Friday, September 10, 2004


you know its bad when you come home every night from your first week of school completely drained and all you want to do is burn your homework, cut off all communication with others, and die on your couch for a little while. suure. i really havent been this glad for friday in so long...

i had double chinese first and second. that was fun. bio then english. i think doyle mustve overdone the painkillers or something cuz she thought our rosebush presentation was fabulous when all we had was a wrongly copied quote, half drawn on dungeon bars, a flourescent pink lock, and bright red mega-roses. ah well, cant complain.

after lunch had double history. all i can say is that ms ehly is a bit boring. she had a sweet little monotone voice and is a bit senile. she forgot to write down the ottoman empire and austria-hungary on the list of pre-WWI powers. we all made desperate attempts to eavesdrop on seifring's class... heard random stuff about the balkens blowing up. it SUCKS to be in the seifring-reject class.

someone up there obviously loves us because all of a sudden we started hearing the fire bell. i thought i was dreaming or a bit delirious cuz the bell by eck/duttis old room is really ineffective. we heard it again and we all popped up and were out the door in 5 seconds. i love fire drills. theyre one of the few highlights of school... there were two shirtless men sunbathing on the mural near where we line us and it wasnt pretty by any means. the first dude was as hairy as a monkey, and the second one was this gangly and dazed old man who randomly popped up on a rock. cracked jokes with ppl. math. i think dariush was on something lol. he kept going 'oh mama!'. it was curious. LMAO THE FUNNIEST THING WAS WHEN MISHA AND JO-AYLA BOTH GOT THE SAME ANSWER ON THEIR NERD CALCULATORS AND SLAPPED HIGH FIVES. aisha and i were almost in tears we were laughing so hard on the way downstairs.

went home, then to marias. she can watch soccer practice from her window. it made me happy lol. lurkerrrrrsss. anyway. she took forever to get dressed and we had this weird shouting match over the slutiness of each one of her tops lol. and random stuff like 'jennie am i a slut? am i a horse?' 'NO NEVER MARIA! NEVER A WHORES OR A SLUT!' good times.

walked down to a cafe to meet up with aisha and tima and go to urban. blehh. went home after that cuz i was exhausted. i went to the supermarket and was on the phone with amy when this GOD walked in and i started STUTTERING lol. that never happens but it did this time and i didnt recover fast enough and it was obvious. lol


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