Thursday, March 03, 2005

im hosting a girl named carol from china and i think shes awesome.

the unis un conference is fucking awesome. except for one speaker who kept babbling on about mercury poisoning lmao.

i love morgan spurlock to pieces.

theres a pretty pretty pretty pretty boy there.

maria hit on a boy named ville then texted me "i got me a date" and i snickered and she poked me in the head :(

im honking. how? my voice is pretty much gone. the sorest throat you ever did hear. and i yelled alot today i doubt that helped. i sound like a boy who was castrated before he was thru with puberty.

i was at school till 1:30 AM helping do unis un work and was WIRED today.

eww i missed the neel bagh dance with the pretty eurotrash tearing up the dance floor and my friends playing covers.

le sigh le sigh.


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