webshots.com/album/239799662WcJifo


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