i think im infatuated with that one person. like, seriously. its getting ridiculous. whenever i see the person it makes my day. completely. who is he? nora, necla, and i know him affectionately as frogger. haha. i was going to see the new russell (weird name there...) crowe movie 'master commander of the world' or something, but my cell was stupid and we didnt. see, thats wat me and my friends do... we take so much joy in mocking these actors we're willing to see their movies the first week its out, we have marathons with their movies, and even support their music ambitions buy purchasing their kick-arse music. [burst into an uncontrolable gigglefit] ok ok im done giggling now.
-music right now: damone 'overchay with me'
-temperature right now: FUCKING FREEZING. my room is so cold! my heat isnt kicking in and my toes are freezing! im afraid im getting frostbite but i wont know it cuz im already out cold. haha get it? cold as in brr and cold as in knocked out? get it? huh? yeh? damn nvm. this would be lovely time to have jasonvena or frogger-me-love canoodle with me to keep me warm. [big hopeful smile]
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