Friday, October 01, 2004

soo school was boring. as usual. history wasnt that bad. im a historys mysteries nerd, i admit it. nothing else happened. really man school is shit. i called FUSE and sed that they were fully booked. hrm. after school aisha and i ran to her house and got $, then went with tima to FUSE to see the used.

we got there around 4:30 and basically did nothing for an hour and a half. ppl who had reservations didnt even get in because some school from long island had booked the entire thing. the kids who came looked like they popped out of a GAP/Pacsun catalogue. i swear half the girls were half dressed. oy. we were all really spiteful towards them cuz they sucked. then the used showed up and bert passed and waved a bert from sesame street doll at us. then brandon, jeph, and quinn came and tiggs started having like heart palpatations lol. "i swear i love quinn allman more than i love fall out boy"- tiggs. i told her to take that back. so we watched thru the window as they did a pre show practice and aisha and ppl made signs like 'bert your real fans are outside!!'. i guess josh got annoyed and stressed (lol and those fucking sunglasses made him cocky) cuz of us so he came out and like yelled at us. aisha tima and i were right in front of him and it wasnt good. a bit later he came out to redeem himself in our eyes but i dont think any of us respect him half as much as we used to. i know its stressful but you dont have to be an ass about it.

riana came earlier and she had these things from capitol records to promote CHINGY. lolol. i hate that man. he should learn how to spell and make good music. anyhow. they were these scratch and sniff if you want to cards and we spent the entire waiting time passing them out to people who were wearing ecko and rocawear lol. it was good times. this one guy was like 'chingys my cousin!' and i was like yeah ok cool support your cousin and give these to ur friends kthx and gave him like 10 of them. thanks to the cards riana and i learned the lingo. and we all leaned back to brush some dirt off our shoulders then holler back. lol. low point was feeling like hobos sitting on the ground putting together chingy promo stuff.

we watched the used do some new song and 'take it away' from the outside and we made up this massive crowd next to the window. it was awesome. cept the mosh pit idea courtesy of tima and aisha didnt work out lol. bert kept interacting with us outside thru the window. at the end of the set (which i apparently missed), brandon threw himself onto the drum set or something and was like lying on the ground as bert jeph and quinn comforted him. aww.

bert came out for a smoke after and so alot of ppl including us got pix with him. lol he almost smoked my sharpie cuz it was in the same hand as his cigarette. tima got a hug and afterwards had a little breakdown cuz she was so mother happy. these things are unhealthy for her (cough lps) lol. i tried to dry her tears with a napkin but instead i poked her eye lol. riana and i went to ther corner so that we could see both exits, but then aisha called me and we saw that jeph had come out. so pictures with jeph ("can u sign the back of this shingy card?" "ohh chingy...nice") and he was lovely. tima and aisha got pix too.. and it was like this wild frenzy of 20 crazy kids swarming. their guitar tech randomly gave tima a pick. quinn came out and between his exit and their manager man urging into the car to catch a plane, he signed autographs and i got a picture with him even tho he was being badly rushed. it was nice. i asked jeph where brandon was and he sed that he probably left already on their other bus cuz they have two. argh.

we left a bit after, but not after getting a picture of this guy who looked EXACTLY LIKE PUNCHLINE STEVE (but taller, had more hair, and braces). it was uncanny how he couldve been his brother. lmao i said loudly to riana 'you only want a picture with him cuz you think hes cute!' as we walked thru them, then we turned around and this girl was snickering about us to the guy. we asked to take his pic cuz he looked like steve and he was like 'yeah cool ok!' *snap* tima yelled 'BYE STEVE!' and it was great.

left and went to a thai restaurant. then veniros to get my dad a cake for his bday. paid for some of it with change lol. this drunk guy who looked like a goth jared from the subway sandwich commercials was staggering on the street and when i passed he staggered into me and i screamed bloody hell and ran off. it was FUCKING SCARY. god. and i walked behind these ditzy groupieish urban outfitterized group of girls in high pitched drama queen voices. 'OMG LAUREN DID YOU SEE BRANDON???' shut up mannnn.

les pictures:


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