Saturday, February 12, 2005

SAT Classes: 2:00-6:15 PM. = 4 hours and 15 minutes of SAT prep. Groans.
I need to figure out how to snap a picture of the Bill Beckett boy for the sake of everyone I've told about him. Bleh become his best friend and then attack lol. I had killer cramps during the first half of the class so during the break I was slick and ran to Duane Reade and back to get myself Midol. Midol is lovelovelove.

I have to get back to working mode. I'm EXHAUSTED.

I randomly bumped into Nadia today on the plaza and I seriously haven't seen her since T2 ended even though she lives in the 10 building. It was a nice little chat.
Nadia: " So. Do you drink?"
Me: Um not really, no.
Nadia: "Do you smoke? Like pot and grass or whatever?"
Me: Mm no.
Nadia: "Have you ever tried? Or want to?"
Me: Hah not really. Maybe in the future. I don't know, I've been busy wouldnt have time anyway haha.
Nadia: "If you ever want to call me... cuz I have all that alcohol and drug stuff and we can do it."

So freaking random but very amusing.


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