Saturday, October 16, 2004

i feel like such a loser writing about rats for my lab report lol. i slept 13 hours today. i cant even express how much that is such good stuff; it made up for the severe lack of sleep i had this week, only have maximum 4 hours per night. oy. i looooove my bed. my room is such a mess and strangely enough, the mess is starting to get to my head. like ill start twitching and impulsively pick up paper and stuff them in my trash can then get out a small box and clear my desk. then ill start rearranging my pens and testing them all out. and when i throw them away i get a satisfaction of cleanliness. its like a natural high lol.

as of now, yankees 4, red sox 4. first inning it was yankees 3, red sox 0. bastards.

this weekend will be ruled by the history internal assessment, bio lab, and unis un article. physics test can wait. as can the english journal.

amy is at her homecoming dance. our school sucks sometimes; we dont get to experience things other schools get to. like football spirit days and what not. we get spirit days when we cheer on teachers playing basketball games. i wonder if anyone else remembers the day mr van kirk wore spandex and killed our virgin eyes.


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