Thursday, September 09, 2004

on a scale of one to ten, how much to i want to shoot the scarlet letter? like 30. im kinda half asleep but i just dont see the brilliance of it or anything. ms doyles a fucker and has like 29084902384 things for me to do in addition to reading the fucking book. fuck fuck fuck. and my brother is the biggest shit head in the world. like really he is. because of him my grandmother is a nervous wreck and driving me MAD. i feel suffocated and I NEED SLEEP. and i just remembered that bitch ehly wants me to read 2 chapters on european history. i havent been procrastinating either which is weird.

the IB is exhausting. im in my third day of it and im already coming home half dead and wanting to just finish the job and die already cuz its so BLEH.

fall out boy made some 2005 music list for the rolling stone. aisha, maria, and i went to aishas afterschool and watched parts of two punchline dvds for no reason. weve made maria into a punchline nerd.


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