Sunday, August 01, 2004

i had what could be a possible contender for best day ever. kind of.

+amandas 18th bday party: aisha and i took a train to north white plains, met up with tranette, some other guy, and got picked up by melissa (?)
+punchline love. enough sed. (good times, aisha, good times) . DVD chats and dancing steve.
early to go to my great-aunts 80th bday celebration.

-i was late, and had to take a half an hour subway ride and 3 buses to get there, in addition to walking.
+pictures and footage.

i think im getting contacts tomorrow. i dont know if ill like them or not. BLEH.

i talked to my dad about the vancouver thing and he was pretty opposed to it. like wtf? go to vancouver for a band? no way. but he didnt yell at me or lecture me. i hope maybe he'll reconsidor.

punchline has 4 shows in NEW YORK STATE/UPSTATE NEW YORK. what the fuck is that all about??

"say yes say yes say yes"


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