Friday, February 06, 2004

+ 001. name : Jennie
+ 002. nicknames : Jen, Hen, Hennie, cracker, jennifa-flee-fla, J, Jen-Jen, Yennie, Jennifrrrrrr
+ 003. sex : Female
+ 004. birthday : December 16, 1988
+ 005. age : 15...a decade and a half
+ 006. star sign : Sagittarius
+ 007. place of birth : New York, NY
+ 008. current residence : a Big Apple.
+ 009. hair color : black
+ 010. eye color : dark dark dark brown
+ 011. height : 5'4"
+ 012. writing hand : Right

+ 013. do you bite your nails : i used to
+ 014. can you roll your tongue : yea
+ 016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : i look retarded when i try. but after awhile...i think i can
+ 017. can you blow smoke rings: I've never tried.
+ 018. can you blow spit bubbles : yea
+ 019. can you cross your eyes: i tried once and it gave me a massive headache
+ 020. colored hair: no
+ 021. tattoos and where : none
+ 022. piercings and where : none
+ 023. do you make your bed daily : haha no,....ive made my bed like once in my life
+ 024. what goes on first bra or underwear: undies
+ 025. which shoe goes on first: usually right...i dunno why i know that
+ 036. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : yea.
+ 037. how much money is usually in your wallet: zippo
+ 038. what jewelry do you wear 24/7: could hairties count?
+039. what's sexiest on a guy: nice hair, quirky, good personality, tall, not obese. that may sound odd but seriously, would you like to date a blob? wait a they mean clothes? like whats good on a guy.... hmm.
+040. what's sexiest on a girl: good personality i guess
+041. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: be on time...lateness gets to me. and when i rush by the time i get there i look like shiiiiit anyway
+ 042. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it : twirl
+ 043. how many cereals are in your cabinet: like 10
+ 044. what utensils do you use eating pizza: if it's really hot I use a fork and a knife otherwise fingers are the way to go
+ 045. do you cook: i like to think i can.

+ 046. how often do you brush your teeth: Twice a day.
+ 047. how often do you shower/bathe: once a day at night.
+ 048. how long do these showers last: like 20 minutes standing under nice...warmish-hot water...oooooh
+ 049. hair drying method: usually i let it dry naturally...then it gets all wavy and poofy.
+ 050. do you paint your nails: sometimes...rarely
+ 051. do you swear: a little too much
+ 052. do you mumble to yourself : no
+ 053. do you spit in public: no
+ 054. do you pee in the shower : um yea, who hasnt done it? Honestly guys. come on, we all do it and you know it.
+ 055. the cd player : amen! (.....?)
+ 056. person you talk most on the phone with: my cousin
+ 057. what color is your bedroom : white
+ 058. do you use an alarm clock: yes, I have to or ill NEVER GET OUT OF BED
+ 059. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: this is one of my favorite questions...lets say _________. and la musique
+ 060. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : have i! no no..i havent
+ 061. ever sunbathed in the nude: no. notice how pale i am. "pale"
+ 062. window seat or aisle: window ok after a bit, but then i get sleepy and anti social. so aisle seat.
+ 063. what's your sleeping position: i move alot in my sleep...its like back, then stomache, then side, and i wake up somewhere in between.
+ 064. what kind of bed do you like : i love noras bed. i lay on it and doze off in minutes.
+ 065. in hot weather do you use a blanket : no, if I do I just end up kicking off all the blankets
+ 066. do you snore: haha people say I do but I think they lie..maybe when my nose gets stuffed?
+ 067. do you sleepwalk : no but i have a tendency to roll off the bed every now or then or kick. hmm. after we went skiing at frost valley i started randomly kicking when i was half asleep cuz thought i was still skiing.
+ 068 do you talk in your sleep : yes, unfortunately
+ 069. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no they make me sneeze :(
+ 070. how about the light on: I have nightlights. I can't sleep with the lights on and I can't sleep in absolute darkness so that's the happy medium.
+ 071. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: humidifier

+ 072. had sex : never.
+ 073. were kissed or kissed someone: i haaaate these questions
+ 074. watched bambi : yes and i was left bawling.
+ 075. cried : its good wen i dont remember
+ 076. talked on the phone : like 10 mins ago
+ 077. read a book : hier
+ 078. punched someone : in a hostile manner? or just play punch?
+ 079. where do you see yourself ten years from now: out of college and started on my career ... etc etc
+ 080. who are you gonna be married to and where: no idea, something elegant, not in a church
+ 081. how many kids do you want to have : like two
+ 082. your profession : possibly fashion design, journalism, or forensics cuz its really interesting
+ 083. future school: either an Ivy League or some reputable school.

+ 084. who is your best friend : i have several,
+ 085. what friend do you hang out with the most : Noura
+ 086. what friend makes you smile the most: Noura, Jenny, Danielle, Fatima, Haifa, Nej, etc.
+ 087. friend that you fight with the most : Noura haha.
+ 088. one you talk to the most online: i dunno
+ 089. friend that you miss the most: DANIELLE

+ 090. is music important to you : very
+ 091. do you sing? : um...
+ 092. what instruments do you play?: piano and the kazoo.
+ 094. what do you think of Eminem : hes ok.

+ 096. pop music : sometimes
+ 097. rock music : depends on what you consider "rock"
+ 098. punk music : depends on what you considor "punk"...ooh controversial.
+ 099. rap music : No.
+ 100. hip-Hop/RB : No.
+ 101. country : nah
+ 102. jazz : a bit
+ 103. classical : a bit
+ 104. new age: dunno what ud classify 'new age'

+ 105. what is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about: Fall Out Boy.
+ 106. your word : dude


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