Tuesday, September 07, 2004

edit: got tickets to see matchbook on daily download on 9/22. fuck yes. more tickets to get:
-TBS (thru sascha hopefully)
-Nintendo Fusion Tour: MCR/Lps/Anberlin/SOTY
-Punchline w/ Mest: MA/LI/NY

day one of T3. shoot me now. so i met up with aisha and nej, and we got to school around 8. hung out, found our lockers, chatted with people, went to room 402-403 and hung out some more before other ppl started arriving. everyone got a haircut and everyone was tan. which is a good thing. another thing was i was pms-ing a bit and being really anti social. like no conversing with any new kids. oy. there are so many new guys and only 2 new girls. its sick. lol once i saw tima i like threw myself at her and engulfed her in the biggest bear hug in recent memory. it was asm=sgi lol. as much as i dreaded coming back to this hell hole i really did miss my friends.

i think like 10 people reminded me how old were getting. were juniors this year. the seniors are probably the lamest seniors ever and the HS is being invaded by the fucking M4s. please die. we had an assembly and when rahda called up duttis class, i raised my hand and mumbled 'ugh i fucking hate that man.' and didnt realize dutti was sitting near me and was looking right at me. i care not. rahda had a huge stick up her ass cuz she sed anyone who takes part in any form of hazing will be expelled. we had a really lame fire drill. i wanted to push dutti into the water.

uh. english with ms doyle. big ass class of like 22 in English H A1. lunch... chinese with a new teacher. whose a MAN. never had a male teacher before and im really going to miss ms liu. helen and claire really didnt handle the news of ms sun leaving the school very well. ughh. math with some new teacher. T3/IB just might kill me. Bio with Dr. K. please shoot me now. wow all of a sudden ive become inarticulate.

i hate when you and someone else just stop talking to each other for no good reason. and you want to be friends again. make sense?


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